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Suggestion for FAQ thread/topic


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I'm sure a more then a few of you have noticed that the same kinds of questions, topics or threads get brought up over and over again. Because of this, would it make sense to create some kind of FAQ. Nothing fancy, but short/concise answers to those same questions.
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I fully support his,

The problem with this (great) idea is that the majority of the people who ask the same questions over and over again, are also people that never perform a search, or check the stickied topics before asking.


A candidate for the FAQ could be the Bolter, BP, CCW vs. WYSIWYG modelling question.

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A candidate for the FAQ could be the Bolter, BP, CCW vs. WYSIWYG modelling question.

I think WYSIWYG needs addressing on a wide level. BP, CCW and Bolter, Wings/Jump Packs, Defilers/Soulgrinders, Daemon Weapons ect.

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Yes, I think this is a great idea!


I fully support his,

The problem with this (great) idea is that the majority of the people who ask the same questions over and over again, are also people that never perform a search, or check the stickied topics before asking.


A candidate for the FAQ could be the Bolter, BP, CCW vs. WYSIWYG modelling question.


When I first got here, I found nothing in a search, asked that question, and since then I've seen around eight threads asking that, word for word.


Also, another question could be "Can models shoot with their Boltguns in one turn, and fight with two CCWs (pistol and CCW) in the following turn/phase". I've seen that a lot too.

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Also, another question could be "Can models shoot with their Boltguns in one turn, and fight with two CCWs (pistol and CCW) in the following turn/phase". I've seen that a lot too.

Although if you think about it logically, this situation can never happen. You cannot charge after firing Rapid Fire weapons, so will never be using them in the same turn.

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