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deep in tau territory - a mod-log! (22/10: bolter-drones!)


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This thread died for a reason and it should have stayed that way. I commented on this earlier and I have to re enforce my previous statements. No person in their right mind would every allow this abomination to come anywhere near a gaming table. You should have left your Tau army on the 'back burner' literally and turned up the heat a little its the only thing that could help what is going to become a shameful disregard of perfectly good cannon.

In before "It's his hobby he can do what he likes." Your right it is his hobby he can do what he like but when I have to look at it because he has inspired other God Emperor damned grots that do the same at which point I have to look at it in my local hobby store. Stop, just, just stop, save your self the time and perfectly good money are do something decent with it like painting a real army. Also this violates the rules of B&C ENJOY =D


You do realise you chose to look at this topic again?


But enough of that. This army is a really good idea. I mean it is established fluff that marines take bits and pieces from foes to make field repairs if they have to. Tau tech seems like a good bet. I also love your attack bike conversions, very original.

thanks for the positive comments ladz! :D


I know, some bitz -many really- could be blended a bit better, and some could be tauized a bit more, but in the end it will stay like this for the moment. Paint is going to come soon...slowly but soon. Everything axcept for a couple of small bitz is primed and ready to paint but as said previously it'll all have to wait a bit.

This thread died for a reason and it should have stayed that way. I commented on this earlier and I have to re enforce my previous statements. No person in their right mind would every allow this abomination to come anywhere near a gaming table. You should have left your Tau army on the 'back burner' literally and turned up the heat a little its the only thing that could help what is going to become a shameful disregard of perfectly good cannon.

In before "It's his hobby he can do what he likes." Your right it is his hobby he can do what he like but when I have to look at it because he has inspired other God Emperor damned grots that do the same at which point I have to look at it in my local hobby store. Stop, just, just stop, save your self the time and perfectly good money are do something decent with it like painting a real army. Also this violates the rules of B&C ENJOY =D


Seriously? :D


I think the army is looking great and I'd play against it in a heartbeat, keep up the good work!! :)

thanks for the positive comments ladz! :)


I know, some bitz -many really- could be blended a bit better, and some could be tauized a bit more, but in the end it will stay like this for the moment. Paint is going to come soon...slowly but soon. Everything axcept for a couple of small bitz is primed and ready to paint but as said previously it'll all have to wait a bit.


Awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do from here.

Have you ever heard of a little thing called the Dornian Heresy? :P


I like the force, a lot. Paint looks like it needs some work, but as someone who isn't so amazing at painting either, I probably shouldn't be saying that :( Either way, very nice :(

I see this thread got a little haywire again. Honestly, I think some of the models look a little awkward but that doesn't mean they or the idea are bad. Quite the opposite. I love 40K & some of the fluff, but some of it gets a little old honestly. I mean c'mon, since 2nd Ed we've been stuck in about the same timeline w/ anything new being retconned into the old fluff which is a little lame. Personally, I applaud the efforts shown here & I could see Mentor Legion using Tau tech in the field out of necessity. BTW, don't the Ordo Malleus rogue inquisitors use daemon hosts & weapons?


If they can do that then I don't see you couldn't tie a rogue inquisitor to this army of the Ordo Xenos & then the fluff is justifiable even by non Dornian heresy standards.


Good work w/ the models, I'd be happy to play against you.

You people are the reason the hobby is slowly dying....


You have a total of 11 posts in almost a year and 4 of them are in here seething with negativity. We get it, you don't like the concept, why keep coming back? You contribute nothing to this thread or to the site with such responses. You've also already been warned and will not be missed if the mods decide they've had enough of you.

You people are the reason the hobby is slowly dying....


No, people like you who cr*p on other people's creativity is the reason.


If you don't like what you see, comment once and go away. Its that simple.


From what I can tell hes just a kid, let the baby kick his toys out of the pram. We should just ignore the trolls posts, chances are he'll be banned in a bit anyway.


Back on topic, you really need to give these guys a lick of paint! As a Tau/Smurf player I can't wait to see what you'll do with these guys. Have you tried the B&C army painter yet? Or do you already have a colour scheme in mind?

