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Artscale Chaos Marine. Lots of pics, modeling complete.


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Following the guide on Master of the Forge I am building an artscale chaos marine out of the plethora of spare parts laying around. Sadly, I only have one set of termie legs, so this will be the only one for a bit.


The idea of artscale is to produce a marine that stands head and shoulders above standard size models and has the herioc proportions one sees in 40k artwork. Finding inspiration in a specific painting, then attempting to render it in a real life 3D model. Its slow going since I have to wait 3+ hours between sculpts, but I'm enjoying things so far. This will be a step by step WIP thread.


I'm still at the step of assembling the legs, however since this is where the most greenstuff work is happening its the most important area. Also waiting on a few batches of hard to find bitz off ebay. Since the model will likely be 100% plastic, I am using a slow cure plastic cement instead of pinning.






Hip plates are clipped and trimmed as well as some chaos bits around one leg. Lower leg rear sections modeled to look like power armor. Going to skip GSing the feet since the plastic cement makes a pretty good seal.

Legs are shaping up nicely. Pictured sitting on a standard marine base next to some Khorne zerker legs for size proportions. Buckle was removed, and the thighs were shaped up after GS firmed.






Torso, arms, and a big ass gun. Parts used were a pair of chaos termie arms with weapons and all bitz removed, a hand from Marine Commander sprue trimmed from the arm, 2 shoulder sockets from standard size marines, Heavy Bolter with bitz trimmed from Chaos Marine sprue, auspex from Marine commander sprue, a spike from the Possessed sprue, and a body from the Chaos Marine sprue. I messed up and glued the body, so the cavity for the head has been shaved down to provide more space.



Body is assembled! The cloth bit is from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit, and had to be trimmed down alot. Fit still isn't perfect by any means, but the goal was just to cover the join for the upper and lower torso.






Pretty much stuck until my set of terminator shoulderpads gets here. :/

I completely agree. However as this is my first attempt at conversion work this detailed, I'm OK with having a few rough edges. Working on several arms right now. Decided to mag a few different options just in case I use him in a game. Update pics tomorrow.

Think I might've found a use for some Chaos bits I've got lying around :o. This guys' shaping up nicely. Don't worry working with greenstuff gets easier, although I really would recommend getting a sculpting tool. It's not essential just now though.


I like the way you're going with this marine (consider the tabard idea yoinked, if that's ok) and look forward to seeing your update



Thanks. Hardest part is not going overboard with the weapons. Don't want em to look disproportionally large...so yeah, scalpel has done a number on my fingers tonight. :o


Yah, tabard thing covers up a lot of real estate, most of which is gonna get fuxored during the trimming anyway. Ideally I would have used the hanging chains/skull bit from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit, but I already chopped em all up on other models. Other options are the chestpeice from the Marine Commander sprue, this option also having a nifty raised neckgaurd. There is also the chestpeice with chain trim in Chaos Marines box set. These two choices would probably leave the tabard area a little short though.

Morning update. Added head, backpack, and bitz around the waist (to help cover the join). Most components required at least moderate shaving. Remember to clip the "neck" bulge off the bottom of the head so that you can place it farther back on the torso. Also built a fairly simple melee arm and "pistol".








This is really turning out to be a fun and easy project. First time I've used the GW plastic clips on a project... they are worth their weight in heroin! I'm not die hard about getting the smooth finish on this first guy, so I'm just happy the proportions are working out so far.


Edit: At the moment mulling over whether or not to magnetize different sets of arms. Shouldn't have glues the shoulder joints since the best place to magnetize is the shoulder/torso join. :P

Officially done unti the shoulder pads get here. Ended up not magnetizing because I wanted to be able to use the plasticity of the GS during posing. The arm on the left was created using a trimmed terminator arm, a bit from the Space Marine Commander sprue, and a heavily trimmed blade off the arms of one of the Possessed. Right side arm uses the elbow and arm off a terminator, a heavily trimmed hand from the Posessed, a blade trimmed from the Chaos Termie heavy flamer arm, and a trimmed standard chaos bolter. I was worried that using a full size bolter would be out of proportion, but it ended up turning out OK.


