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Chaos Quotes

Brother Ambroz

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I am trying to create a database for chaotic sort of quotes. If anyone would like to help out and add here is what i have so far. Doesn't have to be from 40k necessarily as long as it sounds like something they would say in the 40k universe now :mellow:


We fight the long war, not through vain votions of duty and honour, but through a far purer

purpose: hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed and

cast out by our kin. Guilliman, Dorn, Sanguinius-these are names I curse.

Horus, Perturabo, Angron-these are names I revere, names I would follow to the very end.

It is this hatred that has sustained me throuh the long millenia. I tend it with bitterness.

I nurture it with the deaths of my former brothers. For I know that when the end is upon us

and Horus is returned, then the false emperor shall be cast down from his sepulchural Golden Throne,

and we shall take our rightful place at the side of Horus, the true Emperor of Mankind


"This is our galaxy. Ours to corrupt. Ours to enslave. The gods will not be denied their prize"

Xereth, Sorceror of the Black Legion


"Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man."


My sons, the galaxy is burning. We all bear witness to a final truth - our way is not the way of the Imperium.

You have never stood in the Emperor's light.

You never worn the Imperial eagle.

And you never will.

You shall stand in midnight clad, your claws forever red with the lifeblood of my father's failed empire,

Warring through the centuries as the talons of a murdered god.

Rise, my sons, and take your wrath across the stars,

In my name. In my memory.

Rise my Night Lords - Conrad Kurze


Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.


You accuse me of being a madman, what right do you have to judge what is sane and what is not?

I have fought with the shadows on the edge of your vision.

I have seen the faces that laugh at you in your nightmares.

I have smelt the foetid breath that issues from the mouth of hell itself.

I have heard the silent voices that make your spine tingle with dread.

I have entered the realms between worlds where there is no time or place.

I have clashed with creatures the sight of which would sear your soul to the core.

I have bested horrors that chill with a gaze and tempt unreasoning terror.

I have faced death eye to eye and blade to blade.

I have gazed into the eyes of insanity and met their all-consuming stare.

I have done all this for you; for your protection and the guarantee of a future for mankind.

And yet you call me a madman, you who have never had your sanity tested so sorely.

What right do you have to call me heretic and blasphemer, who have never heard the whisper of dark gods in your ear?

You are weak. Vulnerable. Human in your weakness. I am strong and yet still you judge me.

And yet you still judge me for my sins, you who art most sinful to the heart?

Only the insane have strength enough to prosper; only those who prosper truly judge what is sane.


We are not your worst nightmare… we are your every nightmare.


They were less than nothing, yet I have rendered them immortal in the true sense of the word. Who here can say

they would choose debased and corrupted life over purity in unchanging death? Liars and fools tell us life is always precious but we who have seen the spirit realm know this to be the most deluded falsehood.

-Ahriman, Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons



And what are the achievements of your fragile Imperium? It is a corpse rotting slowly from without while maggots writhe in its belly. It was built with the toil of heroes and giants,

and now it is inhabited by frightened weaklings to whom the glories of these times are half-forgotten legends. I have forgotten nothing and my wisdom has expanded far beyond mere

mortal frailties. - Ahriman of the Thousand Sons (2nd edition Codex Chaos)


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Hope is the Beginning of Unhappiness.


There is no peace among the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter and the laughter of thirsting gods.


Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live.


Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.


I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate


So tell me this. Do you still believe you aren't being used? Do you still think you'll find some... some reward in death for your loyal service?

Do you still think the hatred of the masses is irrelevant? Do you still think your Emperor loves you? - tso sahaal


"Kill a thousand men and they will hate you. Kill a million men and they will queue to face you. But kill a single man and they will see monsters and devils in every shadow. Kill a dozen

men and they will scream and wail in the night, and they shall feel not hatred, but fear." -Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords


'You ask what I hate? I hate a creature that speaks of pride and honour, that fosters the love of his sons, that smiles and scrapes at every obedient act,

and then turns like a diseased dog and stabs his own child in the spine!'.....

'I hate a being so sick, so certain of his own brilliance, so twisted by the call of glory, that he repays the greatest sacrifice of all with betrayal!'

'Sacrifice? Your master sacrificed nothing but his soul!'

'He sacrificed his humanity, child.'


I murdered thousands for the Emperor and he gave me nothing except his damning silence. Now his lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy.


"At times, in raptures of pain, I saw what was to occur laid out before me. In these waking dreams, I took countless lives with my bare hands, heads taken as trophies.

I died again and again at the hands of my father. My sons butchered and maimed their brothers. My name was to become synonymous with dread.

