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Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters


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First off, Angron wields a giant Axe, not a sword. Secondly, Angron does not have tusks, those are cables (why a daemon-prince needs I cables I don't know). Thirdly, You forgot the bracer on his right arm. All criticisms aside (albeit they are more nitpicks), the model is a true representation of Khorne's favoured son, 10/10 on the model and paint.
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First off, Angron wields a giant Axe, not a sword. Secondly, Angron does not have tusks, those are cables (why a daemon-prince needs I cables I don't know). Thirdly, You forgot the bracer on his right arm. All criticisms aside (albeit they are more nitpicks), the model is a true representation of Khorne's favoured son, 10/10 on the model and paint.


Angron wielded a sword at Armageddon. His weapon selection is extremely variable, depending on source.

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First off, Angron wields a giant Axe, not a sword. Secondly, Angron does not have tusks, those are cables (why a daemon-prince needs I cables I don't know). Thirdly, You forgot the bracer on his right arm. All criticisms aside (albeit they are more nitpicks), the model is a true representation of Khorne's favoured son, 10/10 on the model and paint.


Angron wielded a sword at Armageddon. His weapon selection is extremely variable, depending on source.

True, but in his specific reference pic, it was an axe.

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First off, Angron wields a giant Axe, not a sword. Secondly, Angron does not have tusks, those are cables (why a daemon-prince needs I cables I don't know). Thirdly, You forgot the bracer on his right arm. All criticisms aside (albeit they are more nitpicks), the model is a true representation of Khorne's favoured son, 10/10 on the model and paint.


Keep in mind the original (and only) Angron figure that GW did for EPIC did wield a sword:



And the cables are great way to represent the psycho-surgical gladiator implants that Angron introduced to his Legion (Angron having had his done already on the world his pod landed on).


Overall a nice piece. The green-inner-glow on the bracer is very good. I think the main points to focus on for next time are removing flash lines (big one right down the center of his leg for example) and working on better disguising where you have joined parts together. His right wrist looks like it was hacked off and just stuck back on. A little green stuff here would hide that join line and make it look like part of the original arm.

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I love the rendition - suitably Angry looking - Angron is a Demon Prince, a variable entity at the best of times. The Epic model of him is teh only MODEL GW have released of Angron. And he is commonly depcted in stories (face off vs Sanguinius at Eternity Gate for example) as wielding a massive rune sword of black iron, as his epic model shows. Its likely that this too is a demon weapon with variable appearance depending on how angry Angron feels ( a lot, too much for mere mortals, or incandescant with rage....)
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Awesome. This is the first time I've seen someone use that ridiculous head for the Daemon Prince and actually make it look intimidating. I guess it helps that you got rid of the stupid bunny ears horns. The metals look great, although I don't like the green glow on his arm. I would've gone with orange or something, but that's just my personal preference.


On the weapon thing. Angron wields whatever the [bleep] he wants. Are you going to tell him he can't use something? Yeah, didn't think so.

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As a primarch, Angron wields a kin of Naginata Chain sword, according to the first 3 books in the Horus Heresy.

That might change when he becomes a full daemon prince.


Kind regards,




We know what he wields when he becomes a Demon Prince, as long as the writers stick to established fluff for the demon Prince Angron from Armageddon and the Eternity Gate - a 12 foot long rune sword made of black iron...

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The model looks pretty good, though I am not sure about having two tabards on like that. From the front it looks good, but from the side angle it looks off floating out in space from the chest. You did a good job on the flesh, decent highlighting, and creative re-arrangement of the armor plates for the legs and shoulders. Other than the flash-lines and the join at the wrist (as mentioned earlier), pretty good job, especially representing the original picture.


Battle for Armageddon is also on the GW site in the White Dwarf PDF archives where you can see both the picture this is based on and the stats (with a sword). As for the cables, most of the 40k deamon princes have cables all over the place, and that picture of Angron looks like he has dreadlocks. Its probably done to make them look more 40k, and less just generic daemon, and something of a hold over from when followers of Khorne (and originally all chaos) could have chaos armor.

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