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Night Lords with blood angels codex

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  • 3 weeks later...
This whole thing is stupid. Can we please get this locked, as this will go nowhere, as both sides are simply demonising the other. Lets just leave it as "it can be done for friendly games, just don't expect it for tournaments."



You know... if we are demonizing eachother... in the grand scheme of chaos... isnt that a good thing??


Congrats guys, we're all egotistic, self serving, opinionated, and prideful....


Welcome to the worship of slannesh!


Oh... by the by, we're all demon princes now too... RAWRG!!!




Woah woah woah, wait did I miss something?


I don't see too much of a problem with using 'unfluffy' units from the CSM codex in your Night Lords army just as long as you can kinda fluffinize them a bit to fit in... Lake I am going to take khorne berserkers in my Night Lords force but they're not REALLY khorne berserkers but say a rather brutal squad of Night Lords who like to inflict their terror up close and personal and have had 10,000 years to perfect this, hence the ws5 and the furious charge.


Of course there are some that might not work this way... Nut I don't begrudge someone for using a different codex to symbolise their army (well actually I do secretly, we are chaos and we should all suffer as one till the next one comes out...) ahem as I was saying, we can argue about what's better at portraying who an so on and so forth till the spawn come home but essentially its whatever lets you sleep at night.

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there was a brilliant Night lord "counts as blood angel "army at games day, im all for it . I actuelly asked Matt Ward about this and his opinion was if you find a codex you like use it.
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there was a brilliant Night lord "counts as blood angel "army at games day, im all for it . I actuelly asked Matt Ward about this and his opinion was if you find a codex you like use it.



That right there describes the spirit of this game we all participate in. If you like it use it.

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And for everyone who weighed in on how they would love nothing more than to crucify me for insulting this codex or stealing that codex, or that my beautiful army that I poured my heart and soul into was fine for friendly play, but that I should not expect it to be taken seriously in tournaments, I have the following to say:


I took my army to the Ironman in Vegas, where 39 players I had never met were exposed to my army for the first time and NOT ONE OF THEM had anything bad to say about it. I came within one vote of winning best army. I had TH/SS terminators in my army, a SS librarian, Vindicators and 30 assault marines, I even had a sanguinary priest which was a terminator standard bearer who had a dead space wolf on his banner (because even dead rune priests have mystical powers).


Whomever might be reading this can take the following from it: It's your army; no one can tell you how to run it, or who represents what. As long as you have all of the right parts (meltaguns, fists, etc) and are consistent, no one can gainsay you.

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You rock, MoM. :)


In a strange bit of parallel evolution, Bell of Lost Souls is debating this very topic quite hotly after Goatboy posted a Counts-As Word Bearers list using the SW Codex. I can almost smell the servers burning from the amount of traffic it's getting.

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I have a Night Lords army and use the blood angels codex I feel justied to use most of the units in the codex. I one of my best units is a Land Speeder squad and i feel that I'm justied having them in my amy, background i cme up with is that the assult (rapors) Ambusted them killing the pilot and gunner then control of the craft.
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I'm a BL player since b4 there was a C:CSM 3.0. In 3.5 I used to like to run an all undivided (as in no cult marks or cult troops) BL army,

I could go on for a few pages about how lame this dex is, but it's all been said b4. I've been thinking about using the SW codex for an all undivided BL army since it came out. Tomorrow (Saturday) I play my first game using the SW dex to represent my all undivided BL. My "undivided" chaos lord can have a retinue that is undivided vets or chosen (wolfguard), I can use my converted dread models without them being out of my control 33% of the time, and I can use models that I haven't used in years...juggers (thunderwolf cav), a sorc that is worth taking and wields the kind of psy pwr that a chaos sorc would and grey hunters are pretty much identical to csm's. I'll not take advantage of atsknf, and will have no landspeeders, scouts or anything else that a old legion army would not have. I think the SW dex well represent an all undivided BL or WB's army well. I'll post tomorrow night or Sun and let you guys know how the game went :P

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There's just something about that Space Wolves list that makes you want to use it isn't there? Even if you cut out all the stuff you wouldn't see in a Chaos force you're still left with a core that rocks.


*Runepriests have access to much more interesting abilities than Sorcerors.

*Wolf Lords are much more interesting than Chaos Lords with their Sagas and a few more equipment options.

*Space Wolves have more HQ options lending them a more epic, bad arse feel to them.

*Lone Wolves are one of my favourite units in the game, the 40k equivalent of Dwarf Slayers, a one man army of bad assery that easily lends itself to the elite feel that I have in mind for Chaos.

*Drop pods. Its not that I might necessarily use them, but I like to have the option of one of the more iconic ways for Space Marines of all time to attack.

*Wolf Guard leading other units just feels a bit more like a proper Aspiring Champion.


In essence the Space Wolf Codex has an elite feel to it that is lacking from the Chaos Space Marines one.


It'd suck though to lose out on Daemon Princes, Defilers and Lesser and Greater Daemons and to not actually use the proper Codex. But it could be fun to try out.

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Funny, a thunderwolf lord with a frost blade has one less weapon skill than a daemon prince, a two better invulnerable save, a chance for artificer armor, is faster (on the charge), can take advantage of cover (because for some reason, these apex predators are masters of tactical movement and bounding overwatch), takes up about the same amount of space and can get approximately 230,938,983,759,861,716,537,980,987,897.9^1000000 more attacks through that retarded saga, for 75 points more. I have to go sob now.
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It'd suck though to lose out on Daemon Princes, Defilers and Lesser and Greater Daemons and to not actually use the proper Codex. But it could be fun to try out.


ehhh, I use a chaos lord more then I use a DP anyway, I rarely use defilers b/c the model is so retarded big that they never get a cover save and are never out of LoS, don't use GD's, I do use LD's, you could "counts as" the reg wolves as LD's but their Ld is pretty poor and like I said I'm using thunderwolf cav as jugger riders so I have my daemons in. I've only played a few times in the last year or so b/c I got so bored with this boring dex, so I'm interested to see how I like using the SW dex as a sub.

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I'll post tomorrow night or Sun and let you guys know how the game went :)


I liked using SW dex to represent undivided BL pretty well, it played pretty much the same.

Things I liked better : using my converted dread models without the hardest part of my setup being trying to decide where my dreads could do the least damage to me. Having a choas sorc that wields real psy pwr (with out using (IMO broken) lash). Undivided lord having a undivided retinue that's different then reg csm's.

things I missed : My lord having wings. The shear killing pwr of a squad of brzrkrs. Had to use preds instead of oblits obviously, oblits are more versitile obviously, but I don't see it being a game changer.


Will definately play around with the SW dex more.

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Having a choas sorc that wields real psy pwr (with out using (IMO broken) lash).


TBH SW arn't really the ones who can condemn other Psychic Powers as being OP.


OT: I use BA as my NL, I even gone far another to include a detailed explanation for each unit and how they fit in (i've even changed all the names of special rules and wargear to fit the NL theme) and a friend of mine is helping to even create small artworks to cover the original pics in the BA bestiary.

So yeah, you could conplain but I've put alot of effort into this army. So what can you do ;)

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