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Warhound Titan


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Hi guys.


I was emptying my camera on the other day and i founded few pics of the warhound titan

i made for my Catachan Jungle Jims. I know this is Power Armor forum, but there was

other titan thread so i guess its ok to post it here. If not enter the Inqvisition.


Well here goes.


I used my old AT-ST star wars toy and few components from Redeemer (big flamers etc.)

and lots of IG autocannons. It was really fun project.




Vulcan Megabolter Close-up (there is like this on the other side too)




Heckstorm flamer



and the operator Mr. Muscle




Sadly i dont own this anymore. I sold it to my friend (with the rest of my IG) when i was broke.

Luckilly i havent face this "Technological Terror" on the gametable... yet :geek:




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Yeesh, an open-topped Titan with only one structure point...you scare me, Bad-Sam.


Wow....so many garbage replies on these message boards...


Back on topic, I love the color scheme. You pulled off a very nice paint job on it. It does look like a giant sentinel.


Nice conversion work :)

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Methinks HunterEste doesn't get the joke...


To kill it for you, super-heavies have structure points that must be removed like wounds before it can be completely destroyed, making them far more durable than a regular vehicle. The Star Wars AT-ST bears striking resemblance (uncanny even, as if the two were birthed from the same twisted mind) to the Sentinel, which is where Zaku draws the comparison.


A sentinel is open-topped, with AV10 all around (and in the fluff open canopies allow pilots to be easily picked off by snipers or lucky shots).


Thus, an open-topped Titan with 1 Structure Point.


Joke killed.




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The joke is dead. Long live the joke!


Thanks for the comments. I just love doing big projects like this

and its really nice to get some feedback.







Big projects? you stuck some assorted peices to a AT-ST.


I don't like it, full marks for trying, but theres something really really annoying about placing the proper model on the table and then someone pulls somthing like this out and goes- heres my version of yours only I spent a fraction of the money and a fraction of the time and effort.


It just screams - I don't give enough of a damn about the game we (you and your opponent) are playing to even respect you by showing up with the proper models.

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Now this is what i like to call a constructive criticism :lol:


Big projects? you stuck some assorted peices to a AT-ST.

and it only took like 5 minutes to paint! Right... :tu:




I don't like it, full marks for trying, but theres something really really annoying about placing the proper model on the table and then someone pulls somthing like this out and goes- heres my version of yours only I spent a fraction of the money and a fraction of the time and effort.

What is "proper model" anyways? This Titan looks more like Catachan Titan than anything Forge World has to offer and that is the main reason for ever making this model, even tho it costs only 15£ or so in eBay. Does the price tag make it proper?




It just screams - I don't give enough of a damn about the game we (you and your opponent) are playing to even respect you by showing up with the proper models.

Yeah i hate this game...







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Big projects? you stuck some assorted peices to a AT-ST. 

I don't like it, full marks for trying, but theres something really really annoying about placing the proper model on the table and then someone pulls somthing like this out and goes- heres my version of yours only I spent a fraction of the money and a fraction of the time and effort. 

It just screams - I don't give enough of a damn about the game we (you and your opponent) are playing to even respect you by showing up with the proper models


While you are entitled to your opinion, BrotherZaah, it is entirely unfounded for you to take such grave offense at what was obviously someone's interpretation of the technological variation in a fantasy world. Furthermore, if one becomes so stuck on the "proper model" then that eliminates the opportunity for many players to express their individual visions of a character or vehicle through conversion which, frankly, is half the fun of modeling. Not to mention that your post was blatantly disrespectful to the OP and everyone who feels that they have a creative right to do as they will with their models. If you cannot even jacket your comment in some kind of constructive criticism, please dont bother as you will only alienate yourself as a player and a modeler.

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I am of the same mindset as BrotherZaah, although hopefully with more tact.


A Warhound Titan, despite being a Scout Titan, still has armor to rival that of a Bane Blade, and with its Void Shields and Structure Points, is still a formidable opponent for most things in the game. Heavily armed, heavily armored, it looks like it could walk through a veritable storm of fire and emerge unscathed.


