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2010 DIY Swap Project Finished Models

Solid Zaku

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Since I can't recall there being one, at Shrike's request, I am creating the Hall of Honor section of the 2010 DIY Swap Project. My completed piece is Brother Cambrius' Brother Sergeant Aelious.





I know, I'm probably as far from GD-worthy as it gets, but I hope Cambrius will like it. If you're wondering, here's my scheme:

1. Basecoat blue with Mordian Blue and silver area with Chainmail. His DIY is described as having a 'tin' color, but his picture seemed to be yellow metallic, so I tried a compromise color.

2. For the blue, a shade of Enchanted Blue, followed by a highlight of Ice Blue.

3. For the metallics...here's how I did it. I watered down some Tin Bitz to almost a wash-like state and tried that on the Chainmail, unfortunately that color is so dark that it didn't change a thing...so, I instead heavily drybrushed it with Tin Bitz and very lightly drybrushed it with Brazen Brass. The gun was done with Chainmail for the base, Mithril Silver for the stuck-out parts, as per his DIY pic, and Dwarf Bronze followed by a highlight of Gold for the housing. The strap was easy enough, just Calthan Brown highlighted with Rotting Flesh for that used leather look.

4. The stripe was your basic Astro Grey/Skull White combo.

5. Misc.; The shoulder trim and right kneepad was done with Gnarloc Green with a Black Ink wash. It seemed to be a REALLY deep Hunter green to me, so that's how I did it. I figured he had his start in the 7th Company, so he has a '7' emblazoned on his knee. The eagle was just step 3 with a Mithril Silver Highlight. The emblem was done with Iyanden Darksun, Chaos Black, Calthan Brown, and Mithril Silver.

The base was done Calthan Brown, Rotting Flesh, Bleached Bone in lowering gradation, using the Basing Sand from the kit that the first sets of Foundation Paints came in.

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  • 1 month later...

And so, after much work and otil. I am proud to announce that Khrangar's Emperor's Word marine is complete. Veteran Sergeant Oratus:




To make the obne coloured amrour, I used a dark flesh base coat, Bleached Bone in three layers on top, before a heavy wash of Gryphonne Sepia and then drybrushing bleached bone over the top. The purple was quite simple to do, using a black basecoat, adding Liche Purple in two thin layers before adding hiughlights and wahsing with Asurmen Blue before readding the highlights once more. Oratus features as well one of my cusotm Cambrius Pattern Helms © to add to the unique flavour to this guy, his chapter's symbol on his power fist.

And finally, a pic showing my all entries in the DIY Swap challenge.


That is all until 2011!


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Vaaish's guy

Veteran Sergeant Ankhamut

A veteran of many wars, Ankhamut is a revered warrior in his ranks of the Nesewdjet-Nedjety as the leader of the Devestator Squad , "Pharaoh's Fist". His squad was single handedly responsible for routing a Tau army by taking out its battle suits with their holy lascannons, Chapter Master Ma'ahkherew saw this and had him elevated to Veteran status, able to serve in his own personal bodyguard or wear the revered Tactical Dreadnought armor. But Ankhamut is most comfortable directing his brother's aim with their heavy weapons.




Edit: i will add some fluff and his name.

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+++ Transmission begins +++


Obvervations of Chapter Master Ryoto - Brother-Sergeant Dario.


Brother-Sergeant Dario was reknowned even during his time as an initiate as being both impetuos and zealous. He has a dark, even malevolent presence and he demands the respect of his equals and subordinates, his fury is everpresent like an unerupted volcano. Indeed he only ever seems truly at home on the battlefield where his rage can be unleashed upon our enemies, though ever under the watchful eye of Chaplain Rahman he has consistently exceeded even our highest expectations.


It is fitting then that Forge Master Varuk has chosen him to trial the new 'CG Pattern' power plant, through Dario we will discover the true benefits to our Brothers of the enhanced temporary energy bursts to our Power Armour suits this experimental power plant affords.


In Nomen Imperator.


+++ Transmission ends +++


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I wasn't sure I'd be able to finish this guy up tonight. The banner took far longer than I'd anticipated. Anyway, here's the mini for 1000heathen's Medusan Knights marine. I hope you like him.



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Thanks, but there are enough flaws in the painting and freehand that I don't think I'd even make finalist with the model. That said, I'm fairly happy with the result. As a quick litmus test, I've gone ahead and stuck him up on Coolminiornot.
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I've sent you a link to the WIP image of the leg that has a closeup. I did indeed make it myself. Unfortunately I tend to work on things like this more as I go than with any actual plans. The general means was to cut out a foot shape in plasticard and then create the central column. after that it's just putting in rod where joints should be and slightly mimicking the bone structure with a thinner hydrolic bit behind the main bone. To finish it out I just add detail bits here and there and the GS for the armored bit.
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