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Chaos Techmarines?


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Okay, simple one. We all know that Iron Warriors love their mech and have the Warsmith, but surely the other Legions do as well, perhaps as high as a Master of the Forge equivalent, perhaps just a few regular Techmarines to keep things running, or does Chaos either rely on daemonic possession or the Dark Mechanicus for this stuff?
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In Soul Hunter the 10th Co of the NL still have their Techmarine.


Do you mean the guy who wakes up the dread? Isn't he a tech priest or is another one a techmarine... or maybe I'm wrong and he is a tech marine... my memory isn't what it used to be...



Anyway... you do have techpriests around or people who might fufill the same kind of roles... Such as Warsmiths for the Iron Warriors... who I always imagine might be able to do something other than crush skulls with their servo-arm... I'm sure you also have marines who were tech-priests who are still around and maybe new guys who can do the same stuff but never had the relationship with the cult of mars and so are not actually tech-priests.


Some tech priests might have joined the Dark Mechanicum as well and a few have become Oblits by the sounds of things... but I would certainly say you have people within the legions that know how to keep things running although some warbands may not.

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besides the complex cybernetics of dreads id assume that after centuries of living a tank operator and his gunners learn to fix their own stuff. also i know there are still tech priests as said before and servitors of course that can be programmed to do lots of things. id like to believe that the chaos marines realized that all of the stupid machine god prayers meant jack squat when turning wrenchs and changing the oil on the engine and found out that it wasnt some mystical force that made mechanical things work. besides the deamon engine stuff of course.
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