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[Artwork] It's that time of the year


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Greetings, been a while. Mostly I've done some work for various publishers of games and books (Fantasy Flight Games amongst others) but I also moved between countries in August and we are just now beginning to settle in proper.


Here is a little piece to remind you of the season coming (that of snivels and flu's)




Benares didn't know when he had succumbed to the plague, all he knew was that he wished to spread it,,,



Personal piece, Wh40k fanart.



Photoshop CS

Wacom Intuos4

Belgian Beers and Belgian foods


Plague Marines, Nurgle and Warhammer 40k are all Intellectual Property of Games Workshop.

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Good golly! What a splendidly rendered portrayal of Nurgle's Finest!

One thing though: the text on his frontal plate is growing green in places. This is probably due to the reflection of light (you have that in some other places on your piece as well), but it looks a little strange on the text.

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Now that is one cool plague marine.


Death to the...the...*ATSHUUU!!!"... The False Emperor!






That is some truly gorgeous artwork, even if the subject matter is Nurgley and creepy. Love it!! ;)

nothing but the finest disease to show off some nurglish stuff


Disgusting plague marine, he looks just like I feel at the moment! I really love the eyes and flesh, very nice work indeed!


Belgian Beers and Belgian foods


Get better!


Outstanding! For some reason, I love the greenish glow of the letters and the shoulderpad symbol the best...



That's beautiful (in terms of quality), but so grotesque I can't bring myself to look at it for long.


Amazing work, dude.

made you look :P


That's really impressive. An awesome piece of work. The style reminds me of Adrian Smith.

I like Adrian, he's q nice guy and i like his recent stuff a lot. Thank you!


It is amazing how fully you capture even the the most minute details (such as the wrinkles of the flesh and cracks in the armor) and make the image seem so lifelike. Congratulations on a fine work of artistry.



i really need to get that nurgle army...one day..


great artwork mate!

I won't hold you back :)


Good golly! What a splendidly rendered portrayal of Nurgle's Finest!

One thing though: the text on his frontal plate is growing green in places. This is probably due to the reflection of light (you have that in some other places on your piece as well), but it looks a little strange on the text.



Nothing wrong with the green glow on the text. Could easily be the the text is pulsing with light.


Overall that peice of art is stunning mate, good to see you back amongst us spreading your art goodness!!

I like to put a little "magic" into my chaos-pieces, the glowing green in this image represent the chaos deity, whether coming out of the backpack or on the armour itself.


Very good, I love the idea!



Glad to see you back as well Colrouphobic. Awesome piece, but when are you going to do another Primarch piece. You're Sanguinius piece is what got me into doing my art on a tablet.


One thing though - How is this only 5 hours of work?

New primarch comes when I get some proper spare-time, this is only five hours because its a sketch that I cleaned up a little. i got a few more sketches to clean up that'll turn up in the future...


Love it! Love the detail,cant wait to see more!

Check my Sig for links to more images. Got some stuff for FFG's deathwatch RPG popping up later this year or January.


one word. Awesome.

one word: cheers.


Love it Colrouphobic! - The image is awesome!

Your skill has just exploded into action and you have become a true master!

5 hours? - Wow, that is just amazing.

Always looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Keep it up!

it's practice and work...which is practice


Col, I love you and hate you at the same time. I love you for your incredible work, yet hate you for the same reason, for my work shall never reach the level of yours.


Still, amazing work!

Sure it will. All you have to do is practice several hours a day, every day. Anyone can be great at painting if they just put the right effort into it, and I'm not there myself yet.



Really a fantastic piece of art, whould be nice to see some more from you.

Sig, and yeah..some more will pop up... eventually. ;)

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A truly amazing piece of work.



any more nurgle pics planned?:)

not any more then this image was planned. I got some nurgly stuff in the future but it is "planned" for when I have time, which right now doesn't really equate with the situation I am in..so, not planned really..


That's some really nice work. Can we have more? :D

yes you can, but not right at this moment... ;)

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