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Tourney Report

Inquisitor =D=

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Well I'm sure many of you read my recent Listsand heard my plea for advice. Well, I'm proud to say it went well. Very, I met some fantastic players and had some laughs. I'm glad to see the rules nazis that stopped me from playing all those years ago are long forgotten(no seriously, no-one currently playing remembers any of them.). So here's the Report.


Game 1 {Annihilation, Pitched Battle} 1500pts


His List; Tyranids.

Hive Tyrant w/ wings, scything talons and the such.

Hive Guard x2 w/ some crazy ranged weapon


Trygon Prime x2!

Hormagaunt hordes x2

Mycetic Spores x3


My List; Grey Knights


3x terminator w/ psycannon

9x PAGK w/ incinerator

9x PAGK w/ incinerator

GKD w/ TwLc, DccW, Hv-Flamer

GKLR w/smoke

GKLR w/smoke


Turn 1= We set up on a table with heavy wooded terrain and one large ruin dominating the center of the field. I deploy everything, PAGKs in the Raiders, but the terminators and he reserves EVERYTHING... So I proceed out of my deployment and set up some good fire-lanes. "Circle the Wagons" so to speak.

Turn 2= Trygon #1 comes in right in front of my raiders and dreadnought. Hormagaunt squad 1 as well in a mycetic spore, and hug the back-side of the ruins, out of sight. I blaze back, disembark PAGKs from the closest raider. Everything opens up on the trygon, 3 wounds. PAGK's charge the Trygon (I know, "your nuts" is coming but...) dealing 1 more wound and 3 dying in return.

Turn 3= The rest of his force drops in. Trygon, Tyrant, and Venomthope all come in near the 1st one. Hive guard a little behind with a spore. The homagaunts scatter onto the ruins and dig themselves in. Well the hive guard lose their shots to bad placement of their spore. The combat with the Trygon continues as he fails his regen, 1 more wound to him and 2 dead PAGKs. Stern and retinue Deepstrike in just behind the gaunts. My GKD moves for a shot on the tyrant. Shooting nets me 3 gaunts and wounds the tyrant, trygon #2 and Hiveguard. A bad round of assault leaves only the Justicar and trygon standing...

Turn 4= He moves gaunt squad 1 into assault position. Tyrant sets up to assault my lone justicar. Venomthrope moves to cover more nids with his cloud thingy. Hive guard once again fail to hit the broad side of a land raider and the Tyrant charges in and regens that wound... Justicar dies without protest. Gaunts charge Stern and retinue, Lose combat. Fails moral test, this is when the player notices just how far out I coxed his guants and doesn't get synapse. Gaunts run off table edge while opponent face-palms. Land raider 1 is now cut off and so backs up and shoots Trygon 1 to peices. (YAY) Land raider 2 reatreats to lend supporting fire to Stern, PAGKs disembark for the same purpose. GKD sets up to roadblock Trygon. Shooting nets me 5 gaunts and nothing else. Stern charges gaunts. Combat locked 2 GKT down and 2 gaunts down, sad rolling I know.

Turn 5= Tyrant sets up to charge raider 2 and trygon raider 1, hive guard move for shots on PAGKs but fail. Trygon and Tyrant charge, Raider 1 explodes for 1 wound to trygon. Tyrant kills land raider. Gaunts kill last GKT but leave Stern, lose combat and Run for the edge. I move Stern towards cover. Shooting nets nothing and I charge the PAGK's into the Hive Guard. Wounding one...

Turn 6= Tyrant moves for charge. Venomthrope moves for charge. Spores fail to wound Stern. Combat sees my PAGKs eaten faster than Kit-Kats on halloween. I concede game and get Stern the heck outa there.


All and All fun. Player was a Great help to me as I forgot a ton of stuff in my first game in four years. Good stuff though. And for note I am Proud to say that even if I didn't win I had BY AND FAR THE BEST PAINTED ARMY THERE! Man... And I thought I was rubbish in my painting....


More bat-reps to come after work tomorrow! G'night folks!



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Well if your gonna brag about your painting you may as well post a picture. :tu:


Sounds like fun. Hindsight's a right *itch, would you have been tempted by mystics if you had known your opponent would by DS-ing the lot?


In anycase hopefully the nazi-lawyers won't jump up from their slumber again when the next codex comes out. When it does assaulting those hordes should be alot more favourable.



EDIT - Grammar & repharsing.

Now, i'm hoping those Hive Guard walked on the field, because they can't take spores.

I'm assuming that the spores were housing the hormagaunts and venomthrope though.


Sounds like he gave you quite a thrashing, at least we know Tyranids can trump the least competitive army in the game :/

Tyranids did get hit with the nerf bat pretty hard (or soft, to be more literal). I just hope that Grey Knights don't suffer the same fate. It would suck for both of my 40k armies to be treadmills.


Good luck with future battles in the tourney though!

I deploy everything, PAGKs in the Raiders, but the terminators and he reserves EVERYTHING

which unit did he put in to the third pod ? the venom or the guard. because if it was the guard then you won.


oh I see others asked the same question.

Well your answers are as thus. Venomthrope in third pod, guard followed tunnels in. Either way it would have been worse if they walked in. Their having DS in cost them two turns of shooting so it turned out alright by me.


