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Old brother Ulf's runestones, mk2


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I redid the runestones on my counts as Bjorn dreadnought Ulf. I need tips on how to make the runestones look like they are attached to the dreadbody. Chains would look cool, but it would conceal some of the rune writings.




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Maybe some brackets on the corners (use paperclips) or some rivets (use pins?)




With some GreenStuff make "talon-like" hooks that are part of the armor and taper to a point wrapping around the side edge of the Rune Stone to it's front facing side. Triangular in shape basically and bracket like in nature. Perhaps two on either side of each stone and one from the bottom to keep the stone from slipping and falling down.


Would be eas enough to accomplish. Make a thin ribbon of putty then cut small segments out. lace them where you want them to "secure the stones" t the armor. Then with a knife, trim them to shape of your choice and blend as needed where it attaches to the 'chest/torso' armor.



Thanks for the answers/tips.

Rivets sound easy..


Do you mean something like that when you say brackets? Or in the bottom corners instead?

Growler67, im sorry, but i dont really understand how you mean.

Like what you have drawn, but pointed and not squared. Those blocky brackets look too industrial but a sharper angled ones would look more like a talon, something threatening. Think of a large wolf within the torso and it's claws emerging to grip the stones by the tip of its claws. It would also minimize the amount of detail obscured on the stones.

For those who proposed fastening with chains..




Modeling chains would probably make them pretty big, i do have some small linked chains, or whatever they would be called, lying about..

I think what Growler is really talking about is 'Prongs', like the ones that hold a gemstone into a ring.


Thats what I would do.


Or, build up the front torso with green stuff, and have them appear set into the front.


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