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Daemon prince Perturabo


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Going to start up an Iron Warriors warband soon, love the background and look of them, while retaining the order I find attractive about loyalist marines.


I have a question about the form of Perturabo as a Daemon Prince, given the legion's view of mutation and one which I would imagine is shared, or was indeed inculcated by Perturabo, I wondered if anyone has a source as to what Perturabo now looks like as a daemon prince? I can't imagine the wings and exposed flesh/mutations of a khornate or slaaneshi daemon, in fact I can't imagine why he would accept a change of form as he comes across as somewhat proud of his heritage and also disdainful of excessive chaos worship.


I wouldn't mind being proved wrong, but interested in your views/evidence.

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I wouldn't mind being proved wrong, but interested in your views/evidence.

I use the Be'Lakor model, just because he looks the least "Mutated" in my opinion. But I don't know much on this if I'm honest. I'd have him with huge muscles and lots of archaic Space Marine-esque armour.

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A quick thought...the Iron Warriors are rumoured to have created the Obliterator Virus...what if Perturabo created it, and infected himself with the original scrapcode lines. A hulking, ancient monstrosty wearing archaic armour, capable of forming artillery from his own flesh. :cuss
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That does sound about right, i do envisage him as a hulking figure in his armour.


Am I correct in saying, from a wider perspective, that the Iron Warriors have a fairly pure geneseed? And that they replace mutations with cybernetics but not to the extent of the Iron Hands?


I'm, maybe rather greedily, trying to ally my motivation and love of the chaos story while retaining the notion of 'pure'(ish) astartes.

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If you want to know the iron warriors in their truest of warfare and style. Read Storm of Iron... They do remove mutations. They much like space marines do not trust librarians do not trust sorcerers. This does not say they do not use them but rather not trust them. They have very tactical advances and tactics. They are rutheless. I too see the Primarch as being a GIANT, perhaps even something of a terminator/stormshield chaos version. The DP in Storm of Iron was written well. While being Iron Warriors they still have their chaos parts.
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Their gene-seed is relativley pure, but they do reside within the eye of terror, and chaos corrupts all. And yes, the Iron Warriors replace mutations (and severe injuries, of course) with bionics, potentially to the extent of the Iron Hands, depending on the Warsmith. The obliterators are tolerated due to their obvious abilities. And I'm imagining a Primarch/oblit blend...."Plasma Cannon? Psssh, try Volcano Cannon, weakling!"
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Thanks for the quick responses, I'll try to pick up Storm of Iron.


Their brutality and ruthlessness is very compelling, despite their shootiness there's a kind of brutal physicality to them I enjoyed reading about in their IA article - a very calculated physicality that is.


A more subtle blend of hulking terminator/obliterator and Daemon prince is how I see Perturabo.

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And I'm imagining a Primarch/oblit blend...."Plasma Cannon? Psssh, try Volcano Cannon, weakling!"

I will give/sell my soul to the person who makes this conversion.


How about you buy me a £600 (You want good pics?) camera and I'll post the pics up here. I can certainly Imagine Perturabo as a Prince of Obliteration.

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And I'm imagining a Primarch/oblit blend...."Plasma Cannon? Psssh, try Volcano Cannon, weakling!"

I will give/sell my soul to the person who makes this conversion.


I'd do it for two hundred bucks (half for parts, half for work), and you can keep your soul and the end result. :Troops:

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for somr reason i see him with lots or armour with his relitively pure flesh visable at some areas, and armed with a massive mace/hammer that looks like stone block of pure black bound with iron with spikes. and either a big gun thing or a sheild, or both.
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more machine than man turned deamon, try a generic dp paint his jaw a metal colour, replace one of his legs with walker leg (like a sentinal leg or something more beefy) chop of half his arm attack a cannon to it, or in keepign with his siege theme a mauler hammer as weilded by the chaos dreadnoughts, then simply attach an oversized jetpack in place of demonic wings to blend the theme nicely and PRESTO one primarch prince fresh from the eye of HELL!



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A couple of months ago, I saw a Perturabo that was absolutely inspiring. It was a WFB Giant completely re-worked to give him plates and cogs. He had what amounted to an entire defiler on his back as an exoskeleton looking like a servo rig along with the stompa chain arm as his CCW and legs extending down alongside his own. REALLY cool model. Wish I had taken a pic.
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Sadly, while the Iron Warriors have had some good fluff built around them, Perturabo himself hasn't. I do like the idea of him being some sort of cybernetic super-Obliterator, though. Smacks of his style.



thats my view on him as well, big ol' oblit, plenty of bionics and huge termy armour

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I don't imagine Perturabo being corrupted much at all actually with obliterator virus etc. Also, why would you change the body of a primarch for bionics? If they could possible equal his biological frame then everyone would just become bionic.
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