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What makes us special again?


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Between the Noise Marines/Blastmaster and Terminators/Reaper, I think the biggest difference is the goal of the squad.


If you're looking for a backfield objective camper, NM's win.

If you're looking for a mobile long range anti-tank unit, Terminators win.

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Well, I used to like our fluff too..but personally I prefered the really old stuff (IA, Liber Chaotica, Realms of Chaos, old codices, "Into the maelstrom", ermh..not sure how old Storm of Iron and Lord of the Night are) and I cant help myself but dislike the more recent fluff, including more recent BL publications. We are all tragic heroes now who have been degraded to space pirates and warbands yarr..... and we are 85 % Marines, 14 % pirates and 1% Chaos and even at that we suck *stares at the page of Huron*. Since we see chaos either as a tool or are completely enslaved by it we dont really have any reason to wage war anymore except for resources and entertainment... Unlike before when we were the Archenemy, millenia old monsters with the aid of mind-boggling lovecraftian entities threatening to destroy civilization.

In my oppinion most of our really cool models come from FW and so dont count. I think our range could need some updating into plastic (metal raptors, metal plague marines, metal oblits and those ridiculously expensive metal upgrade kits).

Concerning the codex...well..dead horse but not being a tournie-player I feel sad that the IW feel like Alphas or Word Bearers because some options are bad even in casual games.

I mean Im still prefering the CSM to any other army out there (at least in theory) but I feel sorta stupid in doing so, mostly if I consider the fact that we wont get ANY updates soon and even then the current trend will probably continue. :( Thus I was/am wondering if there is hope or how the other players handle the situation.

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Thus I was/am wondering if there is hope or how the other players handle the situation.


I just remind myself that I'd rather play Chaos and be semi-unique then hop on whatever bandwagon is going through town or be yet another Loyalist Marine player of some version.

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If you're like me, someone who just can't bring himself to field any of the four different cult troops, then you're decidedly less special than a lot of very unspecial things. Like the rest of the known world I'm not really in love with the new Codex either, it just feels like a very limited choice Codex from where I am sitting with all my inabilities to gel all of the options in the list into something I'd play.


Well if I could get away with not actually fielding Khornate Berzerks and whatnae but instead just field my own converted and decidedly non-God-marked models I could perhaps be persuaded. But that'd feel a bit dirty.

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I have a blood angels army and dark eldar on advanced order. Chaos is boring. The units that make them unique are either terrible, or not interesting. Lash+oblits was never fun to play, and sure isn't now after 200+ games. A bunch of CC or shortrange squads in rhinos isn't as good as new loyalists doing the same stuff. Every game seems to just be rhino wars with the winner being whoever gets luckier with their AV. Boring. My chaos is just sitting it out until a new codex.
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I have a blood angels army and dark eldar on advanced order. Chaos is boring. The units that make them unique are either terrible, or not interesting. Lash+oblits was never fun to play, and sure isn't now after 200+ games. A bunch of CC or shortrange squads in rhinos isn't as good as new loyalists doing the same stuff. Every game seems to just be rhino wars with the winner being whoever gets luckier with their AV. Boring. My chaos is just sitting it out until a new codex.


This is more or less my position, however because of Chaos I burnt out on marines completely just after buying my Blood Angels list (which was to be an updated version of my first 40k army from back in 3rd ed). Now I'm working on Orks and soon Dark Eldar as painting counterpoint.


I came back to 40k after a break, just after the current 'dex was released. I've tried to embrace the codex - the switching of slots for Dreads and Oblits is logical to me and basic CSM's having Bolters and BP/CCW is fantastic but the new codex has left me feeling cold towards the army. The fluff is incredibly poor, the art is recycled and the potential for list variety is diminished. Uncharacterful choices are now commonplace with "counts as" to try and cover up for the lack effectiveness. I like the creativity that "counts as" can bvring but this codex does not encourage creativity.


Whilst the old Codex could be abused - so too can this one. Nothing has changed in that regard. 2 x Lash Princes, 'zerker. Plague Marines, Oblits to flavour - it is boring. Yet if you field other units you place yourself at a disadvantage (my experiences with the Possessed and Bikers come to mind).


