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The Gods have driven me crazy (costume/cosplay)


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In a small unknown country in Europe called Belgium, there is a guy.

When this person was born, they went to his mother and said: Ma'am, you're son is going to be very crazy. And man, was this an understatement.

This boy grew up, and started turning when ge got his first Star Wars videos.

A few years later, his life turned for the worst when he started World of Warcraft.

After personaly finding that WoW was beginning to lack a good story line, he search for something else. This something turned out to be Warhammer 40K.

Not only did he discide to be the only Chaos player in his gaming club, he was even insane enough to have evry Chaos Legion in his army and build a big Black Crusade.


Now this little country hosts a grand convention of games, movies, science fiction and anime. A lott of people come and dress up to show how much they like the movie - game - anime...

The guy was pretty disappointed that Warhammer 40K was so unknown in his country. There had never been a costumed person representing warhammer on the convention, and that was when his insanity really began to show.

The guy worked about one and a half month on his copslay. Trying to make it as good as possible without getting any help from anyone, but at the same time, not spending much money.

This had the side effect that the guy was unhappy about the result, but his friends loved it (probably because they didn't know warhammer that well) and so did the convention.

After getting pm's on B&C to post his pictures, he discided to do it, even though he is still not happy about the work, and is going to make a version 2.


Here are the pictures:








So in short: I'm not too happy about the results, I needed to start much earlier, and needed to do some things better.

Even though, I promissed to post the pictures, even if it was a bad result.

So yes, you can C&C but i already know it's bad :)

Thanks for those on B&C who supported me and gave tips.

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I think it´s very good. Not many put that much time into some thing like a cosplay costume. Ofc you could make it a little bit better, for me it lacks some depth and mass. But otherwise very intersting.


A question, when you do the new one, will you make in another legions colours?

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It's not so bad... I mean considering the time and materials you had. Most of the issue is in the lack of bulk (mentioned above) but the fact you managed to make a helmet with the Khorne 'bunny ears' is pretty impressive. I couldn't do that.


I wouldn't have the brass ones to wear that costume so Kudos to you. However, my wife keeps asking me to these lame company BBQ's... I think I'd wear it to her company BBQ! Then maybe she'd stop asking me to go.... especially if I started yelling "Skulls for the Skull throne!!!" at her boss.


Anyway, I was going to say for an amateur costume it's pretty good. There are some guys that did home made Black Templar outfits and they were surprisingly good . Maybe this will give you inspiration, or you could contact these guys?



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As others have said I think the main issue is the bulk of the armour... However I still think it looks good apart from being a bit skinny! Certainly with more time and maybe some more resources you could make a fantastic costume. I think the Helmet is one of the most important parts and you have got that right! I guess with the bulk of the suit the problem is designing it in such a way that you can get in it and walk around!
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I did, and got a lot of them, but as i mention, time and money. These guys worked more then a year on it, while i did a month and a half, and they used lots and lots of money. (They said it themself)

But as i mentioned above, now I will take my time with it. Doing evrything in one and half month and going/working for school is pretty hard.

Also, thoseguys learned how to work with the materials, this is the first time I ever worked with them, or welded iron bars.

Secondly they have a van to transport their stuff, while all i have is the train to get to the convention.


I'm not justifing that it lacks on a lot of places, I know. My mistake was making evrything sepretly. First the torso, then the pants, and so on. This showed in the proportions, and lack of bulkiness. I'm a fairly skinny guy myself, but still wanted to be mobile enough to get on my knees for the act, and not pushing people to the ground.

The convention is known for its fanatic people who like cosplay, but are unfriendly enough to not let them pass when they are walking around, making it very difficult for people with an armor on like me to move around. That's why most costumed people on the convention don't dress up big. (It's a bad habbit of the people there, I know)

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i think its great dude. even if its not proportional. its more of a cartoon comic strip look. im also sure there were a lot worst costumes running around lol.


i dunno what kind of ideas you have but man i though about making a a marine helmet with the electronic parts from one of the voice altering toy masks. the batman, optimus prime, iron man or storm trooper ones would work well if you mounted it in.


just an idea i thought id share since ill probably never make one myself hehe

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for a first shot it is cool. i think the lack of the back pack dosentquite help. maby if you could so a back pack for you first part of the new design, beaing possible to store stuf in it would be awsome, and maby working on a bolt pistol so you get to know the materials. but my kudo anyway, keep it up!
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