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Space Vikings


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I have a squad of blood claws for this army complete as well, will toss up some pics of them in the morning when i can get a nice group-shot.

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Here's my two crowns:


+Lovely base

+Awesome cloak

+Fur is nice

+The shrunken head looks nifty

+I enjoy that you did something other than eye-burning bright grey for SW's


-His face looks like a Dark Eldar Danny DeVito.

-The Crozius isn't very well shown, and looks frankly unpainted

-The psyber Eagle doesn't have much in the way of contrasting color

-That blue color on the seals and the belt skull are way too vibrant for the rest of the model


Good work.

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It's not supposed to be an eagle, but a raven (as in hugin and munin... Odin's two ravens), hence no contrasting colours ;)

I'm fully aware of the pic being :cussty, I'm getting my lightbox set up ina the next couple of days (early next week) and I'll give off pics showing it as well.

All my Space wolfs are supposed to be very pale, they live and hail from an Ice-death world with 70% of the year covers the planet in snow storms of death, and in the other half they get mild winters and heavy volcano activity... They don't need much pigments to protect them against the sun ;)


I doo feel you on the skull and seal, but I wanted something on the model to pop. I might redo them in bright orange instead (as on my other models) but if I do I'll toss on Ice Blue OSL on his eyes instead.


Not maning to go on any defensive, it's always fun to get comments and critisism; but just wanting to throw it out there that he looks the way he does because I've thought about why ;)

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Some better pics of his fellow bretheren:


(This fella was finished tonight)









Group shot ^^,








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Beautifully painted minis indeed!


As far as the raven goes, I like the idea but the bird's just not the right shape. Ravens aren't quite so bulky (for lack of a better explanation) and don't have hooked beaks and large, powerful talons. Obviously this is the fault of the model, but it just doesn't look anything like a raven to me.





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I'm fully aware of how ravens differentiate from eagles, sadly the model is what it is and thus I did not wanna paint it as an eagle seeing as painting them like ravens will work better with my overall image of the army, trying to make them more like vikings (the way GW SHOULD've made them instead of making them baby blue painted angry punk kids).
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The more I look at these the more I love them, have to say Space Wolves are my second least favourite SM chapter behind smurfs but these are awesome. The muted grey armour looks very realistic and the gore gives the feel of [nearly] homicidal killers. You've managed to make Space Wolves look great, which is the best compliment I can give :)
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While im not to sure on the model by model paint work, What I totally love about these models is how they look at squad level.....

They look freaking epic as a squad, I would love to see these guys as a full army on a table...


Very cool concept.... one of my favorites to date....

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my favorite space wolves models yet. As I've seen the movie Pathfinder the Vikings' that the movie portrayed you've made. I envisioned the same feral looked men of the north were the same ones that came over to Minnesota to create a new colony. I like yours best because they have the death world feel to them, the raw passion for the kill, and the lust of good hunt.


The first one posted has the warlord look with his psyber-raven, and stern looking demeanor you did and awesome job going against the grain and making REAL space vikings! I love it.

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I'm fully aware of how ravens differentiate from eagles, sadly the model is what it is and thus I did not wanna paint it as an eagle seeing as painting them like ravens will work better with my overall image of the army, trying to make them more like vikings (the way GW SHOULD've made them instead of making them baby blue painted angry punk kids).


Just in case it might help you in times to come (and maybe you already know?) but I think one of the fantasy Nurgle lords comes with a Raven or a Crow... I'm not sure on the size so I can't say which :mellow:..



Anyway I am a fan of your darker space wolves (13th company myself so I have darker armour anyway) and you make them look gritty and dark. I think this is a version of a Space Wolves army that fits in with the Grimdark aspect of 40k rather than the Cartoony Space Opera that many space marine armies look they belong in... I must admit some of my space marines belong in the cartoony space opera class... so I'm not having a go at anyone... it is just nice to see a bit more of that Grimdark.

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