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My first question is this, are Obliterators Terminators? Nowhere in the book does it say they are terminators, but they look like terminators, and they have terminator saves. It never officially lists them as having terminator armor though. So can they teleport in? Can they sweep?


I just finished painting up my first two obliterators and was wondering how others preferred to use them in games. The first option is to deploy them at the start and let them blast away with lascannon and plasma cannon. The second option is to teleport them in (if possible) and use their closer range weapons. This however would limit the amount of shooting they can make.

Since CSM do not have a whole lot of long range stuff option 1 seems best to me.

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My first question is this, are Obliterators Terminators?
No, but they can be.


Nowhere in the book does it say they are terminators, but they look like terminators
This was done to establish a common denominator looks-wise I'm guessing.


So can they teleport in? Can they sweep?
That is clearly stated in the codex.


I just finished painting up my first two obliterators and was wondering how others preferred to use them in games.
Hardly ever deepstrike mine, I prefer to terrain snipe with them instead.


Since CSM do not have a whole lot of long range stuff option 1 seems best to me.
Unless it benefits the mission directly or the destruction of your intended target can cripple your opponent and ruin his plans, then I find that option 1 works best.



My 2 Kraks

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Adding my 3 cents worth.... (but it's Canadian so take it for what it's worth)


The Oblits are not necessarily terminators, BUT I view it like this: Terminators get their bulkiness and saves mostly from their heretic Termie armour. Whereas Oblits get their similar statline from the techno virus which causes severe mutation and results in a twisted individual, empowered by 'warp stuff' and weaponry. Their manipulated bulkiness also results in the toughness factor.


As far as usage they do have the draw back of being similar models within a squad for the purposes of multiwound models. (Meaning you can't allocate wounds, so they can dissapear quicker than let's say Ork Painboy bikers for example.)

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