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Hello! I recently got back into 40k (well, more or less), and I've mostly been working (slowly) on Orks, with an on-again, of-again plan to actually get a game in some time in the future... But since that's been going slow I figured that the best way to get a playable army on the table was to start up some new projects... I mean, nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan, right? :)
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Hello, welcome back to the Hobby, and welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword.

Do you play only Orks, or Space Marines of some sort as well? Because if you only have Orks... you may find this Power-Armor dedicated forum a little undirected to your Greenskins.

So, what projects did you have in mind?

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Hello! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Also, don't be afraid of all the ork stomping madness going on. If you don't play a power armored army and want one, I recommend getting the rules if you don't have them already, then looking through the various sections of the B&C and seeing what armies you like the look of. If you can't decide, try posting a new thread asking what army you should collect and list your choices. People always seem ready to tell other people what army they should collect.
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Well, my second "army" would be definitely be CSM. Probably. Unless I end up going loyalist Marines. Or Space Wolves...


But in any case I wouldn't be worrying about making a field-able force for a while now - my first attempt at a 5e army was CSM (converting AoBR stuff), an that, my first crack at Orks, and Tyranids all failed to launch in part because I rushed to get 1500 points on the table and just got burnt out. (Well, that and I'm old and cranky and miss my 2e / 3e 40k... :) )


I've actually been trying to put off on any major projects until I get my Orks on the table, but in order to keep motivated I'm kind of bouncing around from project to project... At this point I have a secret santa thing to do and I want to make something IG (heavy weapons team, I think) for my brother just for fun (he plays DoW but not tabletop), and I've kind of promised myself I can do one crazy project for myself if when I get those done. I'm thinking of taking Archaon's horse and sticking a CSM Lord of some sort on there, lol... Which would really just be a show-piece, but I've actually had this idea for a while and it's be kind of awesome to actually do it, even if only for a laugh...

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Ah, well I'm sure you can find our Chaos Marine sub-forum when you get to that then.

I would definitely do an IG Heavy-Weapons team, I have some of those, and they are very fun to build, they're all sort of like little dioramas of their own. Each one can be a small vignette into the life of the Guardsman.

Archaon's horse, eh... (looks it up)... with suitable amounts of Khornate symbols, and a dynamic enough pose, it could definitely work!

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Catachan Heavy Weapons Team+Catachan Command Squad=Awesome Model(plus a lot of extra bits.)


I would start with a small army, maybe 750 points, see what units you like, and slowly build it up in an organized manner. Don't forget to make a list before you start buying. To my eternal shame, I bought awesome looking models, and now have a very interesting space marine force that I started to figure out how to use it using the new codex only around May or so. I'm a bit slow and still get 4th and 5th confused sometimes.


"What, since when do plasma weapons only overheat on a 1!" was a recent mistake. I lost a terminator to that.

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