My one point of irritation is the system that was "too complex" for the Chaos 'dex - of upgrading characters in characterful ways to represent their background is now back (in part) in the Space Wolves 'dex with Saga's (looks on jealously at the Space Wolf codex :o :) :P ).


As soon as I have a viable Ork force painted up, my Black Legion are going to the shelf pending a new codex. At least I still have the Index Astartes series and the Heresy novels to read.

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I have a blood angels army and dark eldar on advanced order. Chaos is boring. The units that make them unique are either terrible, or not interesting. Lash+oblits was never fun to play, and sure isn't now after 200+ games. A bunch of CC or shortrange squads in rhinos isn't as good as new loyalists doing the same stuff. Every game seems to just be rhino wars with the winner being whoever gets luckier with their AV. Boring. My chaos is just sitting it out until a new codex.


That is the point man.


I have been playing Chaos since 2nd edition. Each new codex have been simplified and now we have nothing. All the things that make chaos unique, the cosmology, deamons, sorcery, ... is :P.


Sepaking about competitivity we are not bad at all. Oblis+Abaddon+plagues/berserkers+slash make a good list. This last weekend we had in Spain the TNT, the biggest w40k tournament and most chaos players used those troops and had quite good results.


I think our codex have three main problemsn:

- Few troops are good so all the tournament lists are more or less the same. No posibilities in playing different styles.


- The fluff is useless. I played the TNT with my Thounsad Sons army and Space wolves or other marines had by far better psichic powers and psichic defense. :o That is :ermm:.

Our demons are :P. Our special warmachine, the defiler, is useless. Our dreads :cuss. Almost everything in the codex is :cuss. So we can deal with that and use :cussty options like me with pure Tzeentch or Slaanesh armies or make de the chaos-combo and play the same list that all the other people.


- Finally we have not anything special. All the marines chapters have something: special troops, tanks, whatever. We have nothing. Well, wrong, we have some options that are :cuss.


So, as soon as my IG is painted as well as my eldars and dark eldars, I will store my two chaos armies in the selves and hope some one compentent make us a better codex for the next time.

And I don´t want an overpowered codex, i want a codex which allow me play chaos forces, Chaos Gods followers.

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the pessimist in me is a little afraid that chaos marines will be the next dark eldar. waiting 10 years for a new codex because sales of models and books are low enough that GW interprets it as not much interest in the army and not worth the investment in redoing plus not really knowing which direction to take the army now that we lost most everything that makes us unique. at least we have quite a few really nice looking plastic kits and would not require a complete re-boot like DE but i really would not be surprised to see codex space marines get a new book before us. heres hoping im dead wrong.
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Beginning of 5ed (This is good stuff and unique to chaos)


Classic CSM

Lesser Demons (playables)


Plagues Marines

Noise Marines (playables)




After IG :


Classic CSM

Lesser Demons (playables)


Plagues Marines

Noise Marines

Defilers (starting to be difficult)



After SW:


Classic CSM

Lesser Demons


Plagues Marines

Defilers (starting to be difficult)



After BA:


Berzerkers (charges less often, damage output lessened priests

Plagues Marines (FNP is now more a BA thing)

Defilers (Definitly out with DoA - Melta)



What's really left of the good unique stuff



Appart from that, DP, cult troops and oblits are still unique in their design.

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After BA:


Berzerkers (charges less often, damage output lessened priests

Plagues Marines (FNP is now more a BA thing)

Defilers (Definitly out with DoA - Melta)



What's really left of the good unique stuff



After Dark Eldar,



Killed by lots of High I attacks.



Nerfed because of Night Field and vehicle speed/manouverability.


Time for a new Dex?

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After Dark Eldar,



Killed by lots of High I attacks.



Nerfed because of Night Field and vehicle speed/manouverability.


Time for a new Dex?


You make me sad; you are the destroyer of worlds. :D

Sigged for self-aggrandising goodness :D

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Although I've been pretty positive all the time about our chances to win if we really want to win; I must admit that our only really good build left lacks more and more... More codices ussually means more possible things to adapt our list too (not the same as codex creep mind you; codex creep is a largely a myth), only we cant adept for ****.

The good thing is; the more and more codices gets released the more right we have to complain! Because we'll soon have a relatively old codex too, besides having a boring codex haha.



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