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Attention All Authors and Readers of DIY IAs!


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Hello readers and authors of DIY Index Astartes articles,


The sophisticated and handsome Librarium staff of the Bolter and Chainsword are eternally plotting laboring to come up with ways to make the Librarium serve you better. Lately, our attention has fallen on the various Indices Astartes many members submit to the Librarium for inclusion. The Librarium staff often run into difficulty in trying to determine what should and should not be accepted - the opinions of different Lexicanii vary from person to person and day to day, and there is no real coherent set of standards for inclusion.


We aim to change that last part.


We want to figure out what the community expects of IAs in the Librarium so we can better reflect that and create a guide to help authors do the same. To that end, we have assembled a poll with several important questions, as well as several other questions and issues we would appreciate your thoughts on. Once we have these answers, we'll know what the community wants and expects from the Librarium - and can thus assemble a guide on what a Librarium-worthy Index Astartes article looks like (or at least doesn't look like). This should make the Librarium experience better for both readers and authors.


If you read, write or enjoy the concept of DIY IAs, we would greatly appreciate your feedback in the linked thread. Thanks very much.



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