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Catulan Reavers


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Hey, I've decided to base my Black Legion warband off Ekkadon and the Catulan Reavers. I was just wondering if anyone had any details on Ekkadon, e.g rank etc. I know a little bit from the times he was mentioned in Horus rising etc, but can't remember alot.


Also, I was going to buy the loyalist assault squad models for this, but i heard rumours they were releasing new plastic raptors and havocs in the next few months. Has anyone heard anything similar, or are these just wives-tales?

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I have read Horus Rising but sadly I doin´t remember anything special at all about them. So I can´t help you there.


About the rumors, this is the first time I hear about them so I can´t give you any information about that. But I can only say that it is about time that GW will give us those as we need them really much.

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