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tips for Chaos vs Blood Angels


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Been reading the enemies 101 section about Blood Angels, but it doesn't really state how to counter them.

And as most players in my club are Blood Angels (1 on 3 ratio) I would like some tips for Chaos vs Blood Angels.


Kind regards



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Either ignore (and prepare to lose a unit or two and maybe an objective) him, focus fire him (most BA players are smart enough to hide him behind units/vehicles though), or tar pit him.


Plasma + high volume of fire (forcing saves) works as with other SM variants.

Kill Sang. Priests off whenever possible, they are annoying.

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Plasma, plasma, plasma. Kill Priests, kill Libbys, kill the Sanguinor, kill Mephiston, kill Astorath, kill Corbulo. Pretty much kill their uber-HQs and HQs-pretending-to-be-Elites as quickly as possible because they're amping the units they're attached to. Throw Berserkers at the Sanguinary Guard and hope you get the charge on them. It will not be a pleasant experience in any event, as they're far more maneuverable than you are, but pouring plasma into them at every opportunity will whittle them down pretty fast.
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In my opinion the way to "counter" BA is sort of like this....


Focus fire Mephiston if you can. If not throw a hidden fist squad at him. He gets lots of attacks and kills stuff easily but what he fails at doing is taking that fist to the chin. try and force him to use as much psych abilities as you can.. Odds are he will perrils and eat a wound for lack of invuln save.


Fast / Outflanking Baal's just keep your daemon prince back or sit a rhino back. If you are playing kill points. Rush your entire army forward and dont give him the option of outflanking. Deploying on one side of the map also gives him a 1/3 chance of not deploying where he needs to.

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If they're running with alot of Jumppack squads, I really think the Defiler is a good option since it will thin them out without letting them get that annoying FnP save that they're going to rely on. Follow this up with standard Chaos troop choices and a few Daemon Princes and you should be able to break them.


I'd be more worried about the armor spam lists with multiple fast Razorbacks, Baals and some other goodies.


Even if you're running 3x3 Termicide and 3x2 Oblits, thats alot of armor to take out in the first few turns.

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I don't know what type of army you like to run, but if you use any kind of sorcerers (Thousand Sons, Your DP, Sorc), you can always try Gift of Chaos. It lets you select a model to make a spawn, so you can select that annoying priest that gives squads with in 6" inches FnP or some other problem character/model. I know its not ideal, but if you have the sorcs, its an idea. You'll probably have to contend with Psychic hoods, but with the MoT, you get two chances to cast it. My Thousand Sons have stood up remarkably well with their 4++ against blood angels CC (at least for me).
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Either ignore (and prepare to lose a unit or two and maybe an objective) him, focus fire him (most BA players are smart enough to hide him behind units/vehicles though), or tar pit him.


Plasma + high volume of fire (forcing saves) works as with other SM variants.

Kill Sang. Priests off whenever possible, they are annoying.



This is it right here. There are two main variants. Those with Chuck Norris, and those without.


If he is using Chuck (Mephiston) and you don't have lots of AP2, just ignore or tarpit him. I agree with Nihm, a lot of people I know who use him become tactically challenged. They start to see him as an I WIN button (which in a lot of cases is true but not always.... I just faced a guy who actually put him out in the cold and said 'go' without deploying anything.)


If he's not using Chuck Norris, you're going to probably face a VERY fast army. Most succesful non- Chuck Norris BA lists are highly mobile, and may include deep striking/flanking. (watch out for flank Baals, they'll roast anything AP3 and worse in cover).


Once locked in, the Priests are priority one. Get your higher initiative dudes into cc with the Priests. Cut them down ASAP as they aren't uber in close combat, so it's worth targeting them to get rid of the Feel No Pain.


Aside from all the speed, Chuck Norris, Feel No Pain, Awesomely cheap blood talon dreads, and Furious Charge, you're just facing another marine army. :)

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Surely lash and Oblits/Vindi/Defiler are a solid combo against Jumper BA?


Slaanesh Terminators to:

i] strike at the same time the FC

ii] strike before them when you charge

iii] strike before them in regular combat


If they are Mech heavy, Oblits and Termicide to DS beside or behind them to get at that weak AV 10-11


Flying Daemon Prince to fight fire with fire.


Fight like Space Wolves.

Let them come to you, whilst pouring fire on them. Then pounce on their weakened numbers.

Raptors, Bikes and Land Raiders to give you an 18+" charge range. They'll have to land within 18" of you sometime, to be able to assault next turn, but they'll land >12" away so you Foot guys cannot assault them. Use your long-assault-range guys to steal the advantage of being able to volley+charge you, plus you could be taking FC off them. Add in some 6"move + 12"RF from your Marines [including DG & TS] for some thinning out.


If you have Berzerkers or Slaanesh Terminators in the Raider, you'll be the one using i5 :huh:


As you'll be fighting defensively, the LasRaider is not such a bad thing, as you'll be peppering him with LC shots from T1.


Make sure you have Rhinos for all your squads that can take them. No sense letting them Heroic Intervention straight into your guys, or using an 18" move+assault move on you. Make sure it is you deciding when the assaults are happening :HQ:

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Use Abaddon, and keep reminding your opponent that those lightning claws gutted his primarch.


I actually like to use Abaddon really. Sure's he's expensive and attracts his fair share of fire when he's in a Land Raider. But he is an HQ that can confortably take on Mephiston or the Sanguinor and win, especially if I give him a small retinue of Berzerkers. Abaddon pretty much laughs at Sanguinary Priests as well.


Plus it's fluffy.

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