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Dealing with eldar

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Hi fellow fallen brothers I have never faced the eldar and don't know how to approach crushing this weak and twisted race. I have a 5000 pt black legion army with all the options!


The battle will be a 1500 pt battle with no special charaters. Also don't know if it will be outright war or objective but I do know this I need to punish these week fools so gents I ask for some dark wisdom


do I field a shooty, assault, heavy weapons or a mix of all


Any reply will be gratfully recieved


Oh and I don't know what type of army I will be fielding against

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The trick with Eldar Xenos is to remember just a few things...


1) They can out-psych us by miles, and Farseers will REALLY shut down your Psychic Powers, so don't bother taking them. Except for Warptime, but then just keep away from any Farseers as best as possible. Throw the Farseer some Berzerkers, see how he likes that (A clue, He won't).


2) Whilst Eldar are fast and fancy, they are flimsy. Massed firepower is your friend, especially when it comes to taking out infantry and transports.


3) Eldar units do things really well, but they only do ONE THING. "What's that you say? Your Fire Dragons can't hurt my tanks when they are locked in close combat? Your Harlequins/Banshees can't tear up my Marines in Close Combat because they are lying in a pile off the table because they were gunned down within seconds of their transport being destroyed? Oh what a shame :ph34r: "


4) Starcannons are NOT your friend.


5) Eldar fear Slaanesh, for good reason. Noise Marines rock those Star-Elves back into the Webway, and Warptime MoS Princes will really rip up anything less than an Avatar.


6) Avatars ignore Melta. Ok, it seems dumb to say it, but when you think "Haha! I'll run these Melta CSM's up behind him in their Rhino and... Oh Wait ;) " , you'll be annoyed...

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Eldar are very fast. Their vehicles zip around the table like there's no tomorrow, and that combined with a whole squad of meltagun totting Fire Dragons means your Land Raider may go up in smoke in turn two (heck, even turn one if conditions are good for the sneaky eldar).


Their vehicles are also hard to bring down with meltaguns. Their transports are immune to melta from the front and side, and their Falcons can have an upgrade that makes you roll two dice and pick the lowest for vehicle damage. This is why Havocs with autocannons are the best way to take down eldar mechanized units.


Other than Avatar, Banshees and Harlequins, pretty much every unit they have can be taken down in assault by regular Chaos marines. I had Khorrnate marines take down even striking scorpions. Their Toughness of 3 and high point costs makes them real squishy.

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Eldar are very fast. Their vehicles zip around the table like there's no tomorrow, and that combined with a whole squad of meltagun totting Fire Dragons means your Land Raider may go up in smoke in turn two (heck, even turn one if conditions are good for the sneaky eldar).


Their vehicles are also hard to bring down with meltaguns. Their transports are immune to melta from the front and side, and their Falcons can have an upgrade that makes you roll two dice and pick the lowest for vehicle damage. This is why Havocs with autocannons are the best way to take down eldar mechanized units.


Other than Avatar, Banshees and Harlequins, pretty much every unit they have can be taken down in assault by regular Chaos marines. I had Khorrnate marines take down even striking scorpions. Their Toughness of 3 and high point costs makes them real squishy.


Harelquins really are not that hot... a pimped out 10 man squad with the charge will kill something like 8 marines... but for the cost of that squad you can get 16... who will kill a few back... and if you get a chance to shoot them first they won't be 10 man strong... although thanks to the shadowseer you never know if you will get a chance...


On the basis of Mechdar you want auto-cannons to take down the skimmers... expect a couple of fire prism... will help rip open heavy tanks of vape infantry... maybe a flacon or 2 with 5 man fire dragons inside... wave serpents with dire avengers with blade storm (maybe a farseer with them)... maybe a wave serpent with some banshees inside...


Basically this eldar army wants to eat small bits of your force at a time using fire power and speed to pick you off... to counter this you try and keep your forces together and take down his vehicles... shoot the CC units and assault the shooty units...


He may well not run this kind of list but you should work out what does what where... also Wraithlords of T8... S4 cannot hurt them... they are MCs and not vehicles.

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