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Honour Guard with Chapter Banner

Brother Nezulius

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Hi guys!



After base coat spraying this model, I never got to actually painting him.

I think he finally had enough of waiting and used a Jedi mind trick on me... I finished it today in one long painting session of 12 hours.


Guess his other Honour Guard friends will get jealous now... damn there goes the neighbourhood... ;)


Anyway, enough talking. Here is the model. Hope you like it!






C&C is always welcome.

Ow and by the way, I know the scroll still needs some text on it. Need to buy a new micro pen for it... ;)




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I was thinking about putting just "Ultramarines" as the scroll text. But then I thought...maybe it would be cool to put something in Latin on it.

Anybody know a cool Latin text I can put on it? Please post it below!



I was thinking about the Latin translation for "The immortal Emperor"", "Holy Terra" or just "Ultramarines". What do you think? :tu:

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I have also been looking into latin inscriptions. There are a bunch of english to latin translators out there.



You have to play around with it a bit. I had a go at "They shall know no fear" and got something that translated as they will not ford a swallow body of water. :)

The problem is that latin has a lot less words than english so you have to approximate.


Et ignoro terror = they know no fear

Sanctus Terra = Holy Terra

Imperator servo = The Emperor Protects


My wife did GCSE latain at school, she can't remember all of it but can at least tell me if my translation is stupid or in the wrong tense.

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