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deep in tau territory - a mod-log! (22/10: bolter-drones!)


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Thanx ladz!! :D


he's quickly becoming my fav model!!


Now let's wait for the last bitz to arrive (the guy from a bitz order site forgot to put some bitz in when he sent them, so I'm waiting the second wave...) and then off to work on the attack bikes!

  • 2 weeks later...

quickm update: the last bitz arrived, so I quickly finished the tac squad.


Here are the sgt with combiflamer, the ML guy with new head, and the auspex guy with bionic leg.






Never ever tried something like this before, but as a first try it looks ok. I used the lower leg part of a crisis suit leg. Sorry for the crappy pics, will try to take better shots.


So now all that I have left to do are the attack bikes...:rolleyes:


Paint wise...I primed everything except the guys which had already some paint on them.

I decided to swap the colours on the cap around: now he sports blue armour with brown shoulder pads&leg.

The vehicles will probably have a camo scheme, similar in pattern to the tau ones, using 3 different browns.


C&C welcome!

the knee is a great idea, the more subtle the changes the better imo

lot of criticism for the whole arm replacement thing, I believe that its harsh to insult your ideas just because they not official canon


... however I do agree on pure ascetics, its looks odd - the knee joint looks great, maybe forearms or shoulder pads rather than whole arm?


the Biker is AMAZING simple as.


I would like to see more of these shoulder mounted equipment - looks awesome and a slight Predator vibe [AvP]


2nd tech' marine is still a bit dis-jointed

check out the tiranic War Veterans for ideas for liking stuff

http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...dId=prod1060059 [the leg on the left mini]


I think that with work the fluff could work - think Soul Drinkers, working for the Emperor but hunted by ordo heriticus and use what they can find

or the 13th great company [space Wolves] who use chaos power armour because they lost in the warp ... there are ways to get the fluff to work <_<


I might have just rambled about squat but hopefully there is some useful tips in there somewhere - pm me if Its really unclear, to tired to check it through right now Thank goodness for Safari's spell check ^_^


Great Idea, little bits of work to make it amazing




Thanx for the support ladz!! Really encouraging!


I'm brainstroming on how to do the attack bikes, probalby I'll lose the marine on the sidecar and have a "sidecar drone" with tau weapons to represent the MMs/HB. Not too sure on the bolters, probably will leave the stock ones...


Fluffwise there is no problem IMHO. Don't know how I'll evolve it but the principles are there, as are other examples of inquisitioned yet imperial marines.

You should post a better picture of that guy's modified leg. I like the subtly behind the idea (which is a good things as Fallen Lion suggested). It looks neat from what I can see, I'd just like to see how you did it better, matching the parts and all that.
  • 8 months later...



Hi there!!

So after a loooooooooong hiatus I'm back again. Been 7 months in Australia but now I'm back in my hometown and promptly opened all my beloved boxes.

here are the last memebers of my Tautechmarine force: 3 attack bikes, 2 MM and 1 HB.

Nothing too fancy as "conversions", just some gubbinz and stuff to meld a bit the tau and marine looks and fit them in the army. The monowheeldrone looks good and is far easier to transport too! :)









what do you think ladz??


You should post a better picture of that guy's modified leg. I like the subtly behind the idea (which is a good things as Fallen Lion suggested). It looks neat from what I can see, I'd just like to see how you did it better, matching the parts and all that.


sorry for the very late reply, but i'll take pics asap of that bit. Meanwhile I'll tell you how I did it: I built the marine and attached him to the base, then I cut the leg under the knee and and above the foot...then I took the lower bit of the crisis leg and cut it/filed it until it fit the gap perfectly. Then I added the guitar wires.


hope this helps in the meantime!

Hey dude, I was surprised at the nerd hate on page two, but feel the need to commend you on how you dealt with it.

Now, back on topic, I really like your models (not only because I was working on a similar idea way back). I can't remember if you said it, or someone else suggested it, but the Dornian Heresy Ultras have integrated Tautech, which led me to these weapon conversions...


...as my Tautech project is way, way, way.......way on the back burner I'd thought I'd throw them up in case their something you might like, or may inspire you in someway.

Anyhoo, this is not a thread-jack attempt, so if you'd like the pic removed, justgive the word. Keep it it coming, I'm glad this project has not been abandoned like mine.



to the people beating on u about using tau bit on marines i would first like to point them to




then to say shhh go read it them come back and tell me marines didn't use xenos tech.


if i could find the picture or the mini GW even made an old bekie marine with a eldar shuriken weapon.


and the fluff has been changed in this game that many times since creation it gets annoying its GW's IP they do as they wise jsut the same as these models belong to DET so guess what he can do as he likes to them as well.



now onto the models not to my own personal taste but i like them they have a weird quality to them keep up the good work mate



Hi there!!

So after a loooooooooong hiatus I'm back again. Been 7 months in Australia but now I'm back in my hometown and promptly opened all my beloved boxes.


Welcome back!


I absoloutly Love your Attack Bike, You can simply take away the drone and it's a bike, Add it in and its an Attack bike! DOOT DOOT DOOT!


I second this; that's an intelligent modeling choice, and I like the idea of it. Which gets me thinking: did they find a "volunteer" to get a human brain to merge with the Tau drone technology, or are they so desperate they're actually using AI? Maybe your next project should be the same chapter after they've fallen to renegade status or gone completely to Chaos. That could be fun, having the same chapter in two different versions. Or maybe a penitent version after having returned to the Imperium and purged all this heretical technology.


I love DIY concepts...

Hi all!!


@Grotsmasha: wow, very nice and inspiering conversions you have there...thanks for the input!! I just checked my marines and I'm not too sure but a couple of them could recieve the treatment. The only problem is that the bolters/pistols are already glued to the models but I can certainly get around that. The only thing I'll change is the magazine: if they have pulse weapon tips they'll have some sort of power pack, not the standard bolter clip as ammo.

Thanks again!


drone on attack bikes: thanks ladz! I guess I'm going for the AI explenation, which simply brings me more and more into the "heretical" field. But...these marines will never turn to chaos...they'll just wonder further off into the xenotouched realm.


Yep, painting! Captain recieved an inverted colour scheme with regal blue all over and skorched brown on the shoulder pads. I found that Tau do this sometimes, but I can't remember where I found it so who cares, it'll just be a modelling choice.

At the moment thouhg I must finish a tankbuztaz mob plus their LW...mighty orks! then i'll focus my painting efforts on the marines.

  • 3 weeks later...

This thread died for a reason and it should have stayed that way. I commented on this earlier and I have to re enforce my previous statements. No person in their right mind would every allow this abomination to come anywhere near a gaming table. You should have left your Tau army on the 'back burner' literally and turned up the heat a little its the only thing that could help what is going to become a shameful disregard of perfectly good cannon.

In before "It's his hobby he can do what he likes." Your right it is his hobby he can do what he like but when I have to look at it because he has inspired other God Emperor damned grots that do the same at which point I have to look at it in my local hobby store. Stop, just, just stop, save your self the time and perfectly good money are do something decent with it like painting a real army. Also this violates the rules of B&C ENJOY =D

Dude, if you don't have constructive criticism, pipe down, and grumble in your own hole. BTW, this does not violate the B&C rules, maybe you should take the time to read them.



Hear hear.

It's a perfectly entertaining army.

Also this violates the rules of B&C ENJOY =D



The only thing breaking the rules in this thread is your obnoxious troll posting. Keep it up and you can experience airlock 43 first hand.


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