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UM Chaplain Dread (Forgeworld)


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Finished this yesterday:






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As usual a great mini.


Its finished, so I guess not many comments to make for improvement... but maybe for future projects?


- The golden front plate seems a bit too...shiny. It draws all the attention from the miniature. Maybe dulling it down... I know its a BIG surface and its easy for it to draw attention and hard to avoud :S


- The posing... I don't quite see it, maybe if you could get a front pic <_< It seems like the DCCW is "heavy" and pulls from the torso... but it doesn't quite feel... "right"? Maybe if it was wound a bit further back, as in preparing a swing.


Just a bit of constructive criticysm ;)

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You know I respect your hard-earned skills :sweat: And again, its looks great!


I don't know, maybe its just me, but the attention is too focused (which to be honest, I prefer rather than having your eyes go mad because you don't know where to look :P).


Maybe a tad lighter color in the DCCW (and then compensating with a blue-ish on the actual blades)... or bringing out a bit the shin guards?


I say all this because I LOVE the blue you have on the shoulder, the freehands with the words and all that stuff (as I said in the WIP thread) and...dunno, just that feeling.


Thanks for posting ;)

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Very nice dread. I enjoyed your first one and this one is just as nice. I am eager to paint this model up as well and you have given a few ideas.


Some suggestions to elevate your next project. When painting on the chips try to imagine the high edges of wearing. The power fist is done well, but the upper shoulder marks appear in odd locations. Since this dread is toting a multimelta, I think the heat discoloration on the barrel could be more embelished with shades of brazen brass, tin bitz leading to black. If you can get your hands on some black weather powder, apply some to the end of the barrel after sealing to give the impression of soot build-up.


just my 2c

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