I've been amazed at how easily this thing went together. Keeping a super sharp scalpel and liberal use of GW plastic clips really made things cake. Anyone looking at true scaling or artscaling should do a first run with chaos. Much much more simple than loyalist marines.












And finally, shown pictured next to one of my favorite chaos marines for size comparison. I gotta say, this is a really great way to get rid of bitz you have laying around. Plus its cost effective. The only cost involved with this guy was $10 for a full set of chaos termie shoulders. Most folks could likely build one out of their bins.




Upon consideration of the model, I'm thinking of tearing the regular ass chaos marine backback off and building something more ornate. It just seems a bit too simple for the flavor of the model.




Cloak from the Terminator Lord sprue and the chaos backpack in the picture are both chopped and trimmed for assembly. Will have pics of the new backpack up tomorrow.

I've been amazed at how easily this thing went together. Keeping a super sharp scalpel and liberal use of GW plastic clips really made things cake. Anyone looking at true scaling or artscaling should do a first run with chaos. Much much more simple than loyalist marines.


This is what I'm recommending to people from now on. Another bonus to chaos is that the basic Chaos Space Marine carries 3 weapons (bolter, bp and ccw). This gives a lot more options for either gear stowed on the belt (holsters, etc) and possible variations on poses. Trust me the standard bolter held in both hands pose can be really tough to pull off when scaling up marines.


You've made an excellent start, you deserve to be proud of it.


Whilst building the rest of the squad for my own, I've found it possible to use the terminator chest plate with some success. I'll have an update posted tonight at some point. I'm honestly considering building a proper gaming force of these because they are so much easier to assemble and will mean I can get some games in rather than labour for months and months on my loyalists.


(BTW for some reason I can only see a handful of the images you posted here, not sure why :( )

Thanks alot Lamenter! Coming from someone with a skill level that I admire as much as yours, thats high praise. Pix are fixt. :)


Oh, and now he has a backpack worthy of a true chaos lord.





Whilst building the rest of the squad for my own, I've found it possible to use the terminator chest plate with some success. I'll have an update posted tonight at some point.



Looking forward to seeing that. I tinkered with termie chests a while back but never could get them to look right. Of course I didn't have any plastic clips or needle files at that point..... :)


Oh, and pics of the backpack assembly if anyone wants to see how its done. Could easily be done with nothing but plastic clips and a modeling scalpel. Used the needle files to get a closer fit for the parts clipped off the standard backpack. First time using the tools, and definently made things a bit cleaner. 12 bones well spent.







The way things are shaping up I am concerned about having to shave down the exterior edges of the terminator shoulders. May muck around with regular pads and see if I can get the proportions to look correct, but I'm not holding my breath.

Assembled with uncured GS. GS under the shoulders to give the impression of mass, ditto with the cloak. Also pictured next to Aspiring Champion for size comparison.


Thoughts on how the shoulders look?













Fiddled with my box of shoulders....ended up pulling identical "chosen" pads from the Chaos Marine box set. I've always thought they looked a little large on standard models, but IMO the proportions are perfect for this guy.


Next step will be trimming once its cured for about 8 hours, then priming and naming! This is an outstanding way to test your hand at conversion, and might I add the tutorial that Lamenter provided makes things really really easy. Hell most of my time on this guy was spent quibbling over the small details as opposed to frustration at not being able to achieve the desired results.










Probably going to use the rules for Huron Blackheart. Abbadon would just be a cheeseball choice, and only lacks minor modeling differences....IE another bolter.

le sigh.


Why is it that once you start a project it never seems to be finished. I did a side by side with this guy and a squad of chosen I built a while back....and it made me decide that the arm mounted bolter looked clunky.


To that end.....





I'm really going to hate life if I drop one of these pieces on the carpet.






Edit: back to the drawing board on the arm. :/


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