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1500 point renegade loganwing vs tzeentch led chaos marines


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Right, tried out a second game of my new chaos termi wing, using space wolf codex wolfguard, I took along.



rune priest termie

5 termies, assault cannon 2 storm shields 2 powerfist combi melta combi plasma (was combi melta but made a cool combi plasma ;))

3 x 5 termies, cyclone, storm shield 2 combi melta powerfist

lone wolf termie storm shield chainfist

lone wolf termie storm shield thunder hammer


my friend vlad took:


daemon prince mark of tzeentch, warptime bolt

daemon prince mark of tzeentch, warptime breath

8 khorne berzerkers, plasma pistol icon champ powerfist rhino

10 marines icon chaos glory 2 melta champ powerfist rhino

10 lesser daemons

vindicator possession

2 oblits

1 oblit


Wall of text warning


because we were lazy we were playing on a 4x4 table. terrain was a industrial gothic city, few buildings and a bunker dotted around.

We each placed our objectives deep in our deployment corners, he went first and set up aggressivly, with a daemon prince on each side and and the 2 rhinos to the right of the map, vindicator to the top, with his lesser daemons and oblits in reserves.


I set up logan and the rune priest with the assault cannon squad on my top left, my 2 lone wolves up close at the center, and the rest scattered in the left near my objective, to the right and in the center.


With great blessing to chaos i try and steal the initative, and roll a 4, the winds of tzeentch blowing strong.


turn 1

both princes cast warptime, and fly towards my top and right corner of my quarter, his blot prince towards my logan and rune priest squad, then takes a wound off my t hammer lone wolf with a bolt (yes i failed my rune priest roll, and my storm shield), the other to one of my cyclone squads, zerk rhino runs downwards, and pops smoke.

Marine rhino stays near his objective, waiting to pop a squad of daemons out when they come.

vindicator moves forwards, and fires at my logan squad, it scatters catching my rear cyclone squad, i make 2 saves and no deaths.

my turn, i move stuff towards him but forget to pick a skill for logans squad, DOH, rune priest detaches and casts MH on the prince heading to the cyclone squad, and that was it for my shooting apart from shaking the zerk rhino, my shooting sucked.


turn 2

both princes cast warptime again, i failed to stop them :( his lesser daemons and single oblit come on from reserves, lesser daemons camping his objective, his oblit comes right infront of my rune priest, who is alone due to casting mh on the prince while logan failed to damage the bolt prince.

bolt prince heads towards logan and his squad, breath prince heads to flame the cyclone squad, as he succeeds his roll i dispell it, he then remembers about my rune priest and shoots him with a twin linked melta from the oblit, then rolls a 1 to wound, shot from the vindicator scatters on to the rune priest and 2 from logans squad, and fails to wound the priest again, i make my saves too. shoots a twin bolter form a rhino and a plasma pistol from the zerk rhinos fire point and my t hammer lone wolf, he dies :(

With a roar of frustration at only killing 1 model, he charges both his princes at their targets,then i showed him counter attack ;). The cyclone squad, my guys go first due to him being slowed by MH, i take off a few wounds with their I4 attacks, he then kills 3 while i pummel him to death with my powerfist attacks.

Logan gets singled out by the daemon prince, and also totally fluffs his attacks, I foolishly picked fearless instead of prefered enemy (im new to logan...) the prince then procides to hand me 5 wounds, i roll and fail 3, DOH

at least in revenge my assault cannon squad wipe the floor with his prince, both princes down yeah!, but at the loss of logan :(


I move forward, take off the demolisher cannon from the vindicator, destroy the zerk rhino, assault his oblit with my chainfist lone wolf and assault his zerkers with a fresh cyclone squad and the 2 survivers, I kill 4 of his but lose the squad of 2, and the lone wolf misses the oblit, while he misses the lone wolf...


turn 3

he unloads his 10man squad and charges them in to support of the berzerkers, i continue my poor rolling and lose 3 termies, only killing 1 more zerker, his vindicator tank shocks my assault cannon squad and they flee, damn! lone wolf smites the oblit while his other oblits are still stuck in the warp.

my turn, the fleeing squad is still too close to the offending vindicator, and flee some more, i move my last 5 man squad away from my objective to try and protect the assault squad so they can regroup. the lone wolf charges the vindicator and fails to hit it, but blocks the path to the assault squad, my 2 survivng termies fighting the berzerkers and his 10man squad die and dont kill anything, fail


turn 4, his oblits show up and land right next to my fleeing termies, 2 plasma cannons later, the only guy left standing is the assault cannon, ouch.

vindicator tank shocks the lone wolf with a chainfist....bad i dea, vindicator goes boom, bits and pieces bounce off his armour. khorne berzerkers charge my assault cannon, he kills one but the champ survives and takes out yet another squad, git, then consolidates onto my objective. my 5 man squad tries to take out his oblitorators but fails, then charges in and kills 1 and leaves the other on 1 wound, lone wolf runs towards his objective hoping to contest or something.


turn 5, his rhino tank shocks my lone wolf, you think he would have learnt by now, big boom, bits and pieces of the rhino bounce of the lone wolf. his 10man squad charges in to the termies in contact with the oblit, they take out a few and lose a few more.


game goes to turn 7 but i fail to get into range of his lesser daemons, and lose my last termie.


right, so i lose but i killed more then the first time i played this army, while 1 marine still lives we dont suffer defeat right? right?


I know i need to give this army more manuver ability, but I still wanna get used to using a foot sloggin force so I know how to deal with things better ;)


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