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Flawless Host questions

Lord Kallozar

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In an attempt to try and find as much fluff about the Flawless Host and checked up on Lexicanum, I stumbled across two names that crop up - Eleaxus the Flawless and Jhasius the Dark. I've never heard of these characters before, they arent mentioned in the Dex and im pretty sure that theres no BL literature on the Flawless Host, so where did these characters appear from? It is suggested that Eleaxus is the leader of the Flawless Host, again where did this info come from?


Also, i just want to get peoples opinions on this, what are the Flawless Hosts origins??

Again after browsing the web its hinted that they are either a splinter faction of the Emperor's Children OR a warband that utilises Emperor's Children geneseed.

Personally, i am a big fan of Slaanesh but not of the Emperor's Children, so I am rooting for the latter theory. I reckon that the Flawless Host was secretly created by Fabius Bile and his minions, for what purpose, ive no idea, but it explains the use of EC geneseed to create them!



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My first guess would be that the core of the Flawless Host was probably a splinter faction from the EC that started recruiting other Slaaneshi Marines until it was strong enough to be considered a warband in its own right. Assistance from Bile is completely reasonable but not needed to justify the Host.


As for the names, I've never heard them before.

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A very intersting warband/chapter indeeed. I have also been thinking to start one as I see far to many Emperors children and want more of a "regular" slaanesh warband. But sadly I have no more information to give out.
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They are noted in the Apocalypse book section Forces of Chaos.

There isn't much info, just that Eleaxus wants to sit next to Slaanesh himself (his personal goal) and likes luxuries etc.

Then you have mention of "The Scream of Hatred" wich is the name for 3 Squads of Terminators

"The Choir of the Damned" 3 Noise Marine squads

"Jhasuis the Dark" a dreadnought

"The Spite" Predator

"Glory's Flesh" a Warhound Titan and 3 packs of Daemonettes.

Edited by caboosebe
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies guys!


@ Caboosebe - wow thanks for sharing that information! I may have to purchase that book just for that info source alone! Does it describe the appearence or wargear of any of the characters too??


I wander if any more official background material will be made for them! I did hear that Slaanesh forces will feature in a future edition of the Imperial Armour books, and as they seem to concentrate on the Chaos warbands rather than the Legions, i hope/wander if the Flawless Host will be featured :o

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This pic showed up on the GW website just after the Termie Chaos Lord box set came out. I don't remember the creator any longer, but it is by far the best pic of a Flawless Host warrior I've seen yet. Hope it helps.



Link to the site I found it on. The Link

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also i remember reading they also have a dark eldar cruisier or something in their posession as they busted their way into into the ship flooded it with deamons and took all but the highest commanders prisoner, meaing they have access to some d.e weaponry will try and find the source for you but it was sometime ago Edited by The_son_of_Dorn
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  • 2 weeks later...

@ 1000heathens - Ive also seen that picture on the GW website and i agree its an awesome looking model. I love the custom made lash!


@ The_son_of_Dorn - Wow i had no idea about this info, thanks for sharing it! I do hope you can remember where you found this information! If the Flawless Host do indeed have access to Dark Eldar weaponry imagine the conversion opportunities!! A Flawless Host marine with Dark Eldar scything blades attached to the wrists ;)

Edited by Lord Kallozar
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No they didn't mention wargear. Just the little bit of info I have given you. Apocalypse books never give you 'you have to take this wargear or it's invalite', just more like: 3 squads of terminators, we don't care if it's a squad of 3 or 10, we don't care what weapons you give them, they just need to be 3 squads of terminators.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah i gathered that there would be no set rules for using DE weaponry but just purely for conversion purposes it would look pretty neat!


Whilst on the topic of the Flawless Host, how do you view them in terms of structure?


Whilst (i think) its viewed that the Emperors Children are like the World Eaters in terms of random warbands and factions roaming the galaxy with little to no structure, I personally view the Flawless Host as being more unified! I also view the Flawless Host as being more Slaaneshi than the EC! I dont know why, i just do!


How do you guys view Slaanesh itself aswell?


I think its commonly viewed that Slaanesh is just about sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Whilst i agree that Slaanesh has big aspects of that, i view a worshipper of Slaanesh to be like a gladiator. I imagine a Slaaneshi follower to seek the ultimate perfection in all forms of life, particularly combat!

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Well Slaanesh is more about thrills. They just love to fight like Khorne Berzerkers.

While Berzerkers are all about bloodlust, and having a good fight, Slaanesh worshippers are more about teasing their enemy and try to give them the fear of their lives. These emotions drive a Slaanesh worshipper to new hights.

This is one of the main reasons Khorne hates Slaanesh (the most), because he has no honor in combat, he just wants to fight for himself.

Slaanesh is also about backstabbing power-gain. While Tzeentch is for the plotting and all, it is a Slaaneshi feeling to want to gain power by putting people against eachother and siding with the strongest.


And ofcourse, sex, drugs and rock n'roll

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