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Counts As Word Bearers !


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Hey there folks.

Me and couple of friends are deciding to re-indulge our 40K whims. We've decided to start off slowly and build up armys.

I seem to be leaning toward Chaos, and I've always liked the idea of Word Bearers!


I got thinking that I think the Space Wolf codex could be used as a great book to write up to (sorry Codex: CSM fans ;) )

Just the little things that made me think it could work.

Fenrisian Wolves could do nicely as my summoned daemons / furies.

When I picture Possessed Marines I can't help but think of hulking twisted towers of muscle, sinew, and crazyness, and think the rules for Thunderwolf Cavalry would fit them nicely.


Sure there would be no daemon prince, but Wolf Lord Options, runepriests and Wolf Priests all seem rather enticing and easily used to represent my Apostle etc.


Anyone else think this idea sounds good or is there any major flaws or is it just ok?

Also, anyone else have any ideas on what can represent what if i go ahead with this idea? ;)


Thanks ;)

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Hmm..if you have to use another codex for them Id rather use Black Templars.

Hordes of mad zealots charging at you sounds more like WB to me than SW. However, I didnt understand the motivation behind it anyway it seems.. you want to use SW because TWC make better possessed and FW make better demons???

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Also, why world eaters, surely blood angel dex would be a little more suiting for the madmen? :]


Sagas/blood oaths, antipsyker wargear for non-psykers, Counter-Attack, Thunderwolf/Juggernauts, Fenrisian Wolves/Flesh Hounds, Lone Wolves/Khorne Champions. You could even go so far as to use Logan Grimnar as a counts-as Zhufor, or Ragnar as a more stable (pre-Heresy, maybe?) counts-as Khârn. The only thing you'd really have to avoid doing is buying Njal or any Rune Priests to keep in fluff, the rest of the Codex is rife with things World Eaters. Blood Angels seem to fit the Night Lords better, what with their fast options and anti-Ld trickery IMO.

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Hey there folks.

Me and couple of friends are deciding to re-indulge our 40K whims. We've decided to start off slowly and build up armys.

I seem to be leaning toward Chaos, and I've always liked the idea of Word Bearers!


I got thinking that I think the Space Wolf codex could be used as a great book to write up to (sorry Codex: CSM fans :( )

Just the little things that made me think it could work.

Fenrisian Wolves could do nicely as my summoned daemons / furies.

When I picture Possessed Marines I can't help but think of hulking twisted towers of muscle, sinew, and crazyness, and think the rules for Thunderwolf Cavalry would fit them nicely.


Sure there would be no daemon prince, but Wolf Lord Options, runepriests and Wolf Priests all seem rather enticing and easily used to represent my Apostle etc.


Anyone else think this idea sounds good or is there any major flaws or is it just ok?

Also, anyone else have any ideas on what can represent what if i go ahead with this idea? :)


Thanks :P

Wolf Standards = Icons

Sagas = Prayers of Chaos

Lone Wolves = Dark Priests.

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This is a great idea. I am currently doing the same thing, using the space wolves codex for a count as Word Bearers Anointed army. It works great. Grimmnar for Kol Badar, Bjorn for Warmonger its a great dex to use. Well for my all termi force anyway, should work just as well for a non-termi army. Have fun building it.


For a DP you can just do a Canis wolfborn but you dont get a invunerable save.


As for possessed Blood Claws or Wolf Guard with mark of the wulfen would work.


Lessor demons would be fenrisian wolves


My $.02

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Well you can use Juggernaughts and other Daemonic mounts to count as Thunderwolf Cav, it's an idea I've had kicking around. And in 3.5 Chaos Codex I believe it was your could take Chaos Hounds as upgrades to characters, just daemonic hunting beasts really so you could count those as Fenrisian Wolves.
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Anyone else think this idea sounds good or is there any major flaws or is it just ok?

Well, there are major flaws to the idea, starting with the fact that the Space Wolves lack pre-Heresy weaponry, and the Word Bearers don't use post-Heresy Imperial tech. Regardless, you'd hardly be alone in taking this course to get around the current lackluster Chaos book. Lord knows I've felt the temptation to do something similar, just so I don't feel like I'm playing an army that rides the short bus to school.


At this point, though, I'm beginning to think GW should just stop printing army books that are over three years old - everyone just uses 'counts as' armies to represent the most powerful lists anyway.

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Hey I had a similar idea.



Codex wise Im not really sure about Space wolves. Word Bearers dont strike me as the in you face and tear it off army that is SW.


Id say use either Codex:Space Marines, Blood Angles or BT.


Word Bearers are described as being methodical. Burning entire populations.


So I'd say include Flamers, Character (Chaplins) with power weapons. For Possessed throw in Death Company, honour guard, or Sword Brothern etc.




As for the imperial Post-Heresy army. If you wanted to do a Preheresy style just resrict yourself from using-Plasma, Assaltcannons etc. and your fine.

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Hmmm considering all your opinions =]


Personally I dont really care nor mind about the whole in-depth post heresy / pre heresy weapon use etc, I not fussed on that fluff aspect.


I think if I go ahead with this I probably might just stick to Space Wolves codex.


That lone wolf idea sounds good too :huh:

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