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1250 Fists vs. Blood Angels


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Had a friendly game at a FLGS that i had never been by before last night and just thought i'd throw the batrep up here. They are in the middle of an escalation league and i thought i could give one of the players some practice before his match later that night.


Imperial Fists: (his)

HQ - Libby, Deep strike & Flamer Powers



Assault Terms 5x TH/SS

Ironclad in Droppod /w Melta and Hammer



Tact x10 Flamer, Fist, ML, Rhino

Tact x10 Flamer, Fist, ML, Rhino



Land speeder, HF, MM

Land speeder, HF, MM



Pred, AC, HB

Pred, AC, HB



Blood Angels (mine)


Libby, JP, Shield/Unleashed Rage



Sang Priest, JP, PW

Furioso, Talons, EA, DP



RAS x10, PF, x2 Melta

RAS x10, PF, x2 Melta




Baal, FSC



Dreadnought x2 AC






I won first turn and its table quarters.


Turn 1:BA

Scout move my Baal 18" to the top of the table so that i can start pinging armour right away.

One of my assault squads gets red thirst, i place my dread in front of his rightmost pred, it scatters 11" to the very edge of the board, just managing to stay on. Furioso Meltaguns his pred, blows it up. My Rifledread shoots his rhino near the blown up pred, pens and explodes, failing to kill any marines. The baal moves 6 inches, shooting his other Rhino, immobilizing it and destroying the storm bolter on it.


Turn 1:IF

The ironforge dread lands right below my assault squads, just in line of sight of the rear armor of the dread. He moves one of his landspeeders towards my baal and another towards my furioso, his termies with Libby move up into the building. Shooting sees his Landspeeder shake my furioso, miss my baal, shake my Rifledread and ping missiles off armor from his tacticals.


Turn 2:BA

I move my Assault squads into charge and melta range of his ironclad, my rifledread moves up to gain better LOS, my flamestorm baal moves up and pops smoke. Shooting sees shots from my Dakka Baal shake his remaining pred, and 3 melta shots out of 4 miss, the remaining shot just shakes it, guess i gotta tango with the dread in CC. My Furioso assaults the landspeeder, managing to hit it once, Pens and explodes it. Combat with my Squads and dread sees 2 of my beloved red boyos getting squashed and a fist saying hello and wrecking the dread.


Turn 2:IF

He moves his termies towards my Furioso, still out of charge range, he then makes a brave decision, sending his shaken pred a full 12" to ram my dakka baal thats held down that flank. Ending result unfortunately hurts him, blowing up his pred and shaking mine. One of his missiles shakes my Furioso


Turn 3: BA

This is the turn where it seems my momentum really slowed down, i move my furioso to assault his termies, my flamestorm moves up again, my dakka baal moves down to my assault squads to start pinging the termies, my assault squads move to hold down objectives 1 and 3. Shooting sees me killing one of his tacts from the exploded rhino with the rifledread and another 3 from my FSC baal. Moving into assault my furioso hits 4 times, wounds 4 times.... and he makes 4 3+ invul saves, it seems even av13 gets wrecked by thunderhammers, seeing my furioso turning into a smoking wreck of legs and broken dreams.


Turn 3: IF

His assault termies and remains of the tact squad move up to assault the flamestorm baal, his other tact squad from the immobilized rhino disembarks instead of shooting an ML and starts moving towards objective 3. Assaults see my flamestorm exploding, but failing to cause any wounds (his save dice were 'frigin hot)


Turn 4: BA

My assault squads move behind the remaining baal and dread, shooting sees his termies pass every save but one (9 armour and 1 invul) other then that its hunker down and wait.


Turn 4: IF

End of the game starts to get a little boring, his full strength tact squad runs towards objective #2, his termies move up, and his 1/2 strength tac squad pings a missile off my dread.


Turn 5: BA

Now, being new to 5th edition i've only been playing for a few weeks (took a 2 year hiatus) so unbeknowest to be this was actually the last turn >.> i got my squads ready to assault the termies and half strength squad while pinging more shots off the termies.


Turn 5:IF

Turn 5 sees some incredible dice rolling, Using the deep strike power he aims at objective 3 with his termy squad, matching my 6 for psychic hood and not even scattering, contesting the objective that i had, he then moves and runs 6 inches, just making it into the 3 inch capture range of Objective 2.


Well then, i lost the game, however my opponent did admit that if we went to a 6th turn he would have been in some big trouble, Was a great game to introduce myself to this hobby shop and i look forward to playing in an upcoming tournament here.


On a side note, i officially hate 5th edition... :devil: Random Game turns + Wound allocation seems to make me thing GW was sniffing glue when they wrote these new rules

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