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Chaos Quotes

Brother Ambroz

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A couple of small comments


Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

is from the Vampire counts in fantasy





Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live.

- Officio Exterminatum In Exterminatus Extremis


is an inquisition quote


just so that you do not take wrong quotes ^^


Neither Vampire Counts nor the Inquisition are Chaos, so I don't think that's an issue. :HQ:

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It's an edited Poe quote but I can imagine a Word Bearer's Chaplain using this kind of thing in an inspirational sermon to his fellow Brothers in darkness.


"Mimes, in the form of the God-Emperor on high,

Mutter and mumble low,

And hither and thither fly-

Mere puppets they, who come and go

At bidding of vast formless things

That shift the scenery to and fro,

Flapping from out their Condor wings

Invisible Woe!"


"That motley drama- oh, be sure

It shall not be forgot!

With its Phantom chased for evermore,

By a crowd that seize it not,

Through a circle that ever returneth in

To the self-same spot,

And much of Madness, and more of Sin,

And Horror the soul of the plot."

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I am Horus, forged of the Oldest Gods,

I am he who gave way to Khaos

I am that great destroyer of all.

I am he who did what seemed good to him,

And set doom in the palace of my will.

Mine is the fate of those who move along

This serpentine path.


Fear must be a means to an end, he said. It must be used as an instrument in pursuit of a goal, whether it be obedi­ence or peace or genocide. Just as the Night Haunter had been used as his father's ugly tool, so too must the Legion use fear.

But to sow terror without cause; to horrify without goal -that way lay corruption. The fear ceased to be a means to an

end and became an end in itself: seeking dominance over others; seeking to terrify them into submission for the sim­ple fact of their obeisance. Seeking carnage and fear with spite and pleasure.

That way lay megalomania.

That way lay the seduction of power, and it was the flaw in the blood of every Night Lord. It was the flaw he had spent his life struggling to defeat, bearing in its womb mad­ness and venom, begetting the fits that had plagued his waking hours; taunting him with visions of his own end.

That way lay Chaos.


We were never slaves to the Dark Powers. We fought beneath a banner of hate, not of corrup­tion.'

'Hate? What did you have to hate? You fell from grace by choice, traitor, you were not pushed!'

'Hate for the accursed Emperor. Hate for your withered god.'


Adeo mori servus Imperator Fictus Ave Dominus Nox ('So die the slaves of the False Emperor. Hail to the Lord of the Night.)


He spoke of the darkness that haunts youth's fears. Of the horrors that only the imagination of a child may devise. He spoke of bogeymen and spider gods, of scissor-fingered hags and the writhing of snakes. He spoke of faces in the sky and wet-edged lips, like the folds of a great belly, pursing to suck the light from the world.

He spoke of adolescent terror. Of self-harm and reli­gious awakening. Of Imperial dogma crashing the soul, of familial rejection or parental perversion. Of young pain.

He spoke of the terrors of adulthood. Of knives in the dark and beat in the light. Of butchers and marauders, of aliens and mutants. He spoke of fires creeping nearer, of quicksand clogging the lungs, of nooses drawing tight. He spoke of death and torture and eyes in the night.

He spoke of the warp, and when his victim's larynx burst from the rawness of its screams he spoke of the Ruinous Ones, of the watchers in the void, of the Empyrean swarms. He spoke of prowling madness, of insanity unleashed upon a million worlds, of the Emperor's wounds and the Traitor's joy. He spoke of the Haunter's palace. Of the blood of angels. Of the tentacles in the warp. Of the steel teeth bared in the echoes of eternity.

Of horror and nightmare and terror and venom.


The sound is always the same. Bolters always roar. Chainblades always howl. Astartes always cry their fury. When the VIII Legion wages war, the sound is that of lions and wolves slaying each other while vultures shriek above.


My sons, the galaxy is burning.

We all bear witness to a final truth - our way is not the way of the Imperium.

You have never stood in the Emperor's light.

Never worn the Imperial eagle.

And you never will.

You shall stand in midnight clad,

Your claws forever forever red with the lifeblood of my father's failed empire,

Warring through the centuries as the talons of a murdered god.

Rise, my sons, and take your wrath across the stars,

In my name.

In my memory.

