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A Few Chaos Marines

Michael W

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Amazing the things you can find if you go digging through old bitz. In this case, it was about forty terribly-painted, terribly-modeled marines, in a mix of Chaos and loyalist. Tearing off the greenstuff was a pain, and the models were all assembled with plastic glue, so it's taken a year to really get around to going after them.


But those models included two old Sonic Blasters, two of the new(er) ones, two Blastmasters, an Emperor's Kids lord, and so on. Couldn't just leave that stuff without a decent paint job.


So at long last, I have begun a Chaos Marine force. It won't be finished until sometime after the next Codex comes out, as law school severely limits the speed at which I am moving through the 100+ minis on my "Paint Me Next!" table, but it was a nice break from Green (Salamanders) and White (WHFB Reiklanders). The first squad is nine models done...still have to do heavy weapons, but I am loathe to touch the metal Havocs. Plus, it's hard to justify buying models on my income/schedule. My Salamanders need more Rhinos before I start a new force with actual money.


This first squad is comprised of general Renegades, not marked troops. The army will undoubtedly include those aforementioned sonic weapons, in two Noise Marine squads; at present the plan is that the edging on the armour will be magenta or teal (or both), to mark them as quite different from the regular boys. However, they will keep the basic black/white scheme on the general armour plates.


Oh, and I don't have a particular marking in mind for them, hence why the left shoulderpads are bare. When I come up with it...it'll be a lot of freehanding. But I do the same for Sallies already. Anyway, enough talking, on with the pictures. Sorry for the blur on the first one; couldn't get the camera to focus properly on the Champion. Oh, and yes, drilling bolters is in the plan...when I do it to my Sallies. That's after I paint just one more squad. Comments and feedback always appreciated; I'm early into this army, so if I'm going to make changes, now is the time.






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