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Custom built artscale Chaos Lord and Chosen.


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I recently built an artscale Chaos Marine. The squad pictured will be his personal bodygaurd comprised of Chosen using an assload of plasma weapons.


Group Shot!




Close ups of two plasma guns






Close ups of three plasma pistols w/CCW






Close ups of artscale Chaos Marine (HQ choice)







HQ constructed from Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Space Marine Terminators, Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, Possessed, and Space Marine Commander boxed sets.


Chosen constructed from Space Marine Command Squad, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marine Commander, and Berzerkers of Khorne boxed sets.


Not sure what color to go with for the trim on these guys. Have it narrowed down to bronze or silver. Keep waffling back and forth.


HQ will also be getting a plasma gun instead of the bolter. Didn't think ahead when I was building that arm.




Edit: Decided that the arm with the bolter thing on it was hideous and started over with a new termie arm and a tyranid sprue.......

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The Lord is great in his personnalized Terminator armor.


But your marines don't look chaosy at all. Low on spikes mainly. It's ok with the lack of horns. Maybe I should look closer at my marines, they may be like yours. When I see trims in black, I always think of "I've still to paint that black Gold or Silver". They'd be like Emperor's Children. You did a good job on the purple.


Btw for a conversion, I'm looking for that pair of legs. The plasma marine with a knee on the ground. Where did you get it ?

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The Lord is great in his personnalized Terminator armor.


But your marines don't look chaosy at all. Low on spikes mainly. It's ok with the lack of horns. Maybe I should look closer at my marines, they may be like yours. When I see trims in black, I always think of "I've still to paint that black Gold or Silver". They'd be like Emperor's Children. You did a good job on the purple.


Btw for a conversion, I'm looking for that pair of legs. The plasma marine with a knee on the ground. Where did you get it ?



Horns and spikes do not turn a marine into a chaos marine! SOme of my loyalists have spikes and horns on their armour! (although they stole their armour from chaos :HQ:)... Also do you want to know how many of my Rubrics have horns... none and they also have very few spikes... RAWRRR


rant over :HQ:


On topic now... paint the lord up... I and the dark gods demand this!

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The Lord is great in his personnalized Terminator armor.


But your marines don't look chaosy at all. Low on spikes mainly. It's ok with the lack of horns. Maybe I should look closer at my marines, they may be like yours. When I see trims in black, I always think of "I've still to paint that black Gold or Silver". They'd be like Emperor's Children. You did a good job on the purple.


Btw for a conversion, I'm looking for that pair of legs. The plasma marine with a knee on the ground. Where did you get it ?



Horns and spikes do not turn a marine into a chaos marine! SOme of my loyalists have spikes and horns on their armour! (although they stole their armour from chaos :lol:)... Also do you want to know how many of my Rubrics have horns... none and they also have very few spikes... RAWRRR


rant over :)


On topic now... paint the lord up... I and the dark gods demand this!

You're posting too quickly Helios. I should look closer at my marines -> we are on Chaos Ascendant, my Legion is NL (and unlike some ppl, I never said I'm playing several armies for 5+ years) = My CSM aren't that spicky, in fact some horns were cutted off.

"I don't trust any of you, neither the emperor, neither those gods!" "... neither dices" are saying my NL. Let's tear those horns after some loyalist scums die.



Back on point :

Any one know where those legs are coming from (the left one)?


Btw, consider removing their weapon to paint their chests. You should be able to unglue then without damaging the figs if done right.

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Agroszkiewicz, your lord looks bad@$$. Seriously, loving his bulk and stature. Chosen look good too, but I'm not a fan of pink. But thats just me. :)

Panda_, I think you'll find that the kneeling legs come with the loyalist Devastator box set.

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