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How To. . .


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Hey everyone. I have an idea for a chapter that has fallen to Chaos, but I need a way to make the main character to be marked by Slaanesh without knowing/realizing/understanding how.


You see, the Chapter Master will, over the course of a century or two, convert most of the chapter to the worship of Khorne while maintaining an outward appearance of loyalty to the Imperium until the rest of the chapter has turned. The Captain of the 4th Company will discover this and lead the 4th and the 6th companies against the traitors. The Imperium will catch word of the civil war and proceed to attack loyalists and rebels with no distinction. The Captain will hunt down and kill the Chapter Master before the traitors disappear into the Warp, but only with the aid of some Daemonettes the Slaanesh has sent to help.


Now, slaanesh wants to capture the Captain's soul for reasons as yet undreamt of, and I want him to bear the Mark of Slaanesh while searching the galaxy for some way to escape service of the Prince of Excess.


So, how can I place him in Service of the Dark Prince?

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but I need a way to make the main character to be marked by Slaanesh without knowing/realizing/understanding how.

to get a mark you have to give up your soul and you become linked to your patron , how is it possible to not know ? how are you going to explain that.

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Pride's always a good hook.

Revenge is also a great motivator for a fall, since the line between righteous vengeance against the wicked and an insane quest for base revenge is far too easily crossed.


Bringing the loyal down to the lowest, most desperate position possible also works pretty well for making them fall. Nurgle likes going after people who are slowly and painfully dying from poison/disease, Khorne targets people losing an important battle, Tzeentch goes after someone at a point of despair he probably manipulated them into in the first place, etc.

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but I need a way to make the main character to be marked by Slaanesh without knowing/realizing/understanding how.

to get a mark you have to give up your soul and you become linked to your patron , how is it possible to not know ? how are you going to explain that.


Oh I don't know about that. I mean Fulgrim certainly seemed an unwilling participant in the book Fulgrim. SPOILER:



That painting he talks to that has basically possessed him? That's insane stuff right there.



I think if you're crazy enough (Lucius) or in enough denial (Fulgrim or a host of his captains), you can pull it off.


I wrote a short story where my buddy Huron convinces a rather arrogant Ultramarine he doesn't need to be held back by the Ultra's. His desiderate for the kill and quest for perfection lead him somewhere he can't turn back from. Do these people see signs of what is to come? Maybe, but the lure is so strong, not even Astartes are immune to it.

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@ the jeske: I don't need him to not know per se, but not realizing what he's doing when selling his soul might work.


On a (sort of) related note, how does one actually sell his soul to a Chaos God? I mean, if he's a psyker he might have the equivalent of a hotline to Slaanesh, but if you're not, how do you go about it?

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Rituals, heavy narcotics, deep meditation, or staring into the Warp long enough are usually good methods of getting something's attention.

Of course, staring unprotected into the Warp has a very high chance of reducing the person doing so a gibbering wreck or just killing them outright before you happen to catch a Daemon's attention. Then again, Chaos doesn't have much use for the weak, and being able to survive and remain more-or-less sane while looking into the Warp is a pretty impressive show of force.

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Okay, just had a brainwave via my brother. Would it be possible for his chapter (after they realise that he will not join in their worship) to try and sell his soul to Slaanesh, without his consent. This could lead to Slaanesh hanging over the Captain until his showdown with the Chapter Master, when he realises that he cannot beat the blood-drunk Chapter Master without the aid of the Dark Prince.



Personally, I reckon that could make a killer battle scene.

So, would that work?

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Hey everyone. I have an idea for a chapter that has fallen to Chaos, but I need a way to make the main character to be marked by Slaanesh without knowing/realizing/understanding how.


You see, the Chapter Master will, over the course of a century or two, convert most of the chapter to the worship of Khorne while maintaining an outward appearance of loyalty to the Imperium until the rest of the chapter has turned.

Why would a person marked by Slaanesh convert their chapter to worship of Khorne?

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Are you stealing the plot from dawn of war 2 chaos rising by any chance?

Chapter loyal to the imperium on the surface, check.

Fallen chapter master(who is also a psyker incidentally), check.

Loyal 2 companies against him, check.

Rejoice, Brothers! Your slavery to the false Emperor ends today! Check.


Not trying to be critical, but the plot does seem a bit similar to me. :P

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@randian: The Chapter Master converts the Chapter to Khorne. Slaanesh marks the Captain of the 4th Company. Hopefully that clears it up.


@Xeonic: I've never actually played Dawn of War 2, however much i would have liked to. Pure coincedence. However, the two loyal companies won't return to the Imperium; instead, their remnants will be what make up my Chaos Space Marine warband.

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Have you read BnC's Dornian Heresy? In there alternate fluff they have the White Scars fall to slannesh, they use greed and pride to make Khan fall. He wears a pair of ornate bracers that are not battle worthy and slannesh talks to him through those. So something similar to that could work for you.
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@Xeonic: I've never actually played Dawn of War 2, however much i would have liked to. Pure coincedence. However, the two loyal companies won't return to the Imperium; instead, their remnants will be what make up my Chaos Space Marine warband.
It's on sale on steam for the weekend for $20 for the base game+ expansion. *hint*

Well worth $20 easily. :)

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@fallenbourne; No, I've glanced at it a few times, but haven't read it thoroughly. Sounds like a good idea though. Thanks!


@Xeonic; Might have to buy that, seeing as it's only $20. Is it similar to any of the original Dawn of War games?

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