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Blood angels army painting blog Sternguard (1/3/2012)


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Genesis 6:4

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.


Hiya Everyone! I am primarily a WHFB player/painter (haven't actually played a game of either in over a year)


So here are my Marines.


The fluff behind them being VERY sparse...so chime in with ideas =)!

Obviously I take the name for the chapter from Genesis 6:4...being that the verse refers to men of renown (legendary heroes?) that were children of Angels. I thought the name lent itself well to a SM chapters name and especially to a successor chapter of a chapter with "angel" in the name.


I have painted and sold several SM armies since early 2000's all of which were named Nephilim...so no comments on how the name is taken by someone else (if it has been) =)


Tactical marines...(have a bunch due to the fact I used the SM codex for a bit....thinking about repainting several to be death company with bolters)


A Tac sergeant




Dreadnoughts....red one was finished but decided to make it into a shooty dread and take its fist and apply it to my WIP DC dread



Some other WIP stuff (Jump pack DC, sanguinary guard, devestators, and sternguard)


Also WIP are 10 more assault marines like this


My termies, as you can see the color scheme is not typical...but hey I like it.




WIP assault Termies (conversions to represent thunder shields and hammers, and the librarian)


Converted this guy before the Sanguinor was "invented" for us, counted him as Champion


Tycho (Gabriel)








Assault Marines w/out jump pack...originally intended as veterans


WIP Rhinos (I HATE painting tanks....but I suppose I better grin an bear it <_<)




So, thanks everyone for making this forum awesome!! I will be posting more images as projects are, purchased, assembled and finished

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Welcome to the Bolter and Chaisnword.

My my, those are some well painted Blood Angels, I see you opted for a more old-fashioned Orange-ish approach to the Sons of Sanguinius. Well done.


well, they are highlighted with fiery orange...but it may also be the fact that I cant take pictures worth a darn. Can never figure out white balance..zoom etc :P

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Do you have any pics of your work that doesnt include dipping or washing?


not sure what you are getting at exactly.

Do you not like washes? (i have never used dip...I have bought some stain to try but never got the courage to use it)


All my faces (and pretty much all detail work..but especially faces) are done by

base coating, washing, then reapplying the original base coat color, wetshading/blending the shadowed areas (all white cloths are done with wet-blending) then finialy highlighting.

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not bad of work... I only suggest you go through and thin your paints out more...wont get that weird chakly/thickness to them.


If you look at your marines they all look as though you just did a base colour and then hit it with a wash or ink and thats it...dont get me wrong they do look good, but I just like to see people do more then that.

Even with your empire it looks like you just you washes/inks for shadowing instead of using techniques like banding and the like...but still looks good.

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hey you posted your pics on the internets expect some one to say something negative and positive about your post(s). Dont get me wrong your figs are good, just seems like you use the same techniques is all I am saying.Maybe it is the camera that made them look a bit dried out.


I dont have as good a quality of camera as you but here is some of my stuff. Banding, is used as well as some wet-blending like you do.






The chaplain is from and dread are from when the black reach came out...the BA ...that are not that well photographed, are more recent. I would like to know what camera you use...I have a coolpix camera...gift...and it doesnt seem to take pics that well even on the close up setting...I am seriously tempted to bust out my 35 from back in the day just so i can get some quality photos.

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heck! you did a fine job with the pics IMHO, the lighting looks good and the zoom is right....I spend an hour trying to get a mini in focus :P


Yeah people can comment/critique the pics for sure...I just found your comments more opinionated than constructive. Granted I take a ton more time and use a lot more "layering" when I am painting for a competition...but in general I paint to complete playable collections.


I like the minis you posted, ...but honestly I still prefer the overall effect of the washes. And I would want to wash the minis you posted to add more depth. ...See what I'm saying? I just think our styles are different. My point being that I don't think I would see your pics on your blog and write...."Hey your colors are flat...throw a wash on those minis!" (which I don't think they really need...but I would do if they were mine) Instead I would say...hey I really like your sergeant and the way you did the glass on the dreadnought and maybe leave it at that unless you specifically asked for input on your painting.


Yep, I really love washes, especially the new ones. I used to just wash with a shade of paint darker than the base color and highlight up after that, but the new gw washes have changed that a bit.

(except on skin, which I still prefer using bestial or scorched brown, or graveyard earth and snakebite leather in the case of scrolls)...but again all the detail is dumbed down due to lack of camera skills. I need to set up a picture table with a tripod and a good light :P


Metal armor is the only think I still use the old Citadel inks for. I always hated how they put a shine on areas that shouldn't be shiny...so thats why I only use them for metals.


Wow, I have a talent for stretching out a conversation...sorry :P Lets end it shall we? Hopefully I haven't scared away all possible future commenters! Whoopsy!

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Ahh... okay the language of the internets strikes again!!


I wasnt trying to be negative about your style at all, just asking if you had X to show as well as Y.


I appreciate the + on the photos, but for some reason I either get too washed out...like the chaplain and dread...and you cant really see the darker colours...or i get like my BA ...the colouring is completely off and you cant see highlights or depth. The worst part is I have a photo-cube and I went to school for film/photo/design and I cant even get a good quality pic of my minis LOLOLOL Granted...I am using a free camera and I dont have a DSLR either LOLOL


One day Ill have a mini to paint for a competition, but right now I am with you, all about finishing my BA army!!!


Agreed on the inks...even after hitting them with a matte varnish they still are mad shiny...I like to make my own, a 1 - 2 -3 mix of paint + thinner + water. Works really really well for me.


EDIT : Agreed we have different styles...I take a big bite out of my love of 2nd edition....and the oh so cheesy ways...I miss the lone Vet SGT with a jump pack and a Vortex grenade...oh how i miss the days...and the combi- weapon that wasnt a one shot.

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sounds like we both have the same camera issues. Actually I have found that I get better shots from my wifes 5meg camera, than I do from her fancy schmancy (at least it was when I bought it for her) 12 meg camera...I just cant find the 5meg one :P


I think Coolminiornot might have a "how to" section on pic taking. Looks like I need to do a bit of digging =)


Hey thanks for being cool with this back and forth talking here =). I appreciate your patience

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I like the robed assault marine a lot. Aslo, good highlighting on the red (looks a lot like mine, so maybe a bit o bias there :lol: ) Keep it up and get those assault marines up, I want to see at least one painted version and I might be jacking that idea :P
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I like the robed assault marine a lot. Aslo, good highlighting on the red (looks a lot like mine, so maybe a bit o bias there :lol: ) Keep it up and get those assault marines up, I want to see at least one painted version and I might be jacking that idea :P




Though I am kinda unsure as to what scheme to choose...gold armor and white robes/ red armor and white robes/ gold armor and red or black robes/ red armor and black robes....


heck if I know....

I wish the marine painter tool had a robed marine on it =)

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a few more poorly taken pics of the first new assault termie conversion.

4 more to go....





you know you are doing something wrong when the sheet of white printer paper the mini is in front of comes out..BLUE! :lol:

oh well...at least the pics show the general idea =)...gotta work on the bases a bit more i spose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

next converted assault termie...the detailing on these guys is taking me forever.....

text is freehand...sorry didnt notice question till now




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