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Raven Guard Tactical Squad Khalid


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I would say my point is somewhat valid considering no one ever agrees with me on anything and it appears Obliterator does!


Seriously though to continue the thought, when I was doing a lot of Black Templars, slowly but surely I started doing more Codex grey drybrushing on the base stones, and then Fortress grey dry brushing for a final highlight. I eventually went with a dark brown base colour to make the black armour pop more. But if I were you, I'd at least try the CG/FG combo on the stonework.


The figs still look awesome. period. Can't wait to see more.

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I never thought I'd see the day you'd post 10 painted marines in 1 year never mind 1 post... :tu:


They look tremendous, really well detailed and with that really dark Raven Guard quality that you get from all the background


You going to paint Korvydae or the Raven Guard FW dreadnought?

You never thought you'd see 10 of my minis in a year? Imagine how I felt! :P


I've ordered Korvydae but he's almost certainly going to end up as parts rather than a whole model, I do have the RG Dread, it's one of the things that really got me interested in the RG, so he'll be turning up in fairly regular form once I've got a few more basic troop types out of the way.


@Prot: As I said earlier, I'll try slightly lighter bases out on a combat squad in the not too distant future. As I've said to Brother Argos I think the problem isn't the highlighting but the fact that I added the weathering powder and inks after the highlights and just washed 'em out...


@Pig of Sparta: The '5 hour rule' really seems to work for me, if you can stick to it it can really make a difference in motivating you to paint more quickly and to finish stuff :P

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Very nice Raven Guard there, I like the dark color palette as I think that complements the Raven Guard perfectly and its always nice to see the traditional green shoulder trim used and in when nicely subdued it adds a little contrast without breaking up the subdued colorscheme. Some very nice stuff, I hope to see more.


Personally I really don't like painting, I find it tedious and boring, but I still remain fairly productive. How? I guilt trip myself into it, unfinished models sit on my table for weeks collecting dust and staring at me till I motivate myself to finish them... then the next squad of unfinished models hit the table. Sometimes all I do is 10-20 minutes of work on them before stopping for a few days, but at least I keep steadily making progress until the squad is done and I'm on to the next one.


The best way to motivate myself that I've found however is to have an event deadline, like a tournament that requires painted models but the models I want to use aren't painted yet! I finished a Land Raider Crusader and two Rhinos for my Space Wolves in four days for one tournament.

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