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Chaos Space Marines 3rd Edition, Second Codex?


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having said that i really think releasing white dwarf legion rules like they did long ago for the even crappier 3rd edition codex would go a long way in keeping interest in chaos marines alive.


I think that too, but what are our chances of that happening........


About the same chances as the Black Library hiring an American to be a line editor. :(

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where do i begin on how awesome the old codex was????


demonic gifts! veteran skills! legion specific army options! real chaos faction demons! demon weapons that didnt suck! customizable possesed! better psykers!


i will admit it was pretty powerful and in quite a few cases over powered. lots of players did create some powerful lists or just copied en masse.


ill admit i ran a few pretty nasty lists.


all infiltrating death guard


emperors children with lots of doom sirens, demonettes on steeds and dreads with sirens


alpha legion with 3 x 20 man cultists with infiltration and furious charge


biker demon bomb list


but now our chaos marine codex is just crappola for the most part. at the very least fluff wise it sucks. iron warriors with no real siege weapons, only special characters are truly like their legion, games worst fast attack choices, having to pay for champions when other marine dex get them free (sw not included), losing your chaos mark when icon bearer dies??? crap psykers. like really? chaos sorcs are supposed to be more powerful than loyalist psykers at least the tzeentch ones for sure and we still done have a way of nullifying psychic powers.


the new dex sucks it needs to be redone. like seriously i have always played chaos and pretty much lost interest in it most of the time cept in apocalypse where i can freely use FW rules and army selections.


space wolves, blood angels, black templar, crimson fists, raven guard, white scars, imperial fists, salamanders all have their own codex or character options to customize their army from the normal codex.


what do we have like that? nothing anymore. anyways my 2 cents /grumble

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i miss nurgle's rot on champions, and vehicles, def my fav piece of wargear to give my champions, even killed a few of my own guys with it (whoops) but who cares, thats chaos.


free champs if your squad was the favoured number, proper daemons, nurglings!, decentish cult termies, no losing a mark for a squad if the icon bearer died, limit of 1 daemon prince, slightly reliable dread's, list goes on.


Sure, some parts of it were overpowered, as many have said, and up until recently i still played with my newer less fun chaos dex, but having now been so bored of having to use the same units to have a decent match up, i've jumped ship to using the sw codex, these guys are better at representing undivided marines then the chaos codex is, which is a sad state of affairs.

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i reckon the plaguemarines, berzerkers and thousand sons are pretty good in this dex but the general codex itself is a bit bland really. We need something like in the pete haines dex but not as overpowered/prone to abuse (daemon princes and oblits should be 0-1 ).


We need more flavour to the list...there is no difference between a night lords army and a word bearers one...just one or 2 little rules, units or whatever would be great (but bolter, bp and ccw is great!).


Icons suck...there...i said it...we should go back to marks of chaos...much better!


my 2 cents...:P

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i reckon the plaguemarines, berzerkers and thousand sons are pretty good in this dex but the general codex itself is a bit bland really. We need something like in the pete haines dex but not as overpowered/prone to abuse (daemon princes and oblits should be 0-1 ).


We need more flavour to the list...there is no difference between a night lords army and a word bearers one...just one or 2 little rules, units or whatever would be great (but bolter, bp and ccw is great!).


Icons suck...there...i said it...we should go back to marks of chaos...much better!


my 2 cents...:lol:


I agree with your assessment, Belisarius. I also think the Defiler improved quite a bit in the most recent Codex. In 3.5, my Defiler just sat in a corner and lobbed cannon blasts. In 4th edition, it scuttles around the battlefield, sometimes firing its battlecannon, sometimes ripping apart a Land Raider (that was a good day...) ;)


If a new Codex comes around, I'd love to see Lords and Sorcerors get options that Daemon Princes don't have to give people more incentive to take them as HQ. Maybe even adding a few more HQ choices that aren't statted as high, but give you a small benefit or allow you to change your force organization around. Sigh. That would be nice... :P


(Begins singing) To dream...the impossible dream....

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i can see why people dont love the chaos dex. it is fr you what the pdf was for the bloodangels. our previous dex was pure :P and looking at the old chaos one i can see quite a few nice toys too. but the problem with a new dex is youll likely go the way of the smurf dex, with such a character has such weapons and abilitys and efects the army list such a way. for instance the night lords will likely get a jumpy character that makes raptors scoring, iron warriors dude probably gives the army tank hunters... etc. oh and abbadon allows any cult troops to be taken...


one thing which would be nice would be cultists, regular ones, in plastic ala dow. and can taakw a vetran marine as a unit upgrade who has asparing sarge weapons and stats. the cutists are basically guard stats, have las or las pistol +ccw. would be trrops and the unit has infiltrait. and his mark probablyshould pass to the unit, he dies they loose it. they can get grenade launcher or plasma pistol for every so many. the bast thing about ths is that it wont just sell to chaos but guard, and those who want chaos guard.i dont see it as game winning, or breaking but would be very nice and fluffy, it could also have a rule like the cmmasar one where he executes a member to restore order.

how would that work, khorn has meat sheilds to get skulls from, plague has its infected to spread its wayswith, tzench needs things to sacrafice fr its own ends, slanesh well... would work well for alpha legion being sneeky and turning the enemy.

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Games workshop is only hurting them selves, of my buds four played chaos armies two of them switched armies and two stoped playing when the last codex came out. I have felt fairly certain that when the next chaos codex comes out my two friends that have been sulking would be back but my confidence in them returning is waning as time goes by. I know there are lots of players just like them to.
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i reckon the plaguemarines, berzerkers and thousand sons are pretty good in this dex but the general codex itself is a bit bland really. We need something like in the pete haines dex but not as overpowered/prone to abuse (daemon princes and oblits should be 0-1 ).


We need more flavour to the list...there is no difference between a night lords army and a word bearers one...just one or 2 little rules, units or whatever would be great (but bolter, bp and ccw is great!).


Icons suck...there...i said it...we should go back to marks of chaos...much better!


my 2 cents...:lol:


Oh the current codex isn't weak (although I might say the 1ksons need a little more work to balance them right AP3 is ncie and all but only helps a lot against MEQ and even then if they are in rhinos or bushes... not so hot...) it is just that it feels like eating cardboard after eating at a really fine restaurant... oh and the internal balance isn't very good.

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