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Tru-Scale Plastic Grey Knight Kitbash Conversion Shazam

Stu Phoenix

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Ok, this was originally intended as a project wherein I'd take pics of my progress throughout the process of making him and then possibly make a tutorial on how I did it. As fate would have it my camera broke and since I only had a short time before going back to college I decided to just blast through it while I still had some spare time, that aside here he is finished and looking fairly badass if I do say so myself. Enjoy!




Here he is standing next to a GK termie with probably what would be my chosen paint scheme if I had enough money to build an army :P


For those interested the parts used to make him were as follows

1 regular space marine head (minus the 3 used before I got it right :P )

1 set terminator legs

1 terminator arm with powerfist

1 terminator are with thunderhammer

1 space marine torso with small skull

1 angelus bolter arm from sangiunary guard

2 regular space marine arms with bolt pistols (for the shoulders only)

2 blank terminator shoulder pads

1 powerpack

1 sprue that had lots of stuff on it like purity seals scrolls etc

1 terminator shoulder shield

I then used this excellent guide by Lamenter (thanks bud) to form the basis of the model after that it was all green stuff and patience :).


for anyone that might want a better look at the Termie (who wouldnt? :))


Thanks for looking, comments very welcome :)

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I think this is a great mini. I'm a fan of true scale minis and it's always nice to see more. The high collar is nice looking and I really like the smooth shoulder pads. The only thing I would have done a little different would be bulking up the waist a little bit but that may just be personal preference. Excellent work.
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