Your AT-ST I would not equate to anything close to the stat-line of a Warhound, and while I will not deny your use of it, it appears to me more along the lines of a Knight or Paladin "Titan". It appears less robust, more lightly armed and armored, but trading that for increased maneouverability.


A big reason I say this of course too is the weapon mounts. A Warhound Titan's weapons, even by name, are super-sized. Plasma megablaster, Twin-barrelled turbo-laser destructors, Vulcan mega bolter, these are supposed to be colossal army destroying weapons.


You've got two Redeemer cannons stuck together, and two sets of twin-linked Autocannons put together. And also personal preference, you could've put more detail into the actual paint job, given the size of this thing, and that a Titan should be the center-piece of an army. It looks like you've painted it green, painted some basic camo stripes on the main body, and did the metallics, then gave the model an (un)healthy wash of Devlan Mud.




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Now this is what i like to call a constructive criticism <_<



and it only took like 5 minutes to paint! Right... :down:




What is "proper model" anyways? This Titan looks more like Catachan Titan than anything Forge World has to offer and that is the main reason for ever making this model, even tho it costs only 15£ or so in eBay. Does the price tag make it proper?




Yeah i hate this game...






1: you didnt ask for constructive critisism you asked what we thought. I told you what I think.


2: I didnt mention anything about the paint-job which, now you mention it could do with a 3rd colour to truly break up the outline of the model. and also if you're going for full camo idea you might want to hide the giant shiny gun barrels maybe with the camo cloth that sniper hide their gun barrels with.


3: A proper model is, strangely enough, the warhound titan produced by forge world, a subsidiary of games workshop, owner of the IP for such things. given that the price tag is quite high the use of the at-st is forgivable but pretending that a few auto cannons stuck together is a super heavy weapon? :/


4: I didnt say you hated the game, I said that trying to pass off an at-st with a few spare heavy weapons glued to it as a titan, is disrespectful to whomever you're playing with. it.


The only qualification this model has for being a titan is its roughly the same size. but to be honest so is a shoebox.

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I kinda like it, but yeah, it doesn't have look of robustness that a ForgeWorld titan has...


But then again, neither does an Eldar titan, so there...


Anyway, you should check out this thread and make an army to go with it: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...6269&st=240


An Eldar Titan is also much more fragile (in armor) than a Warhound, with only AV12 all around. What makes an Eldar Titan truly frightening is it's Holo-fields.




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While you are entitled to your opinion, BrotherZaah, it is entirely unfounded for you to take such grave offense at what was obviously someone's interpretation of the technological variation in a fantasy world. Furthermore, if one becomes so stuck on the "proper model" then that eliminates the opportunity for many players to express their individual visions of a character or vehicle through conversion which, frankly, is half the fun of modeling. Not to mention that your post was blatantly disrespectful to the OP and everyone who feels that they have a creative right to do as they will with their models. If you cannot even jacket your comment in some kind of constructive criticism, please dont bother as you will only alienate yourself as a player and a modeler.


I'm not taking offense Inquisitor Hayn, forum police. I'm not here to make friends im here to offer thoughts and advice when asked for it and to ask for the same Good or Bad when I require it.


Theres a difference between well done conversions and money saving tactics.


I was unaware that this forum was only for 'oh my god that looks amazing!!!!!111' type back slapping. I thought when someone asked for peoples thoughts they'd expect negative response and be adult enough to accept it. Anyone can do what they want to their models its their hobby but for the reasons stated above i wouldnt be too happy if someone put that down on the table and proceded to tell me that the 'super heavy weapons' on the side had just blown up large parts of my army.


People seen to think that because we enter the realms of super heavys and large sums of money for a model that WYSIWYG goes out of the window. IIRC the apoloclypse books says use what you want, just make sure you have the models for it. Not 'go crazy lads and ladies, coke can rhinos for all!!!'

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Ok kids, calm down, take another sip of your Tang (it's a kick in the glass!), and step back....


