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Warband of the 7 sins


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Hello All,


Hrmmm, seems this is my first post. Its a bit scary :P


My first army was a blood angels and it was fun, but I've been tempted by the Chaos Gods. My problem is theres so many options to choose from, I'm having trouble finding focus for an effective army. I've settled into wanting to base my warband as a Multi-God army with separate units representing each of the 7 deadly sins. This is what I have thus far:


Wrath: Khrone Berserkers

Greed: Chosen and/or Havocs.

Gluttony: Plague Marines

Pride: Thousand Sons

Sloth: Obliterators

Envy: CSMs

Lust: Daemonettes


My HQs I'm having a tough time with what they should represent, or possibly just keeping them neutral. (1 ea Sorcerer and Demon Prince)


The easy part was figuring out which unit to represent which sin. I have a few random units that I own (Terminators, Raptors, and possessed; all still in bits) that I'll eventually figure out and play around with.


My problem now is, figuring out how to have an effective army. I've got so many ideas fluff-wise that I'm having trouble with the practical side, I'm still relatively new to the hobby so I don't want to waste time and money on ineffective combinations.


Thoughts on either the fluff idea, and which units to associated with which sins, or Thoughts or direction towards focusing my army game-wise would be much appreciated.


Thanks to all.



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I think you nailed the sins with right unit. Of course you could mix some up put otherwise good. To make a effectiv army is harder, specially if you want to use everything at the same time.


But perhaps you could split them in three parts, one defence (havocs, plague marines), one middle (thousands sons, oblirators) and a forward section (demonettes, berzerkers, regular csm)? What do you think about that? I´m not 100% sure if it´s a good idea but it coul be

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this is a really cool idea and i think you are spot on with your unit desgnations. what if you swapped out thousand sons for pride with your daemon prince and sorcerer?


i would run a list something like this around 2000pts



HQ: Daemon Prince (pride)


Mark of Slaanesh

Lash of Submission


HQ: Chaos Sorcerer (pride)

Mark of Slaanesh

Lash of Submission


Elite: Chosen (greed)

9 Chosen

Meltagun x4;


1 Aspiring Champion


Troops: Khorne Berzerkers (wrath)

7 Khorne Berzerkers


1 Skull Champion

Power Fist


Troops: Plague Marines (gluttony)

Meltagun x2;


1 Plague Champion

Power Fist


Troops: Chaos Space Marines (envy)

9 Chaos Space Marines

Meltagun x2


1 Aspiring Champion

Power Fist



Troops: Chaos Space Marines (envy)

9 Chaos Space Marines

Meltagun x2


1 Aspiring Champion Power Fist



Heavy Support: 2 Obliterators (sloth)



Heavy Support: 2 Obliterators (sloth)



10 Summoned Lesser Daemons (lust)

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Wow, this is a really great fluff concept.


Lust: Daemonettes


My HQs I'm having a tough time with what they should represent, or possibly just keeping them neutral. (1 ea Sorcerer and Demon Prince)

If I may make a suggestion, then having a Slaaneshi Lord/DP representing Lust may improve your list, as Lessers aren't great, and to be honest, rather flavourless and boring in my opinion.


Otherwise, even as a really varied fluff list, I think you could make this work.


I'd play it something like:


Greed - Slaaneshi Prince with Warptime (Who doesn't like re-rolling I6 attacks?)


Wrath - 8 Khorne Berzerkers (with Fistychamp) in Land Raider


Sloth - 2x2 Oblits


Pride - 9/10 Thousand Sons with Warptime/Doombolt to taste, maybe in Rhino. (Home objective campers)


Gluttony - 7 Plague Marines with Plasma in Rhino (Mobile objective holders)


Envy - 2x10 CSM's with IoCG and Powerfist, with 2x Melta (Workhorse squads, these guys run round busting tanks and generally doing the hard work)


Greed - 10x Chosen in Rhino, with 2x Meltagun, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws and Powerfist (Ok, so flame me, it's a fluff squad. But it'd be fun to play)


But I digress, Army Lists belong in the Army List section. But I think you'll have fun with this Idea, and whilst it won't be the most competitive, your opponent will admire your theme, and with a good paintjob, this theme would be awesome.

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Oooh, having recently played Dante's Inferno, I'm liking this idea!!

I think you have all the units/sins spot on, as long as you modelled them to represent their sins some way.

Also agree with Brother Nathan, perhaps model your DP as Lucifer, and have your sorcerer contribute to the lust aspect? (Or possibly pride, that would make sense too ^_^ )

Keep us updated on your progress!

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Wrath: Khrone Berserkers

Greed: Chosen and/or Havocs.

Gluttony: Plague Marines Noise Marines

Pride: Thousand Sons

Sloth: Obliterators Anything Nurgleth.

Envy: CSMs

Lust: Daemonettes

That is what I'd change it to. At least, that's my opinion.

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I like this idea.


The problem with Chaos is we're all so sinful most units can fill several Sins.


I like your designations of the sins, but here is my take on 'em.


Wrath: Any of the Heavy Support slots (Heavy Weapons in general are wrathful)

Greed: CSM

Gluttony: Khorne Bezerkers (bathing in the Blood for the Blood God)

Pride: Noise Marines (This ones a no brainer)

Sloth: Plague Marines (Nurgle is easily the most relaxed of the Gods)

Envy: Summoned Daemons/Spawn (Envy of the Corperal Plane)

Lust: HQ (Lust for Power)



I know what you mean when you say you have too many ideas fluff wise.


Good luck with this.

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It is indeed an interesting idea, and I would like to see such an army modeled and painted. It's hard to balance the desire for interesting fluff with the realities of the codex. I've ended up doing a lot of counts-as stuff to make my army personal. What I'm also doing is making all the units I want, and then developing separate lists around different aspects of it. I'd like to eventually field all of it at once in an Apocalypse game, which is the only place I think with a large enough points allowance to do it...


I hope you settle on a happy solution, and I think there have been some great suggestions for you.

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