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Here's a little fluff to start things off:

Chapter: Angels of the Tempus (formerly the Silver Wings chapter)

Gene Seed Origin: Dark Angels (Salamander Genes mixed in after suspected minor taint)

Home World: Aagis (galactic south west)

Chapter Colours: Blood red With bone white shoulders and beige robes

War Chant: "There is no calm before the storm."

Date of Founding: 331.M[Foreign Signal Detected in data base][relocating data and destroying original]00010010101100100010101001010010[Data transfer successful]



Fortress Monastery:

The Angels of the Tempus chapter is stationed on the planet Aagis in the Gothic Sector. This planet, while in it's own is rather unremarkable is home to on of the Adeptus Mechanicus' most revered artifacts. This artifact is the Land's Doom Anti System Laser Defense System, named after the same tech priest who discovered the SCT for the Landraider and the Landspeeder. This massive laser emplacement dates back to before the Dark Age and is revered by the tech priests as one one mankind's most perfect representations of the Omnissia's supreme power. the Angels of the Tempus' fortress monastery encircles the 10 mile wide laser system and is actually made up of ten chapter sized fortress monasteries linked together by a 300 meter tall wall. Each smaller fortress monastery or "Citadel" has the capacity to house 1000 marines, their serfs, their armory and their librarium. Each Citadel is extremely heavily armed to deal with threats to the

Citadel itself and the defense laser.


Chapter Organisation:

The Angels of the Tempus chapter is organised in a very codex way, there are ten companies (without counting the non replenishing 11th company), each has 100 battle brothers (or scouts in the case of the 10th) and each company has its own command structure. However there are some differences, first of all, each company resides in one of the Citadels and maintains it's own armory, librarium and apothecarium and secondly, instead of having chaplains the Angels of the Tempus have Archons.



An Archon is the Angels of the Tempus' equivalent to a chaplain. They maintain the chapter faith, guide battle brothers in their spiritual quests, guide their battle brothers in mastering their martial skills and act as the Keepers of each Citadel. There is one Archon per Citadel and when a battle brother becomes and Archon he inherits the original Archons name, weapons and armor. The names of the original Archons are as follows:

1st Citadel: Hasp

2nd Citadel:Trench

3rd Citadel: Ulcis

4th Citadel: Iril

5th Citadel: Sabor

6th Citadel: Rys

7th Citadel: Mathias

8th Citadel: Helios

9th Citadel: Menoa

10th Citadel: Adeptal


Once a battle brother has been chosen for rebirth as and Archon has brought to the tech priests, tech marines and apothecaries. The process that follows has never been revealed to an outsider but it is safe to say that the battle brother's internal organs are grafted into the armor of the original Archon. This artificer armor was long ago turned into a mechanical suit with bionic muscles and admantium bones and at the armor's core is a shard of the sword that the first chapter master of the Angels of the Tempus used to send Skulltaker back into warp. The repulsion arrays that controlled the swords immense energy field are still active and act as a powerful ward against all manor of objects approaching the armor. The final step in creating the Archon is his wings. These wings are mechanical with vat grown feathers and tissue to mimic life they are then connected to the armors ports and the Archon is ready for battle.

An Archon's job is never finished, even when an Archon fall's is battle he is called upon to serve again, his armor will surge with power and breath new life into his tattered shell and will maintain his life force until he maybe placed within Dreadnought armor so that the Archon Battle armor may be prepared for the next Battle Brother to take his place. Once in Dreadnought armor the former Archon becomes a Fallen Angel and it is his duty to instruct and defend the fledgling Archon in his duties and in battle. The Fallen Angels armor is also passed on from Fallen Angel to Fallen Angel and varies greatly from standard Dreadnought armor, it has many more servo motors for added speed and agility, admatium plating and instead of a fist the Fallen Angel has on, if not two large blades.


