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Hatebrood Cult (Chaos Space Marines)

Lord Mordred

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First post here on B&C, this also happens to be my first original army painted. Not even near the finest work but I excuse myself due the anxiety to see it done!

Starting a 1500 points project of Chaos Marines, never actually played and not grasping many rules yet, so I beg your pardon if something looks "irregular" to experienced players.


Here we go:

Hatebrood Cult is moderately modded using options from Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, Chaos Tank Accessories, Chaos Space Marines, a lonely poor Space Marine from the Assault on Black Reach kit and a twin-bolter from Dark Angels Conversion Kit. Also used W40k Basing for the slates. Special technique on the Chaos Lord's cape to make it look more.. uh.. regal? ;)


Hope you enjoy it, can't wait for your comments





I kinda screwed up and let some glue into the helmet, so I put a pike and broke the horn to make it look like he'd lost it on an battle and uses it as another trophy!



Chainmail was drilled hole by hole. Also added another horn



Love this heavy weapon, added the gargoyle head to it and a barrel



not very happy on how the rotting head ended up, may return to paint table that one



Another guy with battle broken horn, middle was drilled a bit and added a chip to the other one. small detail but fits it okay



Irazi here carries a Chaos Icon on his back but it's there more to keep in fashion with every unit carrying a trophy



Love the spike Mohawk. added some weird colors to the horns, 'cause, let's be honest, we have no idea what kind of animals/demons/things were beaten to death for these horns, so the more exotic the better.






Another Queer-horned-Marine (heh)



That weapon was a pain to get right... still needs some finishing I think...



I didn't really wanted a Nurgle-related folks, due all the horns and pointy sticks, but the icon with the 3 skulls and the skeleton was glorious, so I added some horns to the icon and the lowest bit of a Khorne icon on the lower half of the pole. I intend to game it was a Chaos Icon and hope no one bites my thumbs off because of this!

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Nice models and paint scheme only the models are kinda messie painted.

hehe yeah, I got great ideas but not the most steady hand to finish them :devil:

Ya know the drill:

a) anxious to see them done

<_< I think I'll hurry and jsut drybrush

c) oh crap I think I've ruined it

d) oh no no passable error

e) Yeah no one will notice it

f) Move on

g) rinse and repeat


Thanks for the comments B)

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