I'll detail round two as best as I can now.


1500 points against Deathguard.

Dawn of War -2 objectives.


His List


4x Terminators w/ powerfists, Hv-flamer, 3x combi-flamers.

7x Death guard w/powerfist, 2x flamers, and Rhino w/havoc launcher

7x Death guard w/powerfist, 2x flamers, and Rhino w/havoc launcher

7x Bikers w/powerfist, 2x flamers

Predator w/ sponson Las, Tw-Las

(Everything was nurgly. Nothing painted and half of it assembled.)


My List; Grey Knights


3x terminator w/ psycannon

9x PAGK w/ incinerator

9x PAGK w/ incinerator

GKD w/ TwLc, DccW, Hv-Flamer

GKLR w/smoke

GKLR w/smoke


Terrain: We set up on a nice Desert Board 3 Hills forming a line diagonally a Large pillar wall was the only decent terrain on my side. He had low walls and some more pillars. He set his Objective well and into his deployment zone and I hid mine behind the wall and 6" towards my edge.

Set up: He went first placing a rhino w/ Deathguard squad as close as possible forcing me to the edge and corner. I set Stern and squad 19" away with Line of sight. Second Deathguard and transport effectively boxes me into the corner so I set my two PAGK squads for a run to the only cover nearby. Typus is placed close to the first Rhino.

Turn 1= He scoots Rhino 1 and typhus closer to my line, ignoring any possible cover. Rhino 2 snuggles the pillar wall. Havoc Launchers score 3 PAGks... I move both PAGK squads into the cover of wall. GKT's ping a shot or two off Rhino 1.

Turn 2= Only the Predator arrives for him, he puts it on his edge for covering fire. The deathguard in Rhino 2 disembark to cack a few shots at my PAGKs to no avail. Rhino 1 pulls wide and typhus cuts in towards my PAGKs. Shooting on his part nets 1 more PAGK. One GKLR and my dreadnought roll onto the field and set up to blast Typhus. PAGK squad 1 moves for an easy blast and charge on typhus, same with Stern and retinue. Shooting hits the Predator and nothing else. (Serious 20 stormbolter shots, 3 heavy bolter shots, 1 lascannon, and 1 Incinerator caused No wounds on that tough bugger Typhus.) Assault sees no wounds on Typhus and 2 dead PAGKs.

Turn 3= Bikers and terminators are feeling lazy today and refuse to enter the fray. No moving on his part and shooting chews my PAGK squad down to 5(Justicar, 3xPAGks, Incinerator) and takes the Lascannon from my GKD. Assault sees 3 wounds to typhus and the PAGK's dropped to 3. My second Raider comes onto the board and sets up to support my ailing PAGK squad 2 near the wall. Squad 2 moves around the wall and sets up for a blast-n-charge on the deathguard. My dreadnought moves around GKLR1 for a charge on rhino 1. Shooting nets 2 deathguard. Assault finally Kills typhus with no deaths on my guys. I consolidate my PAGKs back towards Raider 2 and the objective, the Termis towards the rhino. The other PAGK squad charges deathguard 2 killing two and losing two (3 PAGks vs. 3 Deathguard).

Turn 4= His Terminators DS in 10" from my LR2, the bikers are just lazy. Deathguard 1 disembark the rhino finally to shoot my GKTs killing one in the process. His predator wins the lascannon duel and destroys LR1, the Termis shoot down 1 more PAGK from my 3 man squad. The only assault is locked combat, no wounds. I rotate my remaining LR to blast his terminators to bits, and move my 2 PAGKs towards it at the same time. The Dreadnought lines up to HV-flamer the deathguard while Stern sets up for the charge. Shooting kills 3 deathguard and 1 combi-flamer terminator. The skirmish with the two 3-man squads concludes with only my justicar standing and him aspiring champion and one deathguard. (Nuts huh?) Stern w/ retinue and GKD charge in. Massacre, I lose 1 terminator leaving Stern and psycannon man.

Turn 5= Finally the Bikers rocket onto the board, and Rhino 2 moves for a better shot on Stern. Shooting takes a Sponson from GKLR2 and drops the last of Stern's retinue. My two man PAGK squad makes every save to live, woot! Assualt finally kills the Justicar of PAGK squad 2. I scoot the GKD to hit the back armor of Rhino1 (who is still alive!), while Stern moves to support the remaining PAGKs. My last two scoring models jump into the land raider bunker who then parks itself onto the objective. Shooting from my side drops his terminators to 1 and I'm happy with that. Assault blows Rhino1 to bits. I consolidate the GKD behind some pillars to intercept the bikers.

Turn 6= Bikers power forward and the 2 remaining deathguard move round the pillar wall towards the objective. His lone terminator moves to hit the raider. No shooting on his part. His Assault, terminator fails to do anything. My go, I put the dreadnought in front of his bikers for a charge. Stern closes in on objective. Shooting kills off his termi, while the dreadnought BBQs 4 bikers! Dreadnought charges the bikers... Time is Called.


End game sees my last two PAGks hiding in a tank on the objective while the other objective is all alone in the opposite corner of the board. Conservative play wins me the round.... by the skin of my teeth!!!!!


Again, G'night folks!! Round 3 to come tomorrow! And just a teaser, the next army is Word Bearers! Classic eh?




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