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Chaos lord on daemonic steed


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Hello all. I'm fairly new to wh40k and working on building up a fluffy, semi-competitive list of stuff I think is cool (but can also win a battle or two).


I was just kicking around the idea of putting a chaos lord on a daemonic steed of khorne. The thing that spurred me onto this idea is the bad@ss looking khorne juggernaut from the warhammer fantasy game. I figured it would be pretty easy to slap a 40k lord torso onto the model.


Anyways, just wanted to see if anyone has some opinions on whether or not this is viable. I mean, no one wants to spend time and money on things that aren't gonna do jack in a game.

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The Juggernaut Lord from WFB would make an awesome 40k lord with a little work. As to effectiveness, the greatest failing of the Jugger is that the lord can no longer use a transport.If the jugger counted as cavalry this might not be so bad but unfortunately it doesn't. This means he will be reduced to foot slogging it across the board. Yes the +1 to S and A looks pretty tempting but the lack of mobility is a real handy cap.


I hate to disuade you from what could be a truly awesome conversion and these are just my personal thoughts. :D

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The steed that I like the most is the Disc of Tzeench. I like it especially because I can keep a great mobility and the Lord have an invulnerable on the par with Loyalists. In the end, you have a loyalist HQ with +1 A costing only +10 points. However, you can no longer have the Deamonic weap which is sad.
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The steed that I like the most is the Disc of Tzeench. I like it especially because I can keep a great mobility and the Lord have an invulnerable on the par with Loyalists. In the end, you have a loyalist HQ with +1 A costing only +10 points. However, you can no longer have the Deamonic weap which is sad.

I don't see anything in the rules that says you can't have a Disc of Tzeentch and his Daemon Weapon.


One of the bigger problems with Daemonic steeds is the lack of a good supporting unit for them, especially with the Khorne and Slaanesh steeds. The Juggernaut Lord suffers the same problem as any footslogging infantry, while the Slaanesh Lord has to deal with being the only cavalry unit in your entire army. A Palanquin of Nurgle at least allows it's lord to ride in a Land Raider, but the Chaos Land Raider is a fairly underwhelming transport/Heavy Support choice since it lacks PotMS. The Tzeentch Steed at least allows you to match your lord up with some Raptors, although Chaos Raptors are a tad on the weak side it's better than nothing.

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The steed that I like the most is the Disc of Tzeench. I like it especially because I can keep a great mobility and the Lord have an invulnerable on the par with Loyalists. In the end, you have a loyalist HQ with +1 A costing only +10 points. However, you can no longer have the Deamonic weap which is sad.

I don't see anything in the rules that says you can't have a Disc of Tzeentch and his Daemon Weapon.


One of the bigger problems with Daemonic steeds is the lack of a good supporting unit for them, especially with the Khorne and Slaanesh steeds. The Juggernaut Lord suffers the same problem as any footslogging infantry, while the Slaanesh Lord has to deal with being the only cavalry unit in your entire army. A Palanquin of Nurgle at least allows it's lord to ride in a Land Raider, but the Chaos Land Raider is a fairly underwhelming transport/Heavy Support choice since it lacks PotMS. The Tzeentch Steed at least allows you to match your lord up with some Raptors, although Chaos Raptors are a tad on the weak side it's better than nothing.


My bad, I was refering to Undivided deamon weapon. I never considered the Tzeench one. That could be interresting to kill Walkers from a range, and pop transports.

The only advantages of Raptors is that they keep their CCW when buying specials. Combined with 2 specials on 5 men squads, that could make an interresting sweeper unit.

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A slow, big, pricey unit that is specialized to only perform in close combat, what's not to like?


If you're the enemy that is.



Juggerlords are one of those things that look truly monstrous, but do not have the rules to back that up.



If I were you I'd proxy him in a few battles, try him out, maybe you can find new/other uses for him.

It beats having to fork out an arm and a leg, build the kit, paint it, only to find out that it sucks.


My 2 Kraks

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I had the same thought as you, as when I played back in 3rd, I had a lord on a juggernaut who practically wiped out an entire IG army...why wouldn't it work in 5th!?


Bought the fantasy model (yes, it is badass) because I lost my older one somewhere along the line. I played a few games with it and never really even got the chance to get into close combat with it. In one game, my tau friend killed it on the first turn because he could see slightly more than half of it behind my rhino! So for now, he is acting as a daemon prince proxy until I get the new plastic one (my nurgle one needs a buddy)


Conclusion: I wouldn't waste my money on it unless you really really like the model.

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I love the model (I have a converted WFB version), but I agree with all the above assessments. My Juggernaut Lord just can't keep up with the rest of the army, and if there isn't a lot of terrain to mask his movement his time on the table will be short. If you have a foot slogger list then maybe. If your army is all riding around in Rhinos then you're going to be leaving your HQ behind during crucial assaults. A Khorne Chaos Lord, IMO, should get stuck in as quickly as possible and do as much damage as he can before the enemy concentrates fire to eliminate him (because they will, once they realize how easily he can axe through infantry formations).
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