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Mercury's Flesh Tearers


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A while ago I made the personal decision to paint a force of Flesh Tearers if GW ever made a transfer sheet for the chapter. This came about as I loved the Flesh Tearers background and colour scheme, but couldn't be asked to hand-paint the chapter icon on every model. I had also painted Brother Claudio from the Space Hulk set in a Flesh Tearers scheme.


Look at the model: 'Beserker' pose, adorned with skull trophies and chains - this guy looks like a savage who has to be restrained when not in battle! For this reason I wanted to paint Claudio as either a Death Company or Flesh Tearers terminator, but settled on the latter as there are no game rules for Death Company terminators. I removed much of the overtly Blood Angels iconography, of course!


The model that started it all:




Forgeworld are now producing Flesh Tearers transfers, which have enabled me to expand my collection:





More to follow!

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@ Fire Lord Captain:

These pictures really show up the little things, don't they!


You are absolutely right though. Truth of the matter is that the three 'clip together' models were assembled and painted quickly, during a night shift on-call at a hospital, and were really only intended as a kind of 'test of concept' to see how well the transfers and colour scheme would work on power-armoured marines. At the time I had huge reservations about the dark helmets (cue Space Balls references), as the eye is naturally drawn towards that area of the miniature and I wasn't sure if black on deep red would look 'right'


I am very happy with the paint scheme and transfers though, and you will notice that as a consequence much more care and attention was paid to the assembly of the multi-part marines!

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