This is a hobby, part of this hobby includes being "creative"

Definition of creative (for those of you who seem to have forgotten): "resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing. "


Also....what is part of this forum about...'Converting'

Here's the definition of convert:

"1.to change (something) into a different form or properties; transmute; transform. "


The OP has taken this hobby and displayed both creativity and conversion skills. If you feel threatened by him, you don't need to make it so apparent with the trolling of his thread.


I think the real issue here, some people have a hard time with the concept of this being a fantasy world. To some, this is the only thing they have in their lives and it becomes more than fantasy. Those people who have lost the ability to understand this is a fantasy game, as well as a creative hobby, really need to take a step back and re-evaluate themselves and their priorities in life.


Also, yes this is a forum for constructive criticism, not cynical assumptions and mouth-foaming trolling.


He found a deal on ebay, purchased it, applied his creativity and converted this piece. I'm sorry you feel badly that he spent less money than you.


Remember what the number 1 rule of this whole thing is...to have fun. How do you people have fun when all you can do is belch out bitter, cynical comments? That doesn't seem like you're having any fun.


No one should have to spoon-feed it to you. If a person posts in here and you feel the need to criticize, use constructive criticism. I also understand there are several people in this hobby who lack tact or basic social skills (I've have the misfortune of meeting several of them during my time playing this game, thankfully not everyone is like this). However, please try a little harder. Otherwise, feel free not to post.


Back to the OP, just ignore the trolls. Obviously they feel hurt that you were able to produce this conversion for so little money and make it look good. You've done a good job taking a simple conversion and turning it into a model that fits the scheme of the hobby setting.


From start to finish, how long did it take you to put this piece together? Modelling and Painting time?

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HunterEste. My thoughts exactly. I just didnt bother to write it.


About your question:

Hmmm... Let me think.

Putting together was really proetty straight forward business.

I had planned it quite well and i had plenty IG bitzes lying around so

let say that assembly took like a 2 hours with coffee breaks.


Painting took few hours (Im quite fast painter) and then coated it with shading warnish.

It gives nice, bit worn and dirty, look. Perfect for Jungle Titan.


So i made this in a day. Varnish takes about 8 hours to dry. I watched 2 movies while waiting :sweat:




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HunterEste, do not make the mistake of an ad hominem fallacy. That you do not like our opinions and/or perspectives in no way makes them any less valid than yours, particularly (at least on my part) when none of them is an attack on the OP himself. My opinions of said model were expressed, as well as logical, rational reasoning as to why I have come to the conclusion that I have.


At no point were any attacks or labels leveled at the OP, and if we don't like the model, as a part of the entire concept of this board, we are allowed to post our opinions and our thoughts to share our creative thinking. If our creative thinking doesn't like a model, who are you of all people to say that we aren't allowed to say so, simply on the basis that you don't like our opinion of the model?


If people were not allowed to post critical feedback, every thread on this forum would be meaningless, derivative back-patting where people metaphorically sit in a circle and tell each other how wonderful, splendid people they are, reveling in their individual "greatness", and no one would truly improve or grow.


Point being, if you can't handle an honest opinion that isn't sugar-coated, don't post on this forum.


Trolling indeed.




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Ok kids, calm down, take another sip of your Tang (it's a kick in the glass!), and step back....


This is a hobby, part of this hobby includes being "creative"

Definition of creative (for those of you who seem to have forgotten): "resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing. "


Also....what is part of this forum about...'Converting'

Here's the definition of convert:

"1.to change (something) into a different form or properties; transmute; transform. "


The OP has taken this hobby and displayed both creativity and conversion skills. If you feel threatened by him, you don't need to make it so apparent with the trolling of his thread.


I think the real issue here, some people have a hard time with the concept of this being a fantasy world. To some, this is the only thing they have in their lives and it becomes more than fantasy. Those people who have lost the ability to understand this is a fantasy game, as well as a creative hobby, really need to take a step back and re-evaluate themselves and their priorities in life.


Also, yes this is a forum for constructive criticism, not cynical assumptions and mouth-foaming trolling.


