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Khorne Lord and Blood Angels


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This is the first of two birthday presents I have to finish by November. I managed to get a cheap khorne lord off someone at my local hobbystore. The khorne lord was missing its backpack and arms. I tried giving it two chainaxes but it didn’t look that nice in my opinion. Then I toyed with the idea of him ripping apart a guardsman. This is the result of my attempt.





I know the way the guardsman is being ripped apart is unrealistic (his arm and leg would come off before his body would rip in half) but other than that is there anything you can see that I need to touch up before I give it to my friend? C&C is appreciated.

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A great present lad, I know I'd love to get my hands on one. My only criticisms are: you're beserker looks rather clean....... especially for the fact he's ripping somone apart, the guardsman wouldn't probably be holding his weapons as he would'be dropped them when he was starting to be ripped apart from the pain, and there's just not enogh gore. To sum it all up, it's great as is, but some gore, especially on your berserker, would make the piece truly stick out.
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As a followup piece you could model a berserker without a helmet holding up a guardsman's head and lapping his tongue at the entrails from the neck. See: the movie Tropic Thunder, Ben stiller's character does this to director Damien's head.
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i was planning on making a dark apostle for my other friend's birthday gift but it seems it wont be done in time. so i made this blood angel veteran in place of the dark apostle (he's probably going to get the apostle for his christmas gift instead). and im aware that his power sword isnt done painted. im just going to give it to my friend like this and let him paint it up himself (i would screw it up if i attempted the lightning). C&C is appreciated.





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It looks like the red needs more shading, I can tell there is a bit but It all looks a bit too red. The lower right leg looks like it has about the right amount of shading. try using some more of the asurmen blue wash, that always works great on red cloaks for me, really splash it on!
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@Battle Brother Mecharius: thanks, and for the powersword i just wanted to use the sword from the sanguinary guard, so i just left it like that.


@tyrannosaurus: thanks, i really like the pose as well, ill fix the scroll thing before i give it to my friend.


@novasminis: thanks for the tip, it looks a bit more darker in real life (probably the sun that made it look lighter colored) but ill try putting some asurmen blue on it anyways.

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I like the Khorne marine ripping apart the IG trooper. I'd suggest more entrails and guts. If you ripped somebody like that you'd see all kinds of ropey material coming out.

Speaking from personal experience, are we?

Although yes, I agree, there should be stuff pouring out all over Mr. Happy Berserker.

As for the Blood Angel, the sword does look a little awkwardly posed, perhaps if you changed the hand a little with some greenstuff to make it look like he's twirling it around in order to smite a foul xeno witch or something?

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@Lord Ragnarok: thanks, i dont know if i'll have enough time to make guts, but ill see if i have time later tonight to make some crude gs intestines.


@The Normish: thanks, ill try playing around with re-posing the blood angel's hand (i have a bit more time to work on this one).

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