Rise, my Night Lords.”


Weep as you suffer the same fate as your corpse god. We have come for you.

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"The day will not save them. And we own the night."

Horus Lupercal, at the Siege of the Imperial Palace


"You think you intimidate me, worm?"

Abaddon the Despoiler, to Talos of the Night Lords


A few real world ones that have a Chaos-y feel:


"Hence it comes about that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed."



"Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions."



"It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver."



"Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself."



"Death is the solution to all problems; no man-no problem."



"A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient."

Alexander the Great


"In heaven, all the interesting people are missing."


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"Who do you serve? The Imperium? They rejected you, yes? Cast you aside?

Little mutant. Little witch. Little abomination.

The Imperium hates you. I ask you again- who do you serve?

Ha. Do you believe the Emperor loves you?


Can there be an Emperor, without an Empire? No. They are intertwined. One billion billion souls despise you. A single soul -so you say- loves you.

You dont think this a bitter ratio?


I used to think the same. Why do you fight me, when we are so similar?

You are the unclean filth that serves in His name. You are the hated one. They fear you, and they loathe you, but they still use you.

They use you up until you cease to be useful. And then what, little witch? You think they will thank you?


You ask what I hate? I hate a creature that speaks of pride and honour, that fosters the love of his sons, that smiles and scrapes at every obedient

act, and then turns like a diseased dog and stabs his own child in the spine! I hate a being so sick, so certain of his own brilliance, so twisted by

the call of glory that he repays the greatest sacrifice of all with betrayal!


He sacrificed his humanity, child. He became a monster. He formed us, his Night Lords, in his own image: to spread terror and hate, to forge obedience

through fear. He rescinded whatever purity he had, he cast off the humanity that was never meant for him. He risked insanity and damnation, and all to

bring order to his fathers Imperium. He sacrificed his soul at the Emperors behest. He became the tame monster the Imperium needed.

And how was he repaid? He was reined in. He was humiliated before his brothers. And then, the assassins kiss.


The Emperor needed order, where only savagery could bring it. He sent in the Night Lords, and we gave him the order he yearned. And then he made us

scapegoats. He cried with false outrage, and the Imperium cried with him. My master craved nothing but pride from his father, and all that he ever

recieved was scorn.


Do you know what the Night Haunters final words to me were? Do you what he said as he seated himself and awaited his assassin?

'See how the mighty are fallen.'

Because he had finally realised what nobody else had ever seen. That his father, the glorious Emperor, his Divine Creator, was just as vicious, just as

terrible, just as merciless, as the Night Lords themselves. See how the mighty are fallen. See how divinity lowers itself to dispose of the monster it



On Tsagualsa the Night Haunter stopped running. He built a palace that he knew would be his mausoleum, and he awaited the bitch that would take his head

and steal his crown.


So you see, child, the Haunter was not killed for his part in the Heresy. He was not killed to halt excesses or unsanctioned behaviour. No, he was killed

by a father who thought nothing of using him. Of twisting him into a hated monstrosity. Of demanding atrocities and horrors from him to scare his enemies

into submission. Of taking from him everything that was pure, everything that was human, and then repaying his sacrifice with betrayal.


So tell me this, little witch. Do you still believe you arent being used? Do you still think youll find some reward in death for your loyal service? Do

you still think the hatred of the masses is irrelevant?


Do you still think your Emperor loves you, girl?"




Adapted from a 2-person speech, but thats the gist of it.

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From the Rogue Trader Chaos rule book "Slaves to Darkness":


Who pledged his loyalty?


The Warmaster


Whom did we serve in faith?


The Warmaster


From whom did we take our name?


The Warmaster


But whom shall we remake?


The Warmaster


And who shall lead us to victory?


The Warmaster


Black Legion Catechism

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1. Discipline leads to Victory

2. It is Victory in War that brings Immortality

3. Immortality is the Gift of Chaos

4. In exchange, Chaos demands Blood

5. Thus, Blood must be ever spilt

6. Therefore, Eternal Life demands Eternal War

7. Eternal War demands Eternal Discipline

8. Chaos will always have Blood: Yours or Theirs

+++ Eight Principles of War - Breviary of the Alpha Legion +++ 4

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