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Undivided Daemon Prince


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Undivided Daemon Prince. How does it work? As I recall, transcendence into Princehood is an instantaneous thing, and not gradual. So how do you get four seperate Gods that don't like each other much to "bless" one dude at the same time?
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Except it's not an instantaneous thing. Generally there's some sort of promise or quest to have to fulfill for the privilege (see Storm of Iron and Hunt for Voldorius) and that quest may come in multiple pieces. My supposition is that an Undivided Prince has accomplished several feats to appease all the Chaos gods in turn, and once they're all happy they give up the goods. I imagine mono-God Princes have harder quests, but only have to make one god happy so that's the payoff.
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Glory to Chaos! But surely the Gods have conflicting goals? Would/could a God withdraw his blessings? Say when our champion smashed that temple of knowledge in the name of Khorne, would/could the Big T take back those niffty wings he gave him a few hundred years back?
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I doubt it. I imagine because an Undivided Lord or Champion "worships" them all, then whatever it is they do to earn their blessings also favors them all. If the subject is seen to perform duties of benefit to the entire Warp and not just singular aspects of it, I don't think any of the gods will start pulling strings to "sway" said Prince beyond the scope of their own devices. Why ruin a good thing if you can upjump someone else who's more inclined to follow a mono-Path instead?
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I read a little story about that on this forum.


One champion goes to a world to conquer it. In the process he kills half of the population (khorne). He finds a magic book (tzeentch). The corpeses rot and spread disease and plague trough the remaining people (nurgle).


I only can;t remember how slaanesh fitted in. but maybe that he made an art of the whole thing, and slaaneshi kinda always make an art out of everything.

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Nice! How would a Undivided prince look? A bit of everything I guess. Kinda like multi-classing huh?


On to a more serious question, do you have to actively "worship" Chaos undivided to get princed? Say a Black Legion dude that uses Chaos to his own end, and not "worship" so to speak, what are his chances?


Or is it still like the old edition rules, where if you get enough gifts, you automatically level up to princedom?


How much micro management does the Gods need to do? Do they need to click on the little guy and select "Upgrade to Daemon Prince", so to speak. Or is it an automatic upgrade when the Champion collected enought xp?

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On to a more serious question, do you have to actively "worship" Chaos undivided to get princed? Say a Black Legion dude that uses Chaos to his own end, and not "worship" so to speak, what are his chances?


Or is it still like the old edition rules, where if you get enough gifts, you automatically level up to princedom?


Think its if they find your antics amusing or interesting rather than how much you worship

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As i believe it, it goes idd slow. You have to work years upon years to get the favours of the god(s). They will receive gifts and/or mutations in the process. If then in the end, they didn't turn into a spawn, they are still alive and still in favour of the gods, one can be turned into a daemon prince. During this process, the codex states, that their old body gets replaced by a 'warp' body. And with the warp anything is possible.


GW however made a story with the Daemon Prince sagas, about a Word Bearer dude that got elevated to daemon prince. As far i know he didn't had any mutations before he transcended to Daemon Prince. You can check that on gw's site, under the CSM or Daemon tab articles.

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