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Who has read first Heretic?

Brother Hadafix

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Just the fortunate souls who went to Games Day UK, the author who penned it, and the horde of Englanders who are buying it right now and teasing us with snippets in the Horus Heresy subforum. :D

Ah, the glory of being English.

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Pffff.... I call shenanigans. Why do they get it first?


If anyone HAS read it, please don't post spoilers.... without warning us. I just ordered my copy and I read the excerpt (which is cool with a cherry on top). It features a nice meeting with the big Emperor himself... (No I don't mean Mephiston) and surprisingly it surrounds a fairly sensitive point in the book IMHO.


I am still giddy for Prospero Burns, but I've always had an immense hate for Word Bearers in the 40K multi-verse.... and although we know how this ends up, I'm hoping someone kicks some Word Bearers square in the parchment. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a huge chaos dude, but I just see the Word Bearers as 'Space Politicians'.... a very manipulative lot who'll kiss your baby if it means your vote.


Everyone blames Horus, but I always reflect back on that moment when one of those dirty Word Bearers steals that ancient chaos blade from that hybrid alien race who actually knew about Chaos. THAT moment is very subtle, but it is a catalyst for a lot of nasty crud. A lot seems to go wrong from that single event. (Can't remember the book). So yea, I blame Word Bearers.... :)

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Spoiler posts without the use of spoiler-tags will see the poster shot, survivors will be shot again. :)

In all seriousness, please be polite and use tags.



The book is on my shelf but, I've got about two books in front of it that I need to devour first.

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Two books in front of it? Are they at least 40K related?


In all honesty, I think I ordered about 4-5 books at once. Three are 40K related. Basically, I read all things Horus Heresy first. So basically I'm opening the box, dumping the contents on the floor, and reading Heretic cover to cover...


Oh crud, I just realized I forgot to order the Nightlord books! Ack! I was going to order them as a pair to read back to back.... instead I got side tracked by something shiny, and totally forgot. Ah well, next time.

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Prot; Its not like the UK really gets much in the way of good stuff first, but in this instance it may have something to with company location.


You will really want to read this one,

it all comes down to the plot (well plots) and plots. A number of questions get answered (kind of) its a matter of faith.


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Prot; Its not like the UK really gets much in the way of good stuff first, but in this instance it may have something to with company location.


You will really want to read this one,



Well I can't read it can I? I'll ruin something I imagine....


I've been good with all the heresy books... no peaking. But this one I did read the excerpt and if these are like all the other novels in the way the story always starts out with brothers in love, in a big lovefest for the big E. Then all the sudden they start to draw lines in the sand and the boss is acting a little weird.....


I'll be racing past that stuff to get to the part the actual excerpt took place in. All I have to say is the Word Bearers are darn lucky Mephiston wasn't around yet, or game over. Heck if he were around for the Heresy and I was the big 'E', I just would have propped Mephiston up against the Gates O' Terra and said, 'Come and get it Horus.'


(Can you tell I've been playing against Mephiston a lot lately? :wub: )


Seriously though... I'm really trying not to spoil it for myself. A friend really screwed up Legion for myself. I still haven't punched him in the thorax for that one yet! ^_^

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Yes I agree, do not rush through the book. Been a fair few bits I had to re-read & re-read again.


Just finish reading first heretic tonight. One of the best Heresy books in my view, can image everthing happen in your mind & just the cool battle scene.


Really temp to start Word Bearer as my next chaos project in 2011, but then there also night lords. Also the current White Dwarf (UK) dose have a article all about Word Bearers :)


Would highly recommend everone to read this. The reignal manger also been recommend this to ever single person.

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The Word bearer army in the last WD is very good looking and looks very intersting. I was also tempted to start one after seeing that. So far I have not read the book but will pick it up at the first chance :tu:
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Really temp to start Word Bearer as my next chaos project in 2011, but then there also night lords. Also the current White Dwarf (UK) dose have a article all about Word Bearers biggrin.gif


This is coming from a fellow Iron Warriors player? What? What the...?


You can't play Word Bearers! These are the used car salesmen of the multi-universe!!!


Nightlords? Sure, heck I've almost pulled the trigger on them a bunch of times.

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The problem with well-written books (and The First Heretic is very well written) is that it always makes me want to rush out and start a new army. (My aborted Dark Angels, Night Lords, Black Legion, Word Bearers and Ultramarines are a testament.)


...It kind of makes me wonder why I play the Fists, as they haven't had anything written (well) about them in a dog's age...ever really. Though in five years or so when the siege of Terra is being played out in the Horus Heresy books...the Fists will still just be the schmucks manning the walls while the White Scars and the Blood Angels hog all the glory.


In all seriousness. The book is excellent. I won't reveal any spoilers, but if I had any one complaint, I think it would be that A D-B had a little too much fun with the editorial permission to adress certain long-time mysteries.


I put it up there with Mechanicum and Horus Rising in the series.

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Really temp to start Word Bearer as my next chaos project in 2011, but then there also night lords. Also the current White Dwarf (UK) dose have a article all about Word Bearers biggrin.gif


This is coming from a fellow Iron Warriors player? What? What the...?


You can't play Word Bearers! These are the used car salesmen of the multi-universe!!!


Nightlords? Sure, heck I've almost pulled the trigger on them a bunch of times.


And this coming from a fellow Iron Warriors player who has just started Imperial Fist or that least painted a few squads in that filthy yellow filth colour :D ^_^ Not point any finger.... *cought*Prot*cought* ;) The shame off it all :lol:


Would really recommend First Heretic to everone. Like I said it one of the top Heresy novels, really a eye open toward the 40k world like the Legion novel for exsample.



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I'm quite looking forward to getting my grubby hands on this here book. Here's to hoping its a more interesting read than the Furious Abyss one which wasn't at all something that impressed me. But from what the general plot appears to be it would seem to be more or less aexactly the kind of book I've been looking for since Fulgrim.
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And this coming from a fellow Iron Warriors player who has just started Imperial Fist or that least painted a few squads in that filthy yellow filth colour sick.gif tongue.gif Not point any finger.... *cought*Prot*cought* msn-wink.gif The shame off it all sick.gif


Would really recommend First Heretic to everone. Like I said it one of the top Heresy novels, really a eye open toward the 40k world like the Legion novel for exsample.




Hahahaha! I was waiting for that. ;)


In all honesty I would LOVE motivation to do a Chaos project. I've fizzled with my IW. And the Red Corsairs, while fun to paint, just don't give me any motivation on the gaming table. The last BIG chaos project I was going to do was Alpha Legion. I bought the shoulder pads, and a ton of new plastics..... then I read 'Legion' and thought.... what the heck? Are these guys Chaos? Or just Imperials that are going to operate outside the boundaries of the Imperium? SO that project died too.


BUT.... guess what appeared in my mail box today?!?!?! In front of me sits a box with 'Path of the Warrior', 'Nemisis' (I forgot about this book), and..... drumroll.... 'The First Heretic'!!! WOoot :tu: :eek :pirate: :eek


I think the tone is already set by an opening quote by Logar. I gotta go read this thing.

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