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Word Bearers Dark Apostle


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im trying to make a dark apostle based on marduk from the black library word bearer books before my friends birthday which is in early november. i remember that in dark disciple the warmonger gave marduk his old helmet, i cant remember the description of the helmet, could someone let me know? also what does a dark apostle's crozius look like? im assuming that its not eagle shaped anymore. would it be a chaos 8-pointed star?
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An accursed crozius can pretty much look any way you want it to, since there's no longer rules for it. The one my Dark Apostle had was a spiked skull mace from maximini.eu


The helmet was described as being essentially a skull's face, probably on an older Mk armor helmet. I imagine it doesn't look much different from a Chaplain's helmet except perhaps the skull wasn't entirely human-featured.

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Ummm, I'm not really sure. I don't think the book went into a huge amount of detail. For my dark apostle I picked out a chaplian model i liked and painted him red. I'd use them for inspiration
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Thanks for all the details. I was wondering about marduk’s helmet again. Is the whole helmet shaped like a skull or does it look like a helmet with a skull face?


Dark Disciple described it as ". . .features moulded into the shape of a grimacing skull. An eight-pointed star of Chaos was carved into its forehead, and its sharpened fangs were fixed in a grinning rictus." I would say that's a helmet with a skull face, but not a human skull's face entirely :ph34r: .

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Also on the cover of Dark Creed he is holding a white helmet that I can only guess is Warmongers old helm. Unfortunately it does no coincide with the description given in the book, but at least you get a picture of it.


I have also done a Marduk conversion, but mine is from the last book when he dons the warmongers old terminator armor. So it fits in with my anointed force. I posted pic of him in the WB thread here but still have some converting to do. My crozius isnt a star instead i used the musicians horn from the chaos knights box for it and i need to drill out the head and replace it with a skull helm. I used the Terminator Lord 2 metal model as a base for him

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It's a White Consuls helmet. One of the other book covers had him wearing the Warmonger's helmet, I'm pretty sure.


Negative. He's got his old helmet on the cover of Dark Apostle, and he's bareheaded on the cover of Dark Disciple. The Warmonger's helmet is never shown on any of the three covers.

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