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Milky Thin PVA Glue


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Last night I watched a YouTube video on basing, the guy used applied glue which he described as milky in consistency. This Glue locks into all of the gaps and seals the sand together, thus stopping sand from coming of the bases.


Does anyone know either the name of the basing tutorial so I can look at it again of give me the name of the product he was using?

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I think it will be PVA


I stick any big items (skulls, large rocks etc) onto the base with superglue

I then use neat PVA on the base and dip this in the sand to cover it.

Once thats dry mix 10 parts water to one part PVA (should look like milk) and cover the base with this. This usually makes the sand look "wet"

An important aspect here is not to paint the base with a thick wash of PVA otherwise it fills in the gaps too much and it just looks like mud. What I do is dab the base with a tissue after applying the pva wash to remove the excess.


If you want a tutorial on this I can take some picks as Im basing some marines this weekend


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