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Warhound Titan


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Also, sweet fancy Moses those old Titans are awesome.


The legs and probable body under the shell are an A-ST, the shell itself comes from one of the old 'Zoids' toys from the eighties and the cockpit looks to be from a model attack helicopter.

I spent years trying to track down an AT-ST after seeing that photo originally!

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Brother Zaah: were you never taught how to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. We want your point of view, yes, but we also want you to give suggestions on what he could do to improve this, not just insults. BTW If you honestly think you haven't attacked anyone you should look over your comments from a neutral point of view more often or even the other persons. Its not about coddling, its about build competent modelers and gamers and if you ignore that your defeating the purpose of this forum. I'm not attacking you, I promise, I'm just trying to stop this craziness so people can comment on Bad_Sam's model.


Bad_Sam: I love the idea of using the AT-ST for a catachan titan and love the paint job as well. I'm kinda bummed you sold it though you could have added so many details that would have made the model. On conversions based off of popular culture icons I find it's easier if you break up the original outline as much as possible and in this case I think it was generally agreed upon. I agree it is to lightly armed and armored for a warhound but honestly who's to say it is made of a new composite material from mars? Overall I wish I had one. If you make another conversion like this, please feel free to share it. It's refreshing to see simple effective conversions around here.

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Considering some people unashamedly use baked bean cans and empty bases to represent drop pods and carnifexes, the AT-ST titan is a breath of fresh air. Kurgan, you're absolutely right in bringing to our attention at least the spirit of kit bashing, even a precedent for doing so in the local scene. Who is to say indeed that you should try to mimic the model which you are representing, anyway? Frankly I'd rather see a well painted kit bash than some shoddy cardboard template titan.

Let us not forget that warhammer 40k spans a whole galaxy, so if the OP even wanted to proffer an explanation for why his counts-as titan doesn't look just like a FW warhound, he doesn't actually NEED to, thanks to the variations of tech in that most grim and dark of futures.


Like the space wolves by the by. ;)

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Thanks for the comments, both good and bad.

When i made that titan, the only thing on my mind was to make huge sentinel. My former IG army had loads of sentinels, so it was like their big brother or someting.

Skinny or not it was never destroyed on the fields of battle. It's sad i dont have it anymore, but when you need the money you need the money. 15+$ transformed into 200$ is not

bad trade (well i gave my IG:s away too but still).


Im starting a new super heavy project after christmas, but im not gonna spoil the whole secret yet.

But i can give you a hint. It's for my Space Wolves and it's called...




Stay tuned!




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I own two Forgeworld Warhounds. I love the look of your Titan. I don't care if it looks more like a sentinel, it looks amazing and it does a fair enough job of imitating a Warhound to make it a good proxy in my book. Very well done.
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