Origin of Chapter Name change:

When the Angels of the Tempus were originally founded they were known as the Silver Wings. They fought along side the Dark Angels in many battles and crusades and earned much distinction as a chapter. The chapter was quickly becoming one of the predominant forces in its region of Imperial Space going so far even as to "commission" ten companies of Imperial Guard to fight along side the chapter and bolster its forces. But this prosperity was not to last. Due to the close proximity one of the chapters recruiting worlds to the Maelstorm the chapter was getting an unusually high influx of recruits with psychic proficiency. One fateful day the recruits were been trained deep within one of the chapters large librarium when one lost control of his gift. He was quickly torn apart by the enormous forces that had suddenly appeared in his body. In the tattered remains of his body a warp rift started to form. To the horror of the other recruits and the nearby librarians the warp rift started acting as a vortex, sucking in the chapter's precious scroll and ancient holo-records. For every piece of matter that entered the warp rift a bloodletter spewed from its gaping maw. The recruits were quickly overwhelmed and the armor and weapon less librarians fought valiantly but were either cut down or instantly corrupted as they attempted to seal the rift. The Chief Librarian, Helltok Specor, woke suddenly. He felt the warp rift in the lower floors of the fortress monestary growing larger and knew he had no time to equip himself. He ran out of his room un-armed and un-armored. As he ran down the halls he called out to his brothers, telling them of the danger, most ran to equip themselves but those who had just returned from combat drill swiftly joined him. When he reached to door of the librarium He used his formidable physic power to coat his entire body in a protective layer of hellfire. He knocked open the door and tread slowly into the massive hall, weary of ambushers lurking in the shadows. It took two hours and the lives of three brother marines to reach what was at that point a massive tear in reality. Helltok taped once more into his vast consciousness and closed the rift.

Enrage at the lost of the chapter's most valuable scrolls and holo-records Chapter Master Hector of the Keep declared that the entire chapter (with the exception of the 4th company), the ten imperial guard companies and and Imperial fleet would go on a crusade of vengeance into the maelstorm.


100 years later


Captain Helois of the "Emperor's Shield" sat slouched in on the command bridge waiting for what was obviously the impossible... something interesting to happen. He was about to retire to his chamber when the 3d radar started blinking. He walk over the instrument, annoyed with it's shrill sound and checked the display. He was stunned.


"Open the view port" he cried to one of the integrated servitors on the bridge.


"Opening" It responded in a voice certainly less than human.


"By the Emperor's balls!!, that's a Battle Barge!!!" he screamed with no one to hear him but the servitors, "All personnel to their stations, main weapons online"


~"This is Battle Barge Emperors Hope, is anyone there?"~


As it turned out the battle barge contained the last surviving members of the chapter. There were 25 battle brothers, Chapter Master Hector of the keep and 7 battle brother in stasis, waiting to be blessed with dreadnought armor. These survivors were to small of a force to return to their previous companies and were therefore put into a special 11th company formed of only survivors of the crusade. These veterans are the chapters most powerful fighters. They usually operate in squads of three but in times of dire need they fight as on single unstoppable force. The fourth company had not been waiting idly by. They had rebuilt the chapters forces and all the companies except the first were at least at 50% of operational status.


Information on Hector of the Keep:


Hector of the keep, the chapter of the keep had served the chapter with distinction for 150 years before being promoted to Captain of the first company after single handedly boarding and destroying a traitor battleship. When former chapter master Dimitrius died in the First War for Armageddon Hector succeeded him as the master of the chapter. After returning from the crusade of vengeance that left the chapter decimated the chapters chief librarian, Helltok Specor, realized that the chapter master had developed a psychic gift.



Now for the Army:


The Full Force:



The Librarian:




His Storm Bolter has since been drilled out


Assault Marines:



Sargent's Current arm:



The Rhino:



The Tactical Marines:







So, what do you think?



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Reading your fluff I would change this.

Gene Seed Origin: Dark Angels (Iron Hand Genes mixed in after suspected minor taint)


for the model

Some nice model here. some detail could be fixed on the rihno but in the overall it's good.


Why do you insiste so much on the Archon and don't show us one of them? I want one! NOW!

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