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Grey Knight Hammerers

Dr Duck

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I've been pricing up the bits i need for the Grey Knight close combat squad i want to build to act as a retinue for my Grand Master.


Given the cost, i'm keen to know a) how useful people have found this formation in game? B] Do we know if this loadout will / will not be permitted in the new codex?


The plan is:

Grey Knight Term Bodies

Space Marine Term Assault squad weps

Black Templar Storm Shields from FW

Black Templar Shoulder pads from FW


My Grand Masters personal heraldry is a red crusader cross* so the BT items are what I want, asthetically i think it will work very well with the already medieval look of the grey knights


* The model for him is a converted Space Marine Chaplain in terminator armour


... As a bonus i'll have enough bits to also build 5 LC armed Deathwing Terms for my Dark Angel army.

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I think you might have to wait the final verdict on weapon choices for GKT.


I don´t think (and HOPE) that they can be equiped as regular terminators, I think they might get frag granades and maybe even melta bombs as vanilla but are otherwise still restriced to Psycannon and Incinerator.


The GM with 4 GKT in a LR is a very good choice, drive forward pop smoke, survive, drive forward pop out and destroy the enemy. Very effective.


With GKT you don´t really need or want to have more then one guy with a storm shield. You loose out on your INI4 S6 powerweapon attacks, otherwise the conversion might be cool. Hopefully you will not regret it IF there comes some new GKT models out next year.

Its a fair point that vs a NFW, a thunderhammer isn't as needed against normal troops, although mine tend to get used hunting enemy HQ's which made more useful esp as they tend to strike second anyway.


The route of it was more 'astheticly driven' as i just love FW's BT stormsheilds. Seeing the option in my Codex Daemon hunters I did think 'oh finally a chance to use them'


However as a new dex is lurking and money is sadly not infinite, maybe a bit of patience is better here....

  Dr Duck said:
Its a fair point that vs a NFW, a thunderhammer isn't as needed against normal troops, although mine tend to get used hunting enemy HQ's which made more useful esp as they tend to strike second anyway.


The route of it was more 'astheticly driven' as i just love FW's BT stormsheilds. Seeing the option in my Codex Daemon hunters I did think 'oh finally a chance to use them'


However as a new dex is lurking and money is sadly not infinite, maybe a bit of patience is better here....

That's what I was going to say... You should wait for the New Codex to make a squad that may be useless or similar to one in the new codex. Plus, with new models you might make better conversions!

Yeah I've postponed any additions to my GK army and avoid painting anything that will be used in the new force an just paint testing schemes etc .. (started to think about being heretical and not painting grey!!).


I would say play testing and practice right now is a good idea but the way the codexs have been going there will be a big boost in power for us.

  bulley said:
I would say play testing and practice right now is a good idea but the way the codexs have been going there will be a big boost in power for us.


Power creep is huge in this edition.

On a slightly related note, how are we going to out-do flying, psychic dreadnoughts with grappling hooks and the ability to wipe out 30 orks in a single assault phase?

With a teleporting, psychic Storm Raven that sends out bolts of electricity from it's hull, ala Brutal Legend!!


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