But most vividly and with most frequency, I saw my world pierced by a lance of purest light, splitting it, shattering it into dust." -Konrad Curze.


For ten thousand years we have fought the Long War and our hatred still knows no succour. Those who have defied us shall feel the full wrath of Chaos...

Death to the false emperor! Death to the weakling imperium of man!"

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"We fight the long war, not through vain notions of duty or honour, but through a far greater purpose: hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed by our own kin. Guilliman, Dorn, Sanguinius - These are names I curse. Horus, Perturabo, Angron - These are names I revere, names I would follow to the very end. It is hatred that has sustained me over the long millenia. I tend it with bitterness. I nurture it with the death of my former brothers. For I know that when the end is upon us and Horus is returned, then the false Emperor shall be cast down from his sepulchral Golden Throne, and we shall take our rightful place at the side of Horus, the true Emperor of Mankind"


Dammit. Ninja'd

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Let the galaxy burn


Death to the False Emperor


Rejoice brothers, your slavery to the falls emperor ends today


All is dust


Death and decay


Blood for the bloodgod


Skulls for the skullthrone


Iron within, iron without


Burn the body; sear the soul


Impurity shall be our armour Hate shall be our weapon Immortality shall be our reward




I will eat your unhappiness! (oops, personal quote when wargaming xD)


but i think you will love this site:


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I can't believe ou don't have "Though my guards may sleep and ships may lie at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire." -Tyrant of Badab. That's one of the oldest, maybe the oldest, it's in the Rogue Trader book, at which point there wasn't much chaos, and no chaos space marines. I'm not too big of a fan of Lugft, but I've started to not despise him anymore, and I've always loved that quote.
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"Do I deserve vengeance? Let me tell you something about vengeance, little scion of the Imperium. My brothers and I swore to our dying father that we would atone for the great sins of the past. We would bleed the unworthy empire that we had built, and cleanse the stars of the False Emperor's taint.

This is not mere vengeance. This is redemption.

My right to destroy is greater than your right to live." -Talos, First Claw, Tenth Company, Night Lords (VIII) Legion


From Shadow Knight, by Aaron Dembski-Bowden


One of my favorite quotes.

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'Give up yourself to the Great Gods in body and of soul. Discard all that does not benefit their Greatness. The First thing to be discarded is the Name. Your Self is nothing to the Gods, and your Name shall be as nothing to You. Only once you have reached Enlightenment shall you reclaim your Name and your Self. Thus spoke Great Lorgar, and thus it was to Be.' - 4th Tenant of the Book of Lorgar


'No battle against the Great Enemy is of no consequence.' - Lorgar


'Victory attained through violence is victory indeed. But when the enemy turns on itself - that is the essence of true, lasting victory.' - Kor Phaeron

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Though the gates that stand between the mortal world and the immortal Realm of Chaos are now closed to me, still I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the cold furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced life without fear.


Kargos Bloodspitter, Champion of Khorne

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"In the embrace of Father Nurgle, I am not afraid, for I have become what I once feared most; death."


I don't rightly remember where this one comes from. Any ideas, gents?


Kulvain Hestarius of the Death Guard, 4th Edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines.




Well, that's my contribution. I'll go look for some more.

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3E (not 3.5E) Chaos Codex (page 7):


"I salute you! For though our path has been long and bloody, you have served our Lord with unflinching courage and the honour of true warriors. We have seen many fall today and must remember, even as we die, that our blood too is welcome..."


Harkan Ironfist

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"Death to the False Emperor"


"You are lost anyway. Whether you truly believe in salvation or not is irrevelant."


"You need not fear the darkness, for you are the darkness"


"From the fires of betrayel unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favoured son of Chaos, all praise be given unto him. From those that would not heed we offer praise to those who do, that they might turn their gaze our way and gift us with the boon of pain, to turn the galaxy red with blood, and feed the hunger of the gods"


"Chaos calls us, brother. Can't you hear it's voice?"


"The book of Magnus lies open before me, it's pages filled with forbidden lore and knowledge from ancient, forgotten days. Itholds the key to our salvation. In the labyrinthine collections of formulae, incantations and rites, I have found what I believe will be the beginnings of a mighty spell to undo all that has befallen us. I call it the Rubric."

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"So the Betrayed becomes the Betrayers."


"Honey? Can you tell the neighbors to keep it down?"

—Sarcastic Imperial Guardsman to another, before going to fight the Noise Marines


"Rejoice, for bad things are about to hapen"

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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of small comments


Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

is from the Vampire counts in fantasy





Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live.

- Officio Exterminatum In Exterminatus Extremis


is an inquisition quote


just so that you do not take wrong quotes ^^

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