I really want to see your colour scheme I guess would be the main point in my post... :L

"The Bolter & Chainsword is dedicated to the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Inquisition forces of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This means the website is strictly Power Armor only (with a few exceptions for the =][=, Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemons and the News forum)."


First paragraph of the rules post straight out of Kurgans own mouth, it is quite simple to argue that the modifications that has been undertaken on these 'space marines' no longer, under the canon that this website was based on make these abominations 'space marines'. Nor do they fall under Chaos, Inquisition or demons, they are dirty XENOS!


Also I expect URZA to receive a warning for foul language lol, as per the rules "No swearing - the B&C has a series of perfectly good emoticons available to users to show disapproval, anger and so forth and as this is a family friendly board swearing is neither necessary nor wanted. A word filter is in place to catch offensive words/phrases and it should be noted that attempts to avoid the filter by the use of alternate letters/numbers/asterisks/any other means will be deemed a Warning worthy offence as a clear contravention of B&C policy, in addition such posts will be deleted. When a word is filtered you will see the following: <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION>

Should a word/phrase not filtered offend you please report the post in question and the Moderators will consider if they word/phrase should be added to the word filter." That's a shame =D

Mate, calm down! You've already recieved a warning and if you carry on like this you are going to get airlocked! If you don't like it then, for your own sakes, just leave this thread. Noone is forcing you to read it, so if you don't like it, don't read it.

Dude, it was Kurgan who told you this thread does not violate the B&C, if it did, do you really think the Dornian Heresy Ultra's would be exactly what this thread is about.




EDIT: @ Det, It's become clear to me that Battle Brother Adonis may be trying to have your thread nuked due to it going off topic, and I've been facilitating him. I apologize, as that is the last thing I want for your thread. I will cease and desist.


Cheers, and don't stop,


Back on topic, you really need to give these guys a lick of paint! As a Tau/Smurf player I can't wait to see what you'll do with these guys. Have you tried the B&C army painter yet? Or do you already have a colour scheme in mind?

I really want to see your colour scheme I guess would be the main point in my post... :L


Actually It's going to be the one used on the libby...with a touch of orange on the techmarines to make them stand out a bit. Not sure if all the tau parts around the army will be somehow highlighted, will consider though, could be nice.

Nothing too fancy but I wanted them not to be shiny really.


Sooo... what chapter are these guys?


Uhm...actually good question. Never thought of it. They are tecnically a bit on the wrong side at the moment, not sure that the chapter they came from would welcome them back. But apart from this, I guess they come from some kind of techmarine-heavy chapter which served in the Damocles Gulf crusade. which are... :mellow: dunno...I'll check!

"The Bolter & Chainsword is dedicated to the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Inquisition forces of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This means the website is strictly Power Armor only (with a few exceptions for the =][=, Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemons and the News forum)."


First paragraph of the rules post straight out of Kurgans own mouth, it is quite simple to argue that the modifications that has been undertaken on these 'space marines' no longer, under the canon that this website was based on make these abominations 'space marines'. Nor do they fall under Chaos, Inquisition or demons, they are dirty XENOS!


Also I expect URZA to receive a warning for foul language lol, as per the rules "No swearing - the B&C has a series of perfectly good emoticons available to users to show disapproval, anger and so forth and as this is a family friendly board swearing is neither necessary nor wanted. A word filter is in place to catch offensive words/phrases and it should be noted that attempts to avoid the filter by the use of alternate letters/numbers/asterisks/any other means will be deemed a Warning worthy offence as a clear contravention of B&C policy, in addition such posts will be deleted. When a word is filtered you will see the following: <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION>

Should a word/phrase not filtered offend you please report the post in question and the Moderators will consider if they word/phrase should be added to the word filter." That's a shame =D

Yes, and as a moderator, I will tell you right now that you need to clean up your posts or they will be removed as flaming. Kurgan gave you one warning. This is the second.


This army is by and large power armour - adapted power armour, but power armour none the less. It falls well under the purview of the Bolter and Chainsword.


Urza's post didn't have any words the swear filter would catch ( ;) ), though I would recomend the * became an a. You, on the other hand, have used leet-speak in the form of lol. Hypocrisy is also looked down on the forum, and in this case we can enforce it's prevention.


Let's keep this thread polite and on topic.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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