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Corbulo's The Far-Seeing Eye rule


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Yet again.. not often does the reroll survive that long. And sometimes another roll can be just as important like a critical armor save, or vehicle damage roll, etc..

But if none of those happens, this use is as good as any!


Key rule is really: How big is the chance I do succeed, and what is the impact. End of game can be very important because it can mean you win or tie if the game ends, or doesn't end, a specific turn.


But if you only need a 3+ to wreck an important vehicle, or your librarian does a crappy roll for an important power, or you HQ fails his 4+ invulnerable save against an instant death attack, are all important too.


Most I hear it being used, is saving Mephiston from bad dice. He is a beast! but if you plan to use fleet to assault and only roll a 1 while you need a 2+ or 3+ to get into assault range or stay out in the open plains in firing range of enemy shooting.. that is as important a reroll as the last rolloff!

My opinion really is, Mephiston is a beast.. but Corbulo makes him a monster!

That's a good point Deus, and I've never really know the official way of deciding on who rolls for game the end, at my local shop it's never been a big deal who rolls for it. I suppose that if you had a roll off to see who rolls the dice and you won then it would be legal to use Corbulo's all seeing eye to reroll the game end dice.
Yeah that has always been my opinion on the end of the game dice roll, is that it is not necessarily your dice roll so it might not be allowed. If it is as your opponent I would very strongly want to roll that dice myself, to deny the reroll (which I see leading to arguments, in some cases, what if both players have Corbulo?) The way I play if I am winning a always offer the dice roll to my opponent (especially if going on is advantageous for him/her).

By RAW, if your opponent rolls the die to end the game, you can't reroll it. If you roll the die to end the game, you can.


But there is no rule to say who gets to roll the die, so don't count on being able to use this ability.

Which again to me would lead to arguments. If you have Corbulo and you need the game to either go on (or end) I would at least as to dice off for the right to roll the ending dice. At which point there is only a 50-50 chance of getting to use your reroll and if the game ends you lose it.
And yet, that 50/50 is still only a re-roll, not an auto-succeed (depending on if you want the game to end or not). I usually offer opponent to roll for it anyway - imagine the facepalm if you use it to get another turn and then a vital unit dies because you've used your re-roll and fail that invulnerable save or whatever!
You can argue about anything under the sun. Its always best to take the high road. When I field Corbulo my philosophy is use it when you've got it. There can be a key role at any point in the game. I will say if you plan to use Corbulo to gimp your army he certainly will. The reroll is just icing on the cake to me.
  • 2 weeks later...
By RAW, if your opponent rolls the die to end the game, you can't reroll it. If you roll the die to end the game, you can.


But there is no rule to say who gets to roll the die, so don't count on being able to use this ability.



Sorry to thread rez this, but its a sticky point for me.


James hit the nail on the head.


It was NOT FAQed officially by GW, only by the INAT FAQ (and listed as RAW to boot ^_^ - which is even more nonsense).


The rules say "a player rolls for the end of the game".

Corbs rule clearly says we can reroll a dice we roll.

Therefore by RAW James has it spot on.


The issue of contention comes in when no player is specifically told to roll for the end of the game.



Lets take this situation without corbs.


We get two players, both equally superstitious, both who want to roll for the end of the turn.

What then?

Player A says, no the rule says I can roll for the end, while player B says "no the rule says a player can roll for the end".


What then? Does the 40k universe implode??!

This is identical to the corbs situation.


In the end it is beneficial for your opponent to not let you reroll. Therefore he will want to roll. Since you both want to roll, and this is not covered in the rules per se, then you revert to "the most important rule" and rock a d6.


Really. Is. That. Simple.

But can you reroll that d6? Lol



Hahha :lol: possibly - but defeats the purpose :P


In our store we get someone standing around to roll the end of game dice


We usually get an impartial person too - unless I need it to end. I roll my Bolter and Chainsword "dice of 2s". :)

Wise but fair man vs Corbulo BA

-1. roll to see who gets to roll for end of game.

-2. successful player rolls for end of game

if said player is Corbulo BA player

-3. dispute on rule roll

if successful for BA

-4. Corbulo's re-roll.


That's up to 4 rolls by fairness & RAW.


Not exactly simple and it weakens Corbulo's Eye rule.


Personally, I don't think the eye should work for game-end as that's a game roll, not an army roll.


I'll also add that BO is most correct. Use it as soon as sensible, really. Any situation where it saves/kills/enables around 60 points divided by success odds is around the break-even point. The sooner you use it, the more turns those points affect, generally the greater the overall benefit.


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