He found a deal on ebay, purchased it, applied his creativity and converted this piece. I'm sorry you feel badly that he spent less money than you.


Remember what the number 1 rule of this whole thing is...to have fun. How do you people have fun when all you can do is belch out bitter, cynical comments? That doesn't seem like you're having any fun.


No one should have to spoon-feed it to you. If a person posts in here and you feel the need to criticize, use constructive criticism. I also understand there are several people in this hobby who lack tact or basic social skills (I've have the misfortune of meeting several of them during my time playing this game, thankfully not everyone is like this). However, please try a little harder. Otherwise, feel free not to post.


Back to the OP, just ignore the trolls. Obviously they feel hurt that you were able to produce this conversion for so little money and make it look good. You've done a good job taking a simple conversion and turning it into a model that fits the scheme of the hobby setting.


From start to finish, how long did it take you to put this piece together? Modelling and Painting time?



Yes he has taken his creativity, and applied it to make a conversion. Your grasp of the english language is correct. Your grasp of my point...isn't.


My point isnt that he spent less money than me, he hasn't, because I don't own a titan.


My point is this: if you're going to make a proxy of a model that already exists, it should at least try to imitate the model its supposed to be, poorly done proxies to represent models leads down a road that basically ends with everyone just using a peice of paper with 'space marine' written on it as a token and then how much fun would we all be having?


Falling back onto 'it's a fantasy world' is just a lazy counter-point of course its a fantasy world. Why dont we just make it simpler and say in our fantasy world everything is made of paper. that'll sort everything out.


As for trolling, a troll is someone who posts attacking the poster not the post. You'll find you're the one who has just entered this debate using thinly veiled insults and handing out labels like they're going out of fashion - 'trolling, cynical, bitter' Apparently because some people don't like the idea of someone presenting us with something that is obviously not the model it's claimed to be, we lack basic social skills and have trouble seperating fantasy from reality?


So stop with the high and mighty attitude, quoting thesaurus' and acting like someone with a differing opinion to yours is a lesser being to be suffered and ignored.


I was going to send this as a PM but I think it needs to go into the public space to stop more people barging in with their assumptions. I truely didnt mean to derail the OP's post, I meant everything I said about the model but I didnt realise that it would lead to personal attacks, for that Bad-Sam, i'm sorry.




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Big projects? you stuck some assorted peices to a AT-ST.

I don't like it, full marks for trying, but theres something really really annoying about placing the proper model on the table and then someone pulls somthing like this out and goes- heres my version of yours only I spent a fraction of the money and a fraction of the time and effort.

It just screams - I don't give enough of a damn about the game we (you and your opponent) are playing to even respect you by showing up with the proper models.

You clearly have never seen the old kit-bashes from GW in White Dwarf 120 that actually called for converting the AT-ST toys of the day into a Scout Titan. They were done by Tony Cotrell (the guy who runs FW). So before you have a go at someone for supposedly "not giving a damn" about the game, it might help for you to know a bit of the history of the game you claim to give a damn about. 40k in its earliest days was all about kit-bashing and subbing off the shelf models for other things.

Now is it a Warhound? Certainly not, but it could easily qualify as a Knight-Titan. Or some other mechanicus construct (which the ones from WD120 originally were). It's never going to be allowed in anything beyond a local game or tournament.

Not taking umbrage with the fact that you don't like the model btw, I too would have liked to see some more converting done beyond some weapon swaps and a aquila plate. I'd also like to see it be way more Mechanicus looking than Guard looking (would rather not have to close the thread if it turned out to be the later). Just saying folks should take some time to look back into the past of this game before they get bent out of shape over something that may not "fit the mold".



Ok history lesson over, let's get back to discussing models please people. Arguing semantics with each other isn't helping the thread.

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I like the general idea of this titan, although I'd probably end up statting it for Apocalypse as some sort of super-sentinel or something. (I feel like there's a superhero or something with that name.) I have no problems with the idea behind the conversion, although I would probably do a bit more with the camo, and hide the gun barrels.


Also, sweet fancy Moses those old